Physiotherapist, Yoga Therapist, clinician, educator, author, pioneer of PhysioYoga. Integrating science, compassion, yoga in healthcare. I🧡dancing
Apr 7, 2022 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
"the factors that initiate pain are typically different from the factors that maintain it. And the factors that maintain it are separate from the consequences of living with pain"
wide ranging convo w .@CorKinetic 1/
appreciate the view of not pathologizing central sensitization - rather, a form of enhanced/hyper learning for survival - the body adapted exquisitely well; a normal response that hasn't returned to baseline. 2/
Sep 3, 2021 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Many clinicians & researchers are working hard to integrate science & yoga to enhance & complement contemporary healthcare
We aren’t offering alternative medical approaches
This isn’t pseudoscience
Researchers are dedicated to continually improve quality of yoga research
A good place to start to review some of the current literature:
Handbook of Research on Evidence-Based Perspectives on the Psychophysiology of Yoga and Its Applications
People with pelvic pain can benefit from whole-person centered, compassionate pain care that includes supported self-care practices
Integrating yoga into pelvic pain care can offer a practical, accessible, evidence-informed, compassionate, whole-person centered approach
I'm teaching another live online course on this topic
Sept 20 & 27