How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App US Debt/GDP vs France Debt/GDP vs CDS Emotional events, like the GFC, represent opportunity in HINDSIGHT. If you define events by their ex-post success, they always appear “smart.” In the heat of the moment, the “smart” move may not be the “after the fact” smart move The Fed data is misleading when aggregated. Several will proclaim, "it's real estate" or "of course, stock markets are higher." But neither is really the driver here. Remember in the bottom 50% of households by WEALTH, home ownership is low and few own stocks. and many professors are overtly hostile. My daughter has had to drop classes with professors that require 100% attendance with no excuses accepted despite the obvious impossibility of being in two locations at once. I can’t speak for Joey, but I can certainly note that we are actually saying the same thing. First, inflation is “complicated” — despite what you’ve read, MEASURED inflation is nowhere and never a strictly ANYTHING phenomenon In point #3, he asserts that active managers are responsible for the relative share gain of the mega cap leaders and that passive would keep them “the same.” A common misunderstanding. Passive funds buy in proportion to market cap, BUT liquidity does not scale with market cap Assuming the historical cycles hold, sometime between now and 2030 there will be an epic buying opportunity in commodities. But before we get there, it’s likely to look something like this. The TSA daily passenger data has matched 2019 levels and are up roughly 12% from 2022 levels. This is clearly a sign of economic strength, no? Well... it's complicated