Silenced, but still fighting. Anon, 'cos I need to eat. For most children, gender affirmative care is gender conversion therapy. Argue with evidence, please.
7 subscribers
Sep 8, 2024 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
A question transactivism cannot answer.
Where were all the 'transchildren' from 1920-2000 when Piaget, Kohlberg, Bandura, Vygotsky, Erikson, Bowlby, Steiner etc along with their students (and their vociferous critics) were spending tens of thousands of hours doing empirical research on children?
Research that involved studying children at home, in nursery and at school. Studies that involved writing down every action, statement, or question that the child asked. And then analysing these recordings for patterns and insights.
Not one of them observed a 'transchild' in all this time.
So where were all the 'transchildren'?
The logical answer is, of course, nowhere, as they were not yet required. They were not invented as a typology until the 2000s when the trans movement needed children to validate the sexual fetishes of autogynephiles and make transgenderism palatable for the public.
The other answer is a conspiracy theory. That research showing transchildren existed was suppressed; rather like alien conspiracy theorists talk about Area 51 in Nevada USA.
If we ignore the conspiracy theory, we are left with the answer that no child was trans until the 'transchild' was needed, in the 2000s, to demonstrate the universality of 'gender identity'.
Children, sadly, were the logical choice due to their undeveloped brains/thinking and their vulnerability. It is not hard to persuade children that Santa exists or even that sexual abuse is a normal part of family life. 'Gender identity' can easily be packaged to appeal to the magical thinking of children.
'Transchildren' have thus become the main focus of transgenderism. For the activists know that without the winsome, photogenic 'transchild', groomed to repeat adult phrases about 'gender identity' the movement consists in the main of adult males with a fetish for dressing up as women.
Transgender ideology needs 'transchildren' to survive. It needs them to harm themselves and kill themselves to demonstrate that the ideology is real.
We need to protect our children. And we can start by debunking the idea and existence of the 'transchild'.
And yes transsexualism and transvestitism did exist through history. What is extraordinary is how these historic identities have been erased by the modern blokes who wear dresses and call themselves transwomen.
Where are the transvestites and transsexuals now?
Jun 5, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
🧵When you see how trans/gender identity ideology has reshaped the political discourse, medicine, civic structures, the education/ safeguarding of children, & removed rights from women....
It is hard to sustain the argument that the trans community is uniquely oppressed. /1
Rather, this is the most entitled, pampered social "justice" movement that has ever existed.
Hardly surprising, perhaps, as the chief beneficiaries of this movement are already entitled bourgeois middle age men.
They know how to navigate institutional power structures. /2
Apr 21, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Hypothesis 🧵
The level of acceptance of gender ideology in an 'average' person's beliefs is determined by their: 1. ignorance (or denial) of the subject 2. lack of understanding and experience of how the process of grooming operates and of being a victim of coercive control. 1/
In other words, men and women who lead comfortable well regulated lives, will fail to grasp the enormity of the threat this ideology poses to women and children. They have nothing to compare it to in their current or previous existence. 3/
Dec 29, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
🧵It is a matter of decades of empirical evidence that children do NOT have an inherent, immutable "gender identity." (Erikson in particular studied identity change in children/adults)
It is thus a matter of faith that children do have a fixed, inherent "gender identity" /1
And because it is a matter of belief/faith, this faith then has to be nurtured/affirmed by adults. Hence gender AFFIRMATIVE "care". (GAC)
This is no more a medical treatment based on evidence, than the affirmation of any other faith/belief.
The aim is not to heal the child./2
Oct 14, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Piaget, Bandura, Vygotsky, Erikson, etc, with their long term empirical research are right about how children develop through childhood & into adults.
Money & his speculative theory about "gender identity" being immutable is right.
There is no middle ground.
The immutable "gender identity" cannot exist alongside existing scientific research into childhood. Research which demonstrates how children constantly develop and change. Nothing is immutable. All aspects of the child are in a state of fluidity and development. /2
Sep 6, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
🧵Logical fallacies at the heart of transgenderism.
1. For a "transchild" to exist, as a precondition, and necessity, that child must have an immutable "gender identity" that came to reside in that "wrong body." /1
Yep that pesky immortal and immutable "gender identity" somehow must gain access to the wrong body.
(How is this possible? Who misdirects the gendered soul to the wrong body, and when? And yes, children are sterilised because of this wacko belief!) /2
Aug 29, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
🧵A child is no more born with an imaginary friend than they are with a "gender identity."
For most children, the imaginary friend is a transient phase. One, they will leave behind as they mature. The advice for parents is to treat it as such & not to fixate on its existence. /1
The behaviour/beliefs of children are often weird by the standards of adults. But weirdness is part of development. Adults fixating on one particular aspect of developmental weirdness is unhelpful and can become abusive.
Which brings us to the "gender identity" construct. /2
Jul 26, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
For most children, most of the time gender confusion/dysphoria is a temporary developmental phase.
This "identity crisis"(Erikson) is caused by pressure from social media, peers,significant adults whilst the child naturally is extremely vulnerable to such influences. /1
As hormones kick in, school groups are changed etc most children will leave this phase of sex and gender role confusion behind. Their brains/cognitive processe mature out of such childish/magical thinking. They develop more mature schema. (Piaget) /2
Jun 27, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
🧵So why is the transgender medical industry so transfixed by intervening early and hard with pre-pubescent children who are gender confused?
This practice called gender affirmative care has no robust evidence to back its approach.
It means that 10-12 yr old children are given puberty blocking drugs to literally stop their puberty in its tracks. This, let's remember, is an experimental medical pathway for dealing with gender confusion. No robust medical evidence supports this extreme intervention. /2
Jun 20, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Compared to most other childhood illnesses/conditions such as anorexia, for the overwhelming proportion of children, gender confusion is easily resolvable.
You support the child through the process of maturation as they grow out of this childhood phase.
Of course, there are some children who will require additional therapeutic support due to adverse childhood experiences that have got enmeshed in gender confusion. And for a very few, this condition will persist into adulthood.
Jun 18, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
A thread looking at the process of "viral cloaking" and using it as a simple analogy to describe how gender identity ideology has achieved so much success in such a short period of time. Also examining why, without LGB, the T is doomed. /1
What is viral cloaking?
This process describes how an invasive virus hides itself from the bodies' immune system so it is not immediately destroyed. It is then able to replicate/thrive while the bodies immune system ignores it.
Attached is a description of HIV cloaking. /2
May 20, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
If you use the term "transchild," you have become part of the process required to normalise that abusive construct.
This is not a neutral descriptive term. It is a term designed to drive forward an ideological agenda around adult trans rights. /1
This construct creates a "special" category of child, one exempt from usual childhood protections and safeguarding.
It creates a category of child who can be experimented on with drugs/surgery without consent being given. No child can consent to their own sterilisation. /2
May 19, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
🧵The idea of a child with an innate, fixed "gender identity" is perhaps the most laughable fiction that has emerged from the trans activist lobby.
It is certainly the most damaging, as it provides the basis for gender affirmative "care" for children.
It is also codswallop.
First, it presupposes that a child has such a thing as an *innate* "gender identity."
The evidence for such a construct is laughably thin compared to the overwhelming evidence that gender identity is an external construct imposed on children. /2
May 15, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
🧵Gender identity ideology has NO place on the school curriculum unless it is part of teaching about how cults operate.
This ideology is harmful to ALL children as it undermines/"queers" the child's understanding of their own developmental processes.
It undermines the child's attempts to develop schemata around their own sex and gender roles in society.
Through this understanding, a child later has a firm basis to challenge gender constructs. They learn that these are external impositions that can be challenged. /2
Apr 28, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
🧵Sometimes the magnitude of the scandal about gender affirmative care just knocks me off my feet.
This is a "medical" pathway that has been designed NOT to heal, but to affirm a belief/faith. A belief that a child is born with an immutable "gender identity".
The first stage - social transition - is like any other faith/belief system. All religions/churches/cults do this.
Lure you in with warm promises, about how to fix worldly problems. It develops a sense of belonging and inclusion with a special language and rituals to use./2
Mar 20, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
🧵If you want to understand why there will be a large wave of detransitioners in the next few years, there is no better/more practical theory to explain this phenomenon than that of "Identity foreclosure", a theory proposed by James Marcia. /1…
So what is identity foreclosure?
This occurs when, for whatever reasons, the opportunities that (pre) adolescents have to explore different identities are unnaturally prevented from occurring./2
Mar 19, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
🧵This article represents Turban's gold standard evidence for giving puberty blockers to children.
The studies are so small & outcomes statistically insignificant as to be risible. And when you consider that the most successful outcomes include therapy 🤡…
If you want to read a thorough take down of this study, read this thread by @LeorSapir.
It is quite extraordinary that so much damage is being done to so many children and adolescents based on such fragile/unreliable scientific evidence. /2…
Feb 2, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Transactivism in less than 5 words.
Bourgeois white male posturing.
Where phallusy meets fallacy
Jan 31, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
When I read the twitter feeds of (mainly) young women who have detranstioned I always feel humbled.
Their insight, their strength, the suffering endured in their young lives. The abuse endured as children, the grooming process that promised everything & delivered more trauma.
And when I compare their testimony to those adults who advocate that more children should be harmed by "gender affirmative care".
And when I reread child development texts to find fresh insights and evidence...
I know my heart and brain are in lockstep on this issue.
Oct 10, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
So why is queer theory a threat to all children?
A short 🧵 about the importance of boundaries in childhood.
To thrive, children need consistent and fair boundaries around them and their behaviour. All "good enough" parents/teachers etc know and practice boundary setting. /1
Queer theory directly attacks these boundaries and seeks to "queer" them. To make them more diffuse and less clear.
This is a clear threat to the process of using boundaries to gently guide children into growing into rounded adults as they internalise the eternal rules. /2
Oct 9, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Queer safeguarding. The feelings of the adult are centred over the safety of the child
Queer feminism. The feelings of males are privileged over the rights of women.
Queer child development. Childhood does not exist. Children can be treated as mini adults eg bodily autonomy.
Queer theory. Pretence by powerful individuals that they are deconstructing power relations. But using this cover to build new power hierarchies.
Queer social work. Elevating the needs of the social worker above those of the service user.