Amy Eileen Hamm Profile picture
columnist @nationalpost @NewWestTimes @Quillette @ReduxxMag etc . co-founder @cawsbar . free speech is good . jokes too . views mine
2 subscribers
Jun 7, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I am being stalked, harassed, and mass reported to my employer by an organized group of activists, who are all in healthcare, including colleagues. They have also launched a public campaign to pressure my union to drop me.

I’m tired of it.

Women’s rights are not transphobic. If I name the group, then I will probably be framed as the aggressor. And they’ve also repeatedly and publicly posted my exact work location. Which I do not want shared any further.
Dec 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
There are now so many US malpractice lawsuits against paediatric “gender-affirming” providers that many doctors are refusing to do it.

This in addition to numerous countries that have banned the treatment of minors after investigation & review of evidence. Image…
Sep 1, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
I won't be around a whole lot for the next several weeks as I prepare for my disciplinary hearing with @BCnursemidwife. But I want to do a recap thread for anyone who doesn't know the latest. My amazing lawyers are @LDBildy and Karen Bastow, and my legal fees are generously covered by @JCCFCanada. I would not be standing strong, nearly two years later, without them.
May 3, 2020 13 tweets 5 min read
Come along with me on this thread about SOGI123, the sexual orientation and gender identity education given to public school children in my province. I am going to focus on what is taught to children from kindergarten through grade two. I'm doing this because a BC teacher was just suspended for 15 days for distributing a pamphlet to "stop SOGI 123". Now, to be clear, I take issue with the "GI" i.e. gender identity portion of the education, as well as anything that is weirdly sexualized for 5-7 year old children.
Mar 14, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
This is the statement my lawyer sent to police. Hoping this ordeal ends soon. It’s taking a toll on me.
Feb 20, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Thread with the finest selection of moronic reasons given to sign the petition to shut down the March 21 @GIDYVR event. (Tickets available now BTW! Eventbrite!) Bless Michelle, who thinks Meegan Moophy (that’s what they call Meghan Murphy in their petition) is the inventor of hatred & is going to share it with the world next month.
Dec 31, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
2019 is almost gone. We (me & husband) didn't get some of our usual holiday/NYE invites this year -- first time in over a decade. I know it's because of me. Because this is the year I became publicly & unapologetically gender critical. I'm the one who gets dragged to parties, so I can't say I'm distraught having fewer parties to avoid. Can't say the same for my husband, who is a social butterfly. Struck by how insane and polarized our culture is. And how many people I once respected are so mindless.
Sep 18, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
Thread: I was at Indigo Kids today, browsing the "Baby's First Library" section. I found this book: An ABC of Equality. Sounds cute, eh?