Tired of beam search and all the heuristics needed to make it work well in MT?
In our work accepted at #NAACL2022 (co-lead @tozefarinhas) we explore an alternative decoding method that leverages neural metrics to produce better translations!
The most common method to obtain translations from a trained MT model is to approximately compute the *maximum-a-posteriori* (MAP) translation with algorithms like beam search
However many works have questioned the utility of likelihood as a proxy for translation quality.
Apr 25, 2022 • 14 tweets • 7 min read
Trying to interpret your neural networks but out-of-the-box methods aren't working?
In our new preprint, we propose a framework for automatically learning to explain NN decisions!
While many works propose methods for extracting explanations from neural networks, the interpretability community is still trying to figure out what explanations are supposed to *achieve* and how to *evaluate* them.