Renal bx from a woman in her late 50s, with a renal mass and metastasis. This biopsy is from the kidney. This was a highly infiltrative, high grade tumor with a desmoplastic background. Continued 👇 #GUpath
The referring institute reported + PAX8, CK7, - GATA3, CK20, TTF1. O/S diagnosis was collecting duct carcinoma.
Upon review by us, we realized that the pt was AA and ordered an INI-1 which was negative.
Diagnosis: Renal medullary carcinoma (confirmed by Hb electophoresis) 👇
May 14, 2020 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Continuing yesterdays theme. Renal bx from a mass in a 55 yo. This one showed more stroma and the nuclei lining the cysts were less "ugly". Continued 👇#GUpath
Mass was resected and was <4 cm and well circumscribed. 👇
May 12, 2020 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Incidental renal mass. Stains and diagnosis 👇#GUpath
PAX8 (highlighting epithelium) and HMB45 (stains stromal component).
May 3, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Renal tumor in a 19 year old. Stains and diagnosis 👇 #GUpath
CD117 and Synaptophysin (pictures) +. PAX8 -
Apr 30, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
I had a colleague from private practice ask me if I ever make a diagnosis of RCC with leiomyomatous stroma (RCCLMS). I thought this would be a good time to share an example. Continued 👇
An excellent summary of the molecular findings was published this mth in AJSP by @rajalbshah & @Kiril_T_Can suggests that these are unique tumors that harbor mutations in the TSC, MTOR and ELOC (TCEB) genes and are distinct CCRCC. Diffuse expression of CK7 is key.