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Nov 3, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
So many white people think that having an accurate understanding of America’s racist history is about making them, personally, feel guilty lol. Such wild entitlement. This shit is not about your feelings. Literally don’t give two shits about your personal discomfort. It’s not the point. Hell, unfortunately it’s your feelings always being centered that are the problem. You can’t process and intellectualize reality because your feelings are the clog. Get over yourself.
Nov 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Him handling this pasta like that is so chaotic bruh And right next to head of the father of the next VP. Amazing.
Nov 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I’ve had this convo a couple of times recently with clients who are first time homeowners. It’s not a dollar for dollar equivalency, but sometimes renters don’t perceive themselves as paying for things like maintenance and repairs because it’s already rolled into the rent price. There’s a principle called mental accounting in behavioral finance, referring to how we code/categorize to economic outcomes and assign value. If you take a portion of your income and assign it to a home maintenance/repair account, you build the reserve for potential expenses
Nov 9, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
I want less of that and more of people acknowledging that Black people are navigating a hostile and resistant political system that just officially recognized our voice one generation ago. While also recognizing that we can’t afford to be fully divested, because clearly (see last 4 years) our white counterparts are willing to casually sign away all measure of political and civil protection that previous generation fought and died for.
Nov 8, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I don’t have the slightest of patience for coddling people about their allegiance and support of that dickhead. Out the gate he was very obvious about who and what he is and sane people were expected to tiptoe & empathize and try to understand their viewpoint. Fuck them and yall He tapped Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Jeff Sessions out the gate and folks tone policed the reaction to it. All three blatant and unabashed white supremacist given instant access and power to fuck over millions of people and we were supposed to NOT call you shitty people?
Nov 7, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
He’s not wrong about those jobs. There’s been a skills gap in the economy for a long time and large swathes of communities have spent decades pining for jobs and industry the natural progression capitalism have made obsolete. The workforce needs modern skills, and/or cash $ Im not sure how people think things work. But the same way coal left and isn’t coming back, there are more industries that will experience the same. The economic system as a whole will have to evolve, or people’s skills will have to in order to be an active participant in it.
Jun 6, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
It’s weird to characterize police brutality as “white on black” crime. It isn’t measured as crime and included in this stats, and you’ve mentally associated “police” and “white” to be synonymous. Every effort to deflect and diminish involves a degree of laziness and dishonesty. Murder is bad, obviously. It’s bad when anyone is killed. The agreement is that when you kill someone, you suffer the appropriate punishment for doing so. That’s the issue.
May 30, 2020 21 tweets 4 min read
I’ve had a few friends and acquaintances reach out to me and ask “how can I help?”, and that question is loaded and the list is long. One at the top of the list is that, with sincere conviction, beginning to hold yourself and your white family/friends accountable And this sounds like a small thing, but it’s honestly the big thing. Being moderate, neutral and apathetic on race issues is cancerous and destructive. There is a social cost that comes with pushing back on the casual, subtle racist comments and beliefs your family/friends parrot
Feb 13, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
I don’t think I ever told the story (on here) about how Mike Martin Sr settled a dispute involving my dad and some kids in the early 70’s Don’t let me forget this. Im gonna get the details from Pops again and share (don’t wanna misrepresent by trying to recall off hand). Ok I finally remembered to ask my pops about this. His first day of Middle School (Cobb Middle School) was the first day he and a lot of the other kids had ever been in an integrated school or classroom. Sort of a big deal for the mid-60’s, as you can imagine.
Feb 6, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
So, on this blackface stuff...maybe one of these politicians and their teams will be candid about the fact that they were raised and socialized during times and places where racism was normal and the impact of that is still pervasive in our lives to this day. Maybe. /probably not.