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Contributing Editor, @prospect_uk. Stints: @jrf_uk; @resfoundation; @guardian; @theIFS. BROKE out now:
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Nov 2, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read

What would REAL levelling up look like?

I tried to find out with the help of 3 Sheffield entrepreneurs… 2.

Few pundits in the southern shires, where productivity can compare to Canada or Sweden, realise that much of the north is now poorer than parts of the old iron curtain

eg Sheffield 12% lower GDP per head than Czech republic; rest of South Yorkshire nearly 28% lower
May 12, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read

Brexit: the reckoning

17 months into Britain’s brave new trading world, the hard facts are arriving

I've trawled through the data & studies: here’s what I found in a 5-minute read… 2.

The immediate explosion threatened by G Osborne in 2016 never arrived

The currency adjusted & the BoE minted money to stop political crisis translating to economic crunch

So no Brexit bang. But whimpers of frustration become audible as soon as Bo Jo’s final deal kicked in
May 10, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read

Fresh from crunching all the numbers for the BBC @StephenDFisher explains what they mean

And it’s good news for Labour — in ways the media have missed… 2.

Lab’s English gains look modest, but only as the baseline was spring 2018, when politics was still in the shadow of T May’s crash & burn election the previous June

Labour sunk a long way after that — and now it’s recovered

But even more important is WHERE it’s recovered
Jan 14, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read

It's one of those moments in politics where it helps to consult the rules

If you do, it seems obvious that the PM is in greater and more imminent peril than most of the coverage suggests 2.

In a very British fashion, the crucial rules here are, as the @instituteforgov states in this authoritative note "not published in the public domain"…
Jan 13, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read

How Bo Jo's blundering government is making the poor poorer — by accident!… 2.

As @PJTheEconomist and @TheIFS stress, inflation is heading for 6% (& nearer 7% for poor who spend more on fuel) but benefits will only rise by 3%

In pandemic conditions we need to fix this!

It's not malice but neglect of uprating rules few worried abt when inflation low
Oct 29, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read

Carlota Perez & the economics of hope

I’ve hosted six Econ Nobels in @prospect_uk: I’ve been awed, but never cheered

With Bo Jo thriving on optimism, I wanted to redress that in my last issue

So I turned to an irrepressible 82-year old Venezuelan… @prospect_uk 2/

The pillars of the old economics—laissez-faire, “fiscal discipline,” firm separation of Treasuries & central banks—wobbled in crash & crumbled with Covid

Bizarrely (as @davies_will has argued…) the Brit who most ardently claims to get this is Bo Jo
May 18, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read

Almost unnoticed, the government is still set on REVERSE electoral reform… 2.

The plan is to ditch the so-called "supplementary vote" and go BACK to first-past-the-post for a whole lot of elections

This affects the London mayor, all the new city-region mayors and elected police commissioners: that is it affects all of England
May 3, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read

Will Thursday’s local elections tell us where national politics is going?

Three charts tell all… 2.

As a crystal ball they’ve been hopelessly cracked last 3 times

- Miliband’s lead swung into reverse

- May’s crumbled to dust

- Johnson’s arrived from nowhere
Apr 1, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
How racist is Britain?

Three charts reveal a lot… Hard facts on the race gap on:
- school exclusion
- unemployment
- stop & search

Whether or not you like the word “institutional” some sure look systematic
Mar 30, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read

The vaccine is saving humanity

But does that make Big Pharma our saviours?

Be very careful about that, argues @stephenburanyi, a reporter who knows the industry inside out… 2/

None of the first few approved vaccines emerged from Big Pharma’s vaunted in-house programmes

Pfizer partnered with the small German firm BioNTech, AstraZeneca took on Oxford’s near-complete ChadOx vaccine, and Moderna is a medium-sized biotech company
Mar 26, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read

A year of lockdown and the anatomy of a constitutional catastrophe by the ONLY man to have followed every legal twist & turn ... @AdamWagner1… 2/

At 1PM today it will be a year since the arrival of the most extraordinary sweeping restrictions on freedom in the long history of England

That sacrifice may have been necessary

Not so the way it was done: ministerial fiat with parliament and all process disdained
Mar 25, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Very sad to hear of the death of Martin Woollacott — a legendary writer I often sat right next to at the Gdn

He picked arguments, sometimes with me, but he was knowledgeable, fundamentally warm & could turn a phrase like no-one else i knew… Hearing he was ill, I rang him a week ago, and he was 100% himself: grumbling about small changes in the print Gdn, grumbling about himself being an "old boy" for grumbling about it, and joshing about colleagues with better "chat-up" lines than he could ever manage!
Mar 25, 2021 6 tweets 6 min read
Off @prospect_uk goes to press

Can liberal democracy recover from a year of lockdown? @AdamWagner1

@Andrew_Adonis on India's hologram PM, Norendra Modi

@AntoanetaRoussi on the death of Tanzania's Covid denialism President

@davidallengreen on rights, wrongs & unwritten rules .@Martha_Gill tells all you need to know about Carrie Symonds

@pollytoynbee takes on the ubiquitous "localists"

@Hallibee1 & @klausdodds on the Very Cold War in the Arctic — a chilling tale of the power games emerging in melting ice

Mr Speaker @lindsayhoyle_mp opens up
Jan 26, 2021 16 tweets 6 min read

Covid-19 is a sprawling crisis—everything from macroeconomics to remote parliamentary votes will eventually be trawled over by an enquiry

But as the UK toll closes in on 100,000 one question can't wait: why did so many people have to die?… 2.

On mid-Jan figures, a randomly-chosen Brit was ... 35 times more likely to have died of Covid than a random Australian

The same same lethal risk was
- 39-fold that in Japan,
- 55-times that in S Korea
- 249-times that in NZ
Jan 24, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
vaccine-defying variant coming in through crowded airports - has been evident at least as possibility for some days now

Mood still seems to be “might do something in a couple of days” Would be less baffling if the last 5-19 years in British politics hadn’t all been about toughening border controls
Jan 24, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read

Our land!

Scotland’s inspiring struggle to give everyone a stake in the ground beneath their feet—and the lessons for confronting inequality EVERYWHERE… 2.

We spend too much time on here trading grim statistics about how awful everything is — my colleague David McAllister has produced an arresting study in a seemingly small change which opens up huge questions for the future of capitalism
Jan 7, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read

Trump is today disowned as an aberration

In truth he is the culmination of how the US Right has been going for years… 2.

Pence, McConnell and Cruz disown him now

But they backed him for years before this week

And they backed him as he sort to subvert the election

They are not friends of democracy

They can't blame a mob for rejecting a democratic outcome which they have also rejected
Jan 6, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Rush is on to denounce Trump as an aberration, but can also be seen as a culmination — of 50 years of Movement Conservatism

W now looks almost cuddly, but whipped up protests & wheezes to stop Florida votes being counted in 2000

Today “serious” Conservative Cruz egging this on The “movement” in “movement conservatism” can be dated to civil & voting rights act

No coincidence: it’s been a rearguard movement against democracy

H/t @joelondon76
Dec 10, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read

I reckon we'll get a deal.

Why? Bo Jo is shameless, but not stupid ...… 2.

His enemies want to paint him as an ideologue bent on going "off the cliff", but he's just a political playboy

Why am i so confident? Because we've seen the same show last year
Dec 8, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read

"Our island story"

The phrase might bring Churchill to mind, but dates back to David Cameron's favourite Edwardian history book ...

And, explains @ravi_ghosh explains a great deal about how England continues to treat outsiders… 2.

Not only is the Channel an important physical barrier "against" immigrants, it's also a Big Psychological Deal ...

Invasions—real and imagined—loom large from the Norman consequent to Nigel Farage's rhetoric
Oct 2, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read

We asked the great economic historian, @B_Eichengreen to offer a long view on the burgeoning debts of Covid-19, and ask us if he could see any way out ...… 2.

As UK public debt hits £2 trillion for the first time, and bust through the 100% GDP ratio, @RishiSunak might hope to find historian inspiration in figures like the Duke of Wellington (whose debts were just as heavy after Waterloo) and Churchill (ditto after WWII)