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“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross, and the New York Times Opinion section will say we are all overreacting.”
Daniel O'Donnell Profile picture Sandra Jo Streeter Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 19 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
This is a GREAT stream. Please watch. She is NOT ride-or-die with the current candidate.

High points of what AOC says:

- We need a PLAN. A legal plan.
- "If you think the folks doing this default to Kamala, you're mistaken" A fight coming.
- We're all on the same team. 1/2 "I can also tell you I have stood up in rooms with all of these people and said.. 'game out your actual plan to me. game it out. What are the risks of this going to the Supreme Court?...and they do not have an answer. No one has responded to me."
Jul 17 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The NY Times is killing us.
Right now, its Opinion links:

-Chris Christie: GOP
-Pat Healy: Mr "But Her Emails"
-Stephens: Right-winger
-"Nihilism of Young men": rightwing talking pt
-Continetti: AEI/F Beacon writer
-KS Anderson: GOP pollster

IT'S ALL RIGHTWING CRAP! 🤮🤮 NYT Opinion screenshot described in post  Opinion A photo illustration of a white dove carrying a green sprig in its beak and standing on a ballot box that reads, “Vote.” Chris Christie: Will Trump Meet the Moment?  6 MIN READ  Patrick Healy PATRICK HEALY  Nikki Haley, What Happened to Your Principled Stand?  2 MIN READ  Bret Stephens BRET STEPHENS  The Secret of Trump’s Resurrection  4 MIN READ  Michelle Goldberg MICHELLE GOLDBERG  The Trump Shooter and the Growing Nihilism of Young Men  4 MIN READ  MATTHEW CONTINETTI  Why Trump Picked J.D. Vance  5 MIN READ  An illustration that includes ... Honestly, this is a political crisis.

The biggest paper in the country, the paper of record, the one that the governing class reads:

It's a rightwing paper! What is Dems' strategy to deal with this??
Jul 1 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
I’ve been saying that Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer are a problem for a long time.

Dunn and Bauer are stuck in a version of American politics from 2005. They don’t have enough fight in them.

They need to go. Image…
Jun 22 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
Oh, lord.

We're back to popularism.
The idea will not die that all that matters is polling, and 'kitchen-table' issues—not values.

"As Dmitri Melhorn, Hoffman’s top political adviser, puts it, the problem with much of the current polling apparatus.."
1/… Mehlhorn: “The polling industry, prior to Blueprint [their new centrist polling shop], at least, was dominated by people whose revenue streams came largely from small progressive issue-advocacy groups,...
Jun 15 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
If you’re upset about Dems not doing much on the fascism front, here’s someone who bears great responsibility but gets little coverage:

Bob Bauer.

Biden’s head lawyer, in practice.
Bauer recommended Garland as AG, and it’s Bauer who argued the WH should leave Garland alone. 1/2
Image Bauer has more pull with Biden and DOJ on legal matters than any other single person today. Many DOJ lawyers were taught by Bauer and look up to him.

But Bauer is a key architect of the failed “norms will save us” strategy.

ABC last year:…
Jun 13 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Everyone should realize John Roberts is the most impactful Republican politician of his generation, and so this June's decisions are designed for the media.

Roberts' goal now is for the court to not seem radical.

His plan is to gut the govt in 2025, AFTER the Nov election. “What the majority is really doing: delaying a merits decision past Nov so that (1) if Trump wins, his administration will revoke mifepristone’s FDA approvals and reanimate the Comstock Act to effect a nationwide abortion ban, or …”
Jun 11 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
This is happening now --

I'm live tweeting some of Raskin's amazing statement — he's talking about Bush v. Gore and how that was the original sin that brought us MAGA today. ‼️
1/n Raskin and then AOC speaking now.
First witness: Sheldon Whitehouse. 2/n Image
May 29 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Vivek Ramaswamy is buying up Buzzfeed and trying to turn it into a conservative propaganda shop. Same as rightwingers did for CNN, Newsweek, Twitter, TikTok, NY Post, WSJ, talk radio, and the Baltimore Sun.

The right understands their power critically depends on media. 1/2 Meanwhile D party leaders fart around with no media strategy, failing to care about media ownership changes, failing to have a policy to boost press independence, failing to even prioritize FCC nominations.

The clearest example of this failure is CAP shuttering ThinkProgress.
May 21 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Brian's right. It's đź’Ż a dodge.

Politics is about moving public opinion. What politicians say MATTERS. Study after study in political science shows that "elite signaling" — politicians talking and holding hearings — changes public opinion.

Want to win in Nov?
Hold hearings. I'm a broken record, but:

Just look at Senate Watergate.

May 18 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
People keep asking: “Why would @SenSchumer and @DickDurbin hold Jan 6-style hearings about the courts?
To what end?”

Well, to this end 👇.
To drive media coverage and deploy elite opinion-signaling to get the public angry. Because that’s the first step in creating change. And this from someone who formerly worked in the Senate.

Act. Use your power, Senators. Don’t be passive and cling to useless “bipartisan comity” while Ted Cruz laughs at you, all because you’re too risk-averse about polls in Montana.

May 9 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Yes. And what is remarkable is who are not criticizing Biden. Not J Street. Not even the ADL as far as I can tell.

Biden has at long last moved us here. He has taken a genuinely major step towards peace.
1/ J Street in full-throated support.

Feb 24 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
AOC is an amazing communicator, a gift to the party. If Schumer and Pelosi cared first about fighting fascism they’d elevate and promote her.

But they are so afraid of the left and afraid of change that they marginalize her. .@AOC should be a close advisor to Schumer and Pelosi; they should welcome her and consult her on comms strategy.

The DCCC/SKDK-type strategists are killing us.
Feb 13 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
It is important to note that Patrick Healy was *promoted* by New York Times executives after the Trump years.

Healy was a politics reporter in 2016. He wrote many many “But Her Emails” stories. Then he kept moving up. Politics editor during Trump. Now deputy opinion head. /1 There is really no other conclusion but that NY Times top execs LIKE the Politics and Opinion pages the way they are now.

(Healy also was known for anti-Hillary stories for the decade before 2016.) 2/2
@jeremymbarr, 2015: Image
Feb 3 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Important info and revelations about the WSJ layoffs this week.

They consolidate control of the WSJ **newsroom** in the hands of the crony editor Murdoch installed a few months ago.

You think WSJ Opinion is biased.
But Murdoch didn't buy WSJ *just* to sway WSJ Opinion. 1/ Re these WSJ cutbacks... the Washburo has long had a semi-autonomous nature w/ its own editing staff and structure -- and this move helps to consolidate oversight of political coverage under the NY office, where the Murdochs and their deputies can gain more visibility and control As I have been saying for years and years, the Murdoch plan is to bias the WSJ newsroom towards the GOP as much as he can.
When the heat gets high, he fires the editor and hires someone non-controversial.

Then, when the controversy dies down, he installs another crony editor. /2
Jan 28 • 12 tweets • 4 min read

The Washington Post Opinion section has two Republican political strategists writing for them (Thiessen, Willick) and at least SIX rightwing media apparatchiks paid now or in the past by GOP donors: Hewitt, McArdle, Olson, Ponnuru, Geraghty, and McCullough. Thiessen was a speechwriter in the Bush 2 White House and now writes and discusses Republican political strategy at AEI. Willick’s path is through Claremont.
Geraghty: Nationalist Review. Ponnuru: now-rightwing Newsweek and worse.
Olson: EPPC.
McArdle has done Koch events.
Dec 21, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
On No Labels, the 2021 leaked audio with Joe Manchin gives their game away.

No Labels is a grift run by two people: Mark Penn and Nancy Jacobson.
They take money from rightwing billionaires who want to divide Dems. There's no principles here; it's just 2 ppl selling their souls.
Image "The call included several billionaire investors and corporate executives, among them Louis Bacon, chief executive of Moore Capital Management; Kenneth D. Tuchman, founder of global outsourcing company TeleTech; and Howard Marks, the head of Oaktree Capital" 2/
Nov 17, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
This is a common question I see. It arises from what the Israel govt wants.
Netanyahu and the Israeli right want Jews to move to Israel. And Netanyahu cut his political teeth on fighting Labor Zionism, which parallels American Reform/Conserv Judaism. /1 It helps to remember that Netanyahu spent time in the US (effectively intertwined with the US right) and his chief political adviser Ron Dermer is a Florida Republican who learned politics from Karl Rove. /2…
Oct 18, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Very very important. Please, if you’re on any DNC mailing lists or private groups, you must read this 👇

Dem leaders did lie to us about Feinstein’s replacement getting blocked on committees.
Why? Because they are afraid to rock the boat and change their own daily lives. I get messages from consultants and Senate staff.

People told me that Senate leadership was celebrating having Feinstein away from DC because it meant hard decisions at Judiciary could not be made, and that helped them avoid fights with Republicans.
Jul 23, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Including media.

If your country lets billionaires build a lying rightwing media that inflames societal divisions to get votes for billionaires’ tax cuts, your country will be pushed towards fascism. FDR knew this. Every American in 1945 did: they watched Goebbels. GB News, Fox, the NY Post, Israel Hayom, the Independent, Times UK, the Sun, the Australian, the Free Beacon, Washington Examiner, WSJ, Washington Times, Epoch Times, Salem Radio, CBN, Newsmax, The Daily Mail, Post Millennial, Quillette, Daily Caller…
It’s all the same strategy.
Jul 23, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
The Bible says that life begins at first breath.
Evangelicals and Protestants believed that until around the 70s, when rightwing billionaires started using this issue to fool voters into voting for tax cuts for billionaires.…
Image "In 1971, the messengers (delegates) to the Southern Baptist Convention, hardly a redoubt of liberalism, passed a resolution calling for the legalization of abortion, a position they reaffirmed in 1974 — a year after Roe — and again in 1976."…
Jul 22, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
This event is paid for by rightwing billionaires, including Harlan Crow.

These lawyers will eat nice food and probably get their fancy hotel and travel paid. Buying young lawyers is cheap for billionaires, and there is so much money flowing on the right. #fedsocevents /1 Image Overturning NYT v Sullivan is a major priority of rightwing billionaires like Crow and Paul Singer and Koch.

Why? Because without it, billionaires would be able to weaponize the legal system to squash our free press.