Jon Sherman Profile picture
Author of The Four Foundations of Golf ➜ I New Book available now ➜ I Co-Host of The Sweet Spot πŸŽ™οΈI Golfer ⛳️
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Jun 18 β€’ 25 tweets β€’ 6 min read
I used to be a very unhappy golfer. Stuck in a pattern of feeling like I couldn't reach my potential.

Over the last 10 years, I've figured a few things out. I've reached a plus handicap, won club championships, and a USGA medal.

Here's what I've learned πŸ‘‡ Image I say this to anyone who wants to shoot their lowest scores.

Build your game around GIR. Work backward from there.

That means being a skilled iron player, keeping tee shots in play & smart strategy.

Do that & you’ve got a lot of scoring solved. Easier said than done!
Jun 10 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Golfers tend to introduce more shot types in a quest to get better.

I am obsessed with removing them and making the game as simple as possible.

I believe it’s one of the keys to lower scores.

Here is *exactly* what I mean and why it’s going to make you a better player πŸ‘‡ The beauty and curse of golf are options.

You can take any situation on the course and choose between a wide selection of shot types.

Draw/Fade/High/Low/Flop/Bump & Run/Punch/Etc
May 28 β€’ 24 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Golfers are making the game harder for themselves by playing the wrong clubs.

I've learned a ton about clubfitting and club design over the last 7+ years.

Here is a mega-thread that will make you a smarter consumer and avoid the marketing fluff πŸ‘‡ The biggest myth is that clubfitting is only for better golfers.

If anything, higher handicaps stand *more* to gain from playing the right clubs.

Skilled players can get away with suboptimal equipment more.

Don’t make golf harder for yourself!
May 13 β€’ 21 tweets β€’ 5 min read
When people ask me what it took to become a scratch golfer, my answer is usually the same.

"I learned to control the clubface."

Let me explain why face control is THE skill all golfers need to lower their scores πŸ‘‡ Here's what you'll learn by reading this:

1. What is face angle
2. How it affects scoring
3. Why it's the "glue" of the swing
4. A solution to the big problem
May 6 β€’ 23 tweets β€’ 4 min read
I've been playing golf for 25+ years.

I have made every mistake in the book.

I've also figured out how to play at a level that puts me in the top 0.5%

Here is what I have learned: I say this to anyone who wants to shoot their lowest scores

Build your game around hitting more GIR. Work backward from there.

That means:

β€’ Skilled iron player
β€’ Keeping tee shots in play
β€’ Efficient strategy

Do that, and you’ve got a lot of scoring solved.
Feb 26 β€’ 21 tweets β€’ 8 min read
Want to know the secret to golf?

I'll teach you in less than 5 minutes with a series of graphics πŸ‘‡ Birdies aren't the path to lower scores.

Less double bogeys are. Image
Feb 1 β€’ 26 tweets β€’ 5 min read
This took me 25+ years in golf to learn; I’ll teach it to you in 5 minutes: You will never reach your highest level without embracing your driver and irons.

It's just not possible.

Your wedges and putter are there to enhance your scoring.

Your driver and irons define them.
Jan 22 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 4 min read
9 brutal truths about golf you need to hear: 1. The harder you squeeze, the harder golf pushes back.

This game attracts Type A control freaks

But you need to learn to give up control of:

β€’ Scores
β€’ Shot outcomes
β€’ Your swing

The more you let go of, the stronger your game will be πŸ’ͺ
Jan 17 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 2 min read
4 PGA Tour stats that will change your perspective on golf πŸ‘‡ 1) A typical PGA Tour player lands the ball 20 feet from the pin from 100-125 yards in the fairway.

This has implications for golfers of all levels and what defines a "good shot."

No matter how good you get at this game, you can never expect to land it close to the pin.
Sep 18, 2023 β€’ 21 tweets β€’ 6 min read
Give me a few minutes of your time, and I'll give you years of golf wisdom.

Here is some of my best advice: A lot of golfers have strategy backward:

β€’ Too conservative off the tee
β€’ Too aggressive on approach shots
Aug 31, 2023 β€’ 18 tweets β€’ 5 min read
What is a good wedge shot?

Most golfers have no idea!

Allow me to save you some strokes and increase your enjoyment level πŸ˜ƒ

Let's explore πŸ‘‡ If I asked most golfers what a good wedge shot is from any distance, they would come up with an arbitrary number.

"5 feet"

That sounds good, right?

Well, let's take a look...
Aug 28, 2023 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 4 min read
9 brutal truths about golf you need to hear: 1) The harder you squeeze, the harder golf pushes back.

This game attracts Type A control freaks (hello πŸ‘‹)

But you need to learn to give up control of:

β€’ Scores
β€’ Shot outcomes
β€’ Your swing

The more you let go of, the stronger your game will be πŸ’ͺ
Aug 22, 2023 β€’ 14 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Most golfers default to blocked (repetitive) practice at the range.

But they do it all wrong and eventually complain that their range game never shows up on the course.

Here is how to practice properly and avoid what I call "Zombie Range Sessions" πŸ‘‡ Engagement and intent are the two most important factors in building skills while practicing.

When you mindlessly hit your 7-iron 30 times "over there," you have very little chance of improving.

Also, you develop false confidence that leads to more disappointment on the course.
Aug 18, 2023 β€’ 22 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Yesterday I shot -4 and earned medalist honors at my local U.S. Mid Am qualifier πŸ†

A dream come true!

It was the hardest mental battle I've ever had.

Here is what was going through my head all day, and hopefully, you can learn something for your own game: I have come close to making the U.S. Mid-Am three times before.

But before I tee it up, I am always reasonable with my expectations.

In the past, it would take a truly remarkable round to make it.

But I've gotten better, so now I know it won't take a perfect round.
Aug 14, 2023 β€’ 12 tweets β€’ 3 min read
There are roughly 65 million golfers in the world.

Less than 1% of them are scratch or better.

People assume they must have magical powers on the golf course.

But here are some stats that should blow your mind and, more importantly, give you perspective: Putting make rate % inside of 10 feet:

5 Feet = 66%
8 Feet = 41%
10 Feet = 33%

That's a lot of missed putts.
Aug 2, 2023 β€’ 14 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Let me introduce you to a powerful concept called the 2/3 rule.

It will change your outlook on golf and free you up while you play πŸ‘‡ Golfers are way too hard on themselves.

Often, they have no idea what it takes to play their best.

And because of that, they are in the wrong frame of mind before every shot.

Here is where the 2/3 rule can help...
Jul 26, 2023 β€’ 23 tweets β€’ 4 min read
I've been playing golf for 25+ years.

I have made every mistake in the book.

I've also learned how to play at a level that puts me in the top 0.5%

Here is what I have learned: I say this to anyone who wants to shoot their lowest scores

Build your game around hitting more GIR. Work backward from there.

That means:

β€’ Skilled iron player
β€’ Keeping tee shots in play
β€’ Efficient strategy

Do that, and you’ve got a lot of scoring solved.
Jul 18, 2023 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 3 min read
4 PGA Tour stats that will change your perspective on golf πŸ‘‡ 1) A typical PGA Tour player lands the ball 20 feet from the pin from 100-125 yards in the fairway.

This has implications for golfers of all levels and what defines a "good shot."

No matter how good you get at this game, you can never expect to land it close to the pin.
Jul 14, 2023 β€’ 17 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Many perceive golf as an elitist game, which is a shame.

Golf has taught me so much about life.

I've learned countless lessons that have helped me personally and professionally.

Here are 10 lessons I think we all can learn from this special game πŸ‘‡ 1) A Long Term View:

Every golfer knows how quickly your triumphs can turn into defeats

The rollercoaster can be humbling.

To succeed, you must resist knee-jerk reactions and keep a long-term view of your goals.

@JamesClear refers to this as The Valley of Disappointment Image
Jul 10, 2023 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Golfers have match play strategy backward

I always get asked, β€œwhat should I change?”

This is not the way to think about it!

Here is the mindset that helped me win a club championship πŸ‘‡ When golfers think they need to change something, or do something special, they are already putting themselves in a difficult position.

Golf rewards consistency:

β€’ Routines
β€’ Thought process before shots
β€’ How you select targets

Don’t go into matches thinking it’s different
Jul 7, 2023 β€’ 20 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Do you want to hit your driver straighter and farther?

Of course, you do!

Then you need to understand gear effect.

If you've never heard of this, it's going to 🀯

πŸ‘‡ Here's what you'll learn by reading this:

1. What is gear effect
2. Why your drives aren't accurate
3. The *big* distance killer
4. How to hit high, nasty bombs
5. Get access to all my driver secrets πŸ˜‰