(EN) Profile picture | 🇨🇳️🇰🇵️🇻🇳️🇨🇺️🇱🇦️ Free collaborative proletarian encyclopedia for Marxist-Leninist education. Contribute now comrades! Shared account
Jan 13, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
Eddie Liger from Midwestern Marx doesn't like what our page on him says and he made no less than 3 tweets about it.

He seemed to like us when he was talking to our patsoc ex-admin though.

We'll make our response in a thread 🧵as we don't pay for Twitter. Please excuse us. He seems anxious for a response too as he tagged us no less than three times. But Twitter drama is boring. If you have a problem with what we say, there's plenty of ways to contact us. Blasting it out to your followers is only farming reactions. It's boring.
Sep 30, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Today, ProleWiki turns 3 years old! 🎉🥳

Has it been this long already? We almost can't believe it. We've grown so much in 2023, and continue to grow every day!

THANK YOU to all our readers and our editors, here's to communism and 300 more years!

Why you should join us ⬇️ Here are some facts: the graph below shows how steadily our readership is increasing day by day. This is only the difference from one year ago! Today, if you write something on ProleWiki, you can get it seen by THOUSANDS of people. Graph showing daily visits to ProleWiki over time. A second line has been calculated, showing how daily visits have been increasing since a year ago on October 2022.
Aug 4, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
With student loan payments restarting in September, we thought we'd take some time to explain the absolute inanity of this system. A short thread 🧵

Before we begin remember: payments start again on October 1st. Interest starts accruing September 1st though. Joe Biden laughing with his smug face Student debt is a US-specific system that most other countries do not have. Its purpose? Gatekeep higher education to a chosen few who can afford it.
Jul 26, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
Today, we remember the Movimiento 26 de julio, the precursor to the Cuban revolution.

On this day in 1953, Fidel and his brother Raúl attacked the Moncada Barracks with a group of 120, intending to seize weapons to start the revolution. This is the story of that attack 🧵 Image At 6 am on that day, under the Batista dictatorship, a group of 120 rebels led by the Castros made their way to the barracks -- the second largest in the country, housing 400 soldiers at the time -- in a 16-vehicle convoy filled with weapons.
Jul 5, 2023 29 tweets 9 min read
It has been a week now since France went up in flames after police shot and killed 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk.

A thread 🧵 on how the riots started, government (and parties) response, and where they are going now. On June 27, Nahel was flagged down by national police for a traffic stop. Two videos of the encounter and murder exist, but we'll just show this still.

Why national police cares to do traffic stops and why they need a loaded weapon to do that job is apparently not questioned.
Jul 3, 2023 37 tweets 11 min read
This is the MEGATHREAD 🧵 of our responses to the most inane and funniest criticism we've seen about us. Open it, you won't regret it. Features 18 different people in a whopping 35 tweets! Edit of DJ Khaled's album cover "Suffering from success". Instead, it says ProleWiki suffering from success in comic sans font. DJ Khaled's face has been replaced by the ProleWiki logo. The Parental Advisory explicit content sticker has been edited to say "Parental advisory: communist content". SDL seemed to be the only one in his thread who had issues finding out which was ProleWiki and which was Conservapedia. And this sex pest is considered to have good political takes?

We got in the wrong line of work. Screenshot of sex pest socdoneleft comparing ProleWiki to Conservapedia.
Jun 25, 2023 29 tweets 6 min read
On this day 73 years ago, the invasion of Korea began when State Dept. aide John Foster Dulles gave orders to Rhee Syngman (dictator of "South Korea") to breach the 38th parallel and advance into the People's Republic.

A thread 🧵on brainwashing. The history of the word brainwashing begins before it was ever uttered. The United States invaded Korea in 1950 and sent its GIs in a war that, these GIs quickly realised, they had actually no reason to fight.

If you want history on the war in the DPRK:
Jun 17, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
NATO socialists don't understand what our problem with the word "authoritarianism" is.

We would be glad to help them. A thread 🧵on authority.

One thing non-Marxist "socialists" have trouble with, in our experience, is figuring out nuance and what their words actually say. As individualists, they think their words only speak about themselves, and so they should be allowed to say anything they want: it only hurts them.
Jun 12, 2023 46 tweets 12 min read
We thought the "Uyghur genocide" allegations had died down, but apparently they're making a comeback. Okay then, let's get into it.

A thread 🧵 on regime change, terrorism, and manufacturing consent. And China's model of a response to it all 🇨🇳 Group of people at the Urum... First, as always, you need some historical context. Xinjiang, called the Western Regions in Ancient times, were in close contact with the central regions of China since the pre-Qin period (2100-221 BC).
Jun 8, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
"In the West, I get memed on so much I have lost all my credibility."

A thread 🧵 on Yeonmi Park, the famous-turned-infamous North Korean "defector"

A story of lies, greed and crime. Tweet by Paradox Interactiv... Yeonmi Park first became famous in 2014, with a harrowing tale of daring escapes and hardships endured to flee the authoritarian dictatorship of North Korea in her quest for freedom.

The kicker? Most of her story was completely debunked. By other defectors. Portait of Yeonmi Park talk...
Jun 7, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
Every year for 34 years now, liberals remind us of the Tiananmen square "massacre": a massacre that wasn't. Indeed, no deaths took place in the square itself. A thread 🧵 on the context, factions, and CIA involvement (it wouldn't be a thread without them) Image Protests began in Tian'anmen Square on April 15, 1989 after the death of General Secretary Hu Yaobang. The motives of this first wave of protestors was discontentment towards the Reform and Opening Up policy of Deng Xiaoping.…
Jun 6, 2023 32 tweets 8 min read
As a follow-up to our thread on the Otto Warmbier story, we want to explain the context around Korean-US relations, which likely shaped his trial and conviction: a thread 🧵 about post-colonial feudalism in the 21st century.

First, a primer on the separation of Korea. For all of history, Korea was one. Japan, who occupied and later annexed Korea in 1910, was beaten back from the peninsula by the Red Army in August 1945. It's important to understand that to this day, Koreans form one nation.
Jun 4, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Liberals want to revive the Otto Warmbier story. Let's revive it, then. The DPRK is blameless in this story. The US gov? Not so much. A short thread 🧵 Image Warmbier was part of a tour group that visited the DPRK in 2015. Shortly before his departure from the country, he was held from leaving by security officials. A trial opened soon after.