Prachi Kothari Profile picture
I try to be funny. A lot of Medicine and personal thoughts written here in bits✨
Dec 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Dear MBBS juniors,

All these notes and videos for MBBS are excellent for the short run.

But, I remember a lot of concepts from my UG days because of the textbooks I took my sweet time to read.

My peers who relied on notes have long back forgotten what they had read. If we are the future of tomorrow, strive to be doctors hungry for knowledge not marks.

Attend your clinics, learn the basics no matter how evidence based the future is. You should be able to take a detailed history and basic clinical exam to understand what’s wrong or right.
Oct 4, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
Been trying to figure out how to continue professional development and tried a few things over the past couple of months.

Here’s a detailed breakdown to improvising skills and CV.

🔴CV building activities, A thread~🧵 (1/n) #MedTwitter #MedX First of all, if you’re a PLAB aspirant and have decided upon your specialty, check out your training job requirements. Be focused, helps loads.

If you’re someone not on the UK pathway but still looking for simple ways to build your CV, most of these will help you anyway. (2/n)
Mar 18, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
Let’s talk a little bit about #PLAB2~

My take on the exam day itself,what I think they expect of us and scripts!
A thread 🧵 ~ 1. Exam day will have you standing in a corridor with 18 rooms, two of which will be rest stations. Eat the cookies, relax your mind! Of the other 16, you get 1.5 mins to read, 8 mins to cover the station, rotate through the circuit and fair well in 10/16 to pass the exam.