blushing kacchan brainrot 🧡 Profile picture
20↑ • dkbk writer • pfp: @katsuuzu
Mira 🔞 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 9, 2023 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
dkbk where they have a kid and izuku quickly realized it's not what he signed up for

he loves his little sunshine as much as he loves kacchan (sometimes even more) but the thing is, their toddler is *jealous*

mostly he's jealous of izuku whenever he has kacchan's attention so if they're all sitting together on the couch and izuku puts his arm around kacchan, the baby will start crying and climbing over izuku into kacchan's lap, demanding his attention

and of course kacchan will always give it
Feb 4, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
cw murder (but like casual)

dkbk where katsuki is a vampire and izuku is his human boyfriend and just an absolute simp for him

They’ve known each other since they were kids and izuku’s always known he loved kacchan, so he knew he would do anything for him, anything that kaccahn needed or asked of him

And when kacchan got turned into a vampire (izuku still wasn’t sure how exactly that happened) of course he stayed by his side without hesitation

The first time kacchan came home with blood staining his mouth and announced he accidentally killed someone,
Feb 3, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read

dkbk where when katsuki gets pregnant, everyone is shocked by the news

Partly because nobody expected katsuki would ever even want kids and at first they all think it was an accident, but they’re even more surprised when they learn it was planned The most surprising thing about it all though, is how deku starts to act

From the moment katsuki’s scent starts changing and they find out they’re having a baby, he becomes extremely protective of his mate — to the point it causes trouble
Jan 30, 2023 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
dkbk where izuku is the son of Mars and katsuki is the son of Athena, and they *despise* each other

Or mostly it’s katsuki who despises izuku, because every time their two camps get together for the annual games, that dumb nerd always taunts him and steals the spotlight It always ends up being a competition between the two of them, because deku thinks he’s so great just because he’s the son of some stupid god of war, as if that’s a big deal

But katsuki has all the brains *and* power he needs to win
Jan 29, 2023 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
dkbk where izuku is quirkless but atill managed to secure his dream job – as pro hero dynamight’s personal assistant

Maybe to most people having to deal with the hero’s explosive personality and aggressive attitude wouldn’t exactly be a dream come true, but izuku is the first To admit he’s completely smitten with the hero

So even if dynamight yells sometimes or loses his temper, izuku takes it all in stride

After all the job comes with a lot of perks too — like getting to attend all the special events, hero galas and hero con as an assistant
Jan 28, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
dkbk where katsuki is a quirkless you//tuber and he’s very private about his personal life

As his channel grew people became more and more interested in his private life but he always avoided answering any personal questions Until he reached a subscriber milestone and promised to do a q&a on his channel — and of course most of the questions were things he wanted to avoid answering at all costs

“You guys suck.” He said on the stream where he was answering the questions
Jan 22, 2023 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
dkbk where izuku gets injured during a rescue mission and completely forgets who katsuki is

"It's just temporary amnesia." The doctors assure him. "He'll remember everything eventually." Katsuki isn't sure how much he believes that but he decides not to dwell on it. Izuku needed him now, whether he remembered that or not

So when izuku woke up in his hospital bed katsuki was right there beside him

"Where am I?" Izuku asked, obviously confused
Jan 20, 2023 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
dkbk where izuku had to go oversees for a secret mission and couldn't see or talk to katsuki while he was there

They both knew things like this were expected in their line of work, but knowing that as heroes they'd sometimes have to put their job above their relationship didn't Make it any easier when they actually had to do that

The mission came at the worst time too – they only just started officially dating a few weeks before, after silently pining for each other for years
Jan 19, 2023 • 22 tweets • 4 min read
a/b/o, age gap

dkbk where U.A. student omega katsuki wants to court pro hero, alpha Deku

he's been crushing on deku since he first saw him in the sports festival back when deku was still at U.A. and he knew from that moment he would never settle for anyone else as his mate so from the moment he was able to get close to deku, he did.

first he won the sport's festival in his first year and landed an internship with deku -- even if it wasn't common for heroes who worked alone to take on interns, deku was just as intrigued with katsuki as the omega
Dec 7, 2022 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
dkbk where izuku gets drunk at an after party of a hero event and starts clinging to katsuki like a koala

Which is kind of ridiculous, because he's more than a head taller and way too broad for it, but he manages to squeeze himself onto Katsuki's lap like an overgrown puppy And then he starts going off about the most ridiculous things -- like proclaiming his love for katsuki in front of everyone

"I'm so blessed to be dating kacchan." Izuku grinned dreamily while everyone around him stared with their jaws on the floor

Including katsuki
Nov 16, 2022 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
cw death talk, demon stuff

dkbk where katsuki accidentally summons a demon and ends up having to babysit the thing

Okay, maybe "accidentally" is a bit of a stretch. It was more of an "everyone said it couldn't be done so I'm gonna prove those extras wrong" situation. Whatever. But when he decided to do the ritual he fully expected to be faced with some double horned monster who'd threaten to eat his soul -- and despite knowing how stupid that was, he was prepared for that

What he was definitely *not* prepared for was to find himself staring
Nov 12, 2022 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
dkbk where katsuki has an embarrassing secret he doesn't want izuku to know about

They've been living together since they graduated and katsuki has been having to hide his little hobby ever since. It wasn't only embarrassing for him but it would be mortifying if izuku found out The thing was, katsuki was obsessed with reading fanfiction

Mostly liked to ready the mushy stuff about izuku's journey to becoming a hero and about their friendship. But sometimes he indulged and read one of those sappy romantic ones about him and izuku getting together
Oct 31, 2022 • 21 tweets • 4 min read

dkbk where omega katsuki likes to steal izuku's clothes before his heats. It's not like there's anything special about the nerd, he just happens to smell really nice and katsuki feels calmer having his clothes around for comfort

So whenever he goes into preheat, he sneaks Into izuku's dorm room and rummages through his closet in his quest to find the perfect stuff for his nest. He of course does this when izuku isn't around – there's no reason for the nerd to know that katsuki takes his shit
Oct 24, 2022 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
dkbk where it's a known fact that katsuki is an asshole to most people

what's not as widely known, is that he doesn't actually mean to be like that. it's just that whenever someone is nice to him his defenses go up and he starts overanalyzing what their motives are and if they're really just making fun of him, so he retaliates with insults before he can think better of it

the only person who seems immune to his dumb attitude and doesn't take him seriously is deku. katsuki has long since realized deku wasn't actually being a jerk and looking
Oct 17, 2022 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
dkbk where once they start dating, izuku gets into the habit of sneaking into katsuki's room at night, after curfew

But because he can't risk being spotted in the hall, he always climbs up to Katsuki's window from the outside. The first time he did it, katsuki almost murdered Him, yelling at him that he was an idiot and that he could have fallen and broke his neck. But then he'd let him into his room and kissed him and izuku figured – it was okay

Since then, katsuki left the door to his balcony open every night but locked his bedroom door
Oct 7, 2022 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
dkbk where katsuki often has stress induced nightmares and he doesn't know how to deal with them

he's not sure why his body can't handle the stress — he's tried everything he could think of to combat it; meditation, white noise in the background when he sleeps he even tried to keep a fucking sleep journal! but nothing he ever did helped and still, whenever he was under a lot of stress, the bad dreams would return

they left him with a knot in his stomach and a heavy feeling sitting on his chest after he woke up. it sucked.
Sep 28, 2022 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
dkbk where katsuki is touch starved but he doesn't know it

So he doesn't understand why his skin prickles every time izuku touches his shoulder. He doesn't understand why his breath catches in his throat when izuku ruffles his hair as he praises his new move He definitely doesn't understand why when izuku puts an arm around his shoulder, he wishes he wouldn't let go, that he would pull him into a full hug and *hold him*

They were never touchy-feely people, either of them, but recently izuku has started getting into katsuki's
Sep 26, 2022 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
dkbk where katsuki is a pro hero with a bad reputation made worse by his nasty mouth

Even though his fans are just as crazy as he is and seem to eat up his rude and harsh behavior, most people don't appreciate a pro hero telling them off after he saves them His attitude has lost him countless PR reps and has kept him from rising in the hero ranks to his full potential. So in an effort to improve his public image *and* his rankings, his fresh PR team comes up with the brilliant idea of sticking him in a charity photo shoot
Sep 19, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read

dkbk where katsuki is only ever submissive and affectionate when he's alone with izuku. And whenever izuku talks about it, nobody believes him because they just can't imagine katsuki being like that with anyone

It's true that for an omega, katsuki has a very harsh And loud personality. He never takes anyone's crap and izuku was pretty sure he could beat any alpha in their class in a fight if he wanted to. He was pretty sure they all knew it too

Those qualities were what made izuku fall in love with him after all,
Sep 16, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read

dkbk where alpha izuku is completely and utterly smitten with his boyfriend

"Most people find me intimidating, you know." Kacchan said as he was laying on top of izuku's chest, staring down at him with a small pout. Izuku wanted to pinch his cheeks "i can see that." He said indulgently and smiled at his boyfriend. "But i find you adorable."

This made kacchan frown and he reached out and twisted izuku's nipple hard in retaliation. You'd expect izuku to be bothered by that kind of stuff, but he just laughed
Sep 14, 2022 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
dkbk where izuku stayed quirkless and never got to realize his dream of being a hero, but he still wanted to help people and be involved with heroes so he decided to become a physical therapist for injured pro heroes He's a very popular therapist among the heroes and everyone loves him for his kind and positive approach, though he's never condescending in the recovery process

Partly, they also love him because he's a not-so-closeted fanboy and he can't help but gush over his patients