Precious Liberty Profile picture
Consciousness is more fundamental than space, time and matter. Love is everything. We are one family on #Gaia. #VEGAN. #EmerySmith
ACAB - Mee Myselfani 🇵🇸 free Palestine! Profile picture Harmaly's Profile picture 2 subscribed
May 6 26 tweets 11 min read
Hey #Massod .. let’s go down this #rabbithole, specifically #Massod’s Greatest #FalseFlag Hits, you know, get Congress to destroy your #Arab enemies #proxy style.👇

In 2001 why would #Israeli ‘art students’ be storing boxes and boxes of #explosives fuse holders (part number BB18) in their rented out 91st floor #TwinTower apartment space? These fuse holders can be used for #remotecontrol #demolition btw.

Their art project was called ‘The B Thing’, and the art group they belonged to was called ‘The Gelatin Group’. Side note: #gelignite, blasting gelatin, blasting jelly are all references to explosives. (Talk about a dumb criminal.)

Companies connections: Littel Fuse - Tracor - Westmark System - Vitro Corp (used to be Kellex, owned by MW Kellog, where Kellox was involved in the Manhattan Project and enriched uranium facility design .. Kellex is now called Halliburton, #DickCheney’s old company.)


🇵🇸 ❤️🖤🤍💚🙏🏻✨
#ColumbiaUniversity #StudentProtests #FreePalestine #PalestineGenocide #PalestineRefugees #Palestine


More on the Israeli ‘art students’:… Proof #Zionists did 9/11🇮🇱🔥👇
May 4 45 tweets 23 min read
Let’s give a face to the ‘God of #Israel’. #Hebrew scholars clearly show in ‘scripture’ that ‘The Lord’ is sadly a #genocidal child murderer .. and isn’t hiding it. #Judaism and especially #Zionism is rooted in #Luciferian practices, which contributed to secular ‘#satanism’. 🔥👇

Biblical and #Greek Ambivalence Towards Child Sacrifice
Dr. Rabbi Samuel Z. Glaser

Giving Your Firstborn Son to God
Dr. Eve Levavi Feinstein


1 ) Leviticus 27: 28-29

“But any cherem that a person declares cherem to Yhwh from his property, whether of humans or a beast or of his ancestral field, it shall be neither sold nor redeemed; all #cherem is holy of holies unto Yhwh. Every human cherem that is declared cherem shall not be redeemed; he shall be put to death.”

Here we see explicitly that once a person is dedicated to #God, the person must be killed. The verse explicitly rejects redemption as an option. On the most straightforward reading, it would seem that the author of Exodus 22:28 held a similar view with regard to firstborn sons.


2 ) Ezekiel 20:25-26

I also gave them bad laws,
Laws that were not good
and rules by which they could not live.
When they set aside the first issue of every womb
I defiled them by their very gifts—
that I might render them desolate,
that they might know that I am #Yhwh.

The phrase “the first issue of every womb” here recalls the law of the firstborn in its various iterations, while the term “set aside” (העביר) recalls the prohibitions of burning children as sacrifices to the god #Molech in #Leviticus 18:21 and #Deuteronomy 18:10. The most straightforward understanding of this passage is that, in Ezekiel’s view, God commanded the Israelites to sacrifice every firstborn child as a punishment for not keeping his “good laws.”


3 ) Exodus 12:29

“At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in #Egypt, from the #firstborn of #Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well.”

I’m sorry all you religious folks out there, but ‘The Lord’ is a genocidal child killer 🇵🇸 .. this is not my ‘opinion’ but an OBSERVATION .. plain as day. We can full stop here if you wish .. but just imagine what ‘inspiration’ a sick, twisted, mentally unstable and occult practicing #rabbi OR NATIONAL LEADER might do with this ‘act of god’ #scriptural reference.

These practices emanated from (in biblical terms) ‘Lucifer’ masquerading as #Creator and the #Israelites were lured into it by ignorance and fear. We see this a LOT in the #Bible. HOWEVER, CREATOR DOES NOT MURDER CHILDREN (NOR ANIMALS). Later versions of ‘The Lord’ strictly forbade #childsacrifice, but animal sacrifice was always present in #OldTestament practice as instructed by ‘The Lord’. To a #vegan however this is equally detestable. Any being that requires #bloodsacrifice you can be 100% sure it is feeding off the energy of the victim and it’s 100% dark #occult. This energy harvest is referred to as ‘#loosh’. Even in ancient #Vedic India this was practiced, but when #Buddha walked #India he taught this was wrong .. a divine intervention to correct a hellish…………Image What’s up with #Zionism and #McDonalds!? You don’t want to see this.🔥👇
Jan 6 5 tweets 11 min read

Apparently #Jewish rabbis butcher 100,000-300,000 ‘#missingchildren’ each year in synagogue basements where the drained blood of these ‘missing children’ is used in passover bread. (NOTES BELOW BEGINNING AT ‘ABSTRACT’ and replies)👇

2006 interview with Rabbi #AbrahamFinkelstein by Pastor James Wickstrom:

“We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our #passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the #sausage and the #hamburger, #McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us #Jews we gotta do what we do.”

🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 #genocide #freepalestine

“We been doin’ this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam’s time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the #whiterace, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the #synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It’s very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the #kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the Passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we’re not #cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some #shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that’s why we made those the most popular thing’s, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the #goyim (non-Jew, human cattle) out here are really eating their children! And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don’t believe it … So that’s, that’s YOUR problem.”

Backup of short video (6 min):

Backup of full video (55 min):

#pedo #pedophilia #childsacrifice #palestine #gaza #genocidebyisrael #genocideingaza #genocide_of_palestinians #prayforpalestine #missingchildren #lucifer #luciferworship #childtrafficking #childprotectiveservices #pedowood #pizzagate #satanism #forcedcannibalism


This video (whether parody or genuine, it does not matter) quite accurately exposes a thousands year old SECRET JEWISH OCCULT TRADITION OF CHILD SACRIFICE. There are TWO methods for acquiring historical accounts of this ..1) CULTURAL history found both within Hebrew scripture and OUTSIDE of Hebrew scripture. 2) SCRIPTURAL history. I’ve noticed people losing their minds using the logic that if child sacrifice is not mentioned in the Bible therefore the Jews never practiced it. This is not only failed logic but it’s far far from the truth. Not only is ‘Jewish ritual murder’ documented in cultural history but it’s referenced abundantly in scripture. Study the materials below and you will know the truth.

ALSO …. modern data > thanks to the #Epstein document dumps, previous #pizzagate revelations and Wilileaks #Podesta email document dumps, the revelations of Issac Kappy and childhood Hollywood actor whistleblowers, the world has been shocked into awareness of this dark dark #rabbithole of pedophilia and child sacrifice both by a tiny Jewish minority plus a plethora of other communities (Hollywood, Washington DC, the Catholic Church, the CIA, Child Protective Services, the ‘elite’ and only God knows who else.)…… 2/5


CHILD SACRIFICE BY JEWS SPECIFICALLY FOR PASSOVER IS LITERALLY DOCUMENTED THROUGHOUT HISTORY. The references below are only meant to get you started. It’s just the tip of the iceberg.

1 ) Passovers of Blood: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders (orig. lang. Pasque di sangue. Ebrei d'Europa e omicidi rituali) is a 2007 book by Israeli historian Ariel Toaff


Ariel Toaff bio:

bio backup:

2 ) Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited, The Hidden Cult (abundant references to biblical figures performing child sacrifice plus an extensive medieval history as well)


3 ) Muslim preacher telling the truth



It has be understood that NOT ALL Jewish religious practices are inclusively laid out nor found in the Bible but sometimes emerge and are integrated into practice via CULTURE or cultural absorption, WITH NO SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES AT ALL (hidden in other words). This is the case with Jewish based child sacrifice practices, thanks to their ancient neighbors the Canaanites, whose child sacrifice practices they adopted. And although there are indeed scriptural references to child sacrifice (referenced below), the EXTENT to which some Jews practiced child sacrifice have no extensive reference in Hebrew scripture (we know they were punished for it via scriptural references). That is, they were BOTH influenced by surrounding ancient Canaanite practices AND their priests and scripture. Later in history a small minority of Jews ran with it and performed their own versions of child sacrifice which unfortunately HAS BEEN PASSED ON to this very day. Although many other circles besides a tiny minority of Jews practice this, this document is focusing only on Biblical roots of this problem.

This of course is not referring to the entire Jewish race and their rabbis, only to a tiny minority of truly evil people (who malevolently refer to non-Jews as ‘goyim’ or cattle). They are overly zealous practitioners who take the Hebrew bible literally and practice (with misguided, albeit evil zeal) exactly what their ancient neighbors practiced or what their god literally taught (by the ‘imposter god’ discussed below, Lucifer).. but their own twisted version. The CULTURAL practice of child sacrifice among ancient Israelis (versus written references in the Bible, which both promotes and forbids child sacrifice) is well documented by scholars .. so let’s start…………………