Party for Socialism and Liberation Profile picture
Building the fight for a socialist future in the United States. Get involved ⤵️
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Jun 19 5 tweets 3 min read
Lincoln was no liberator!

On Juneteenth, we honor the heroic history of the fight for Black liberation & commit ourselves to continuing this struggle today!

⬇️Read more about the real history of the Civil War, the origins of Juneteenth & the enslaved Black people who rose up to demand, fight for & win their freedom.Image
Jun 12 7 tweets 2 min read
Both Israeli and U.S. officials want you to believe that the Palestinian resistance is refusing to negotiate a ceasefire, allowing the war on Gaza to continue in perpetuity.

In reality, Israel has rejected or ignored at least a dozen deals agreed to by the Palestinian resistance since October 7. Enough is enough!

⬇️THREADImage Image
Mar 4 9 tweets 3 min read
Did you notice the corporate media blackout of the March 2 rallies for Palestine?

Hundreds of thousands of people across the United States took to the streets for Palestine as part of the Global Day of Action on March 2. The corporate media failed to cover it.

⬇️Thread Image On March 2, hundreds of thousands of people around the U.S. joined millions of people around the globe for an international day of action to demand a ceasefire, no invasion of Rafah, and a free Palestine.

It is an outrage that mainstream media outlets almost completely failed to cover the massive pro-Palestinian demonstrations taking place in dozens of cities across the country.
Jan 18 7 tweets 2 min read

The US, a nuclear-armed military power which provided billions to Saudi Arabia's war on Yemen & billions in ongoing support to Israel?

Or Ansar Allah, who holds much power in Yemen & are the ones stopping Israeli-linked ships in solidarity w/ Palestine? Image The U.S. government has been clear in their stated intent regarding the anti-Yemen bombing campaign.

President Joe Biden said, “I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary.”
Nov 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵In “celebration” of Joe Biden’s 81st birthday today, here are 5 of the greatest crimes he’s committed over the course of his political career. 1️⃣Biden's participating in the genocide of Palestinians.

Israel couldn’t exist without the backing & financial support of the US.

At least 68% of people in the U.S. favor a ceasefire, yet Biden continues to press Congress for $14+ billion to send to Israel’s war on Palestine. Image
Jul 21, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵As we enter a new Cold War on China and Russia, never forget that the New York Times has always played a key role in the ruling class’s McCarthyite witch hunts.

Here are just a *few* times the NYT has peddled Red Scare paranoia, from the 1940’s up until today: Throughout the 1940's and 1950's: When the NYT engaged in rootless speculation targeting teachers, and uncritically running baseless accusations that there are hundreds of card-carrying communists in New York City schools.
Jun 12, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵As Western corporate media is cheerleading for a new offensive, here are 10 times they've tried to whitewash Nazis in Ukraine's military over the course of the war: When the NYT was hand wringing over Nazi symbols on Ukrainian soldiers “fueling Russian propaganda” Image
Jun 10, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
On June 8, US media added to its long storybook of tales to scare people away from normal relations with Cuba.

The Wall Street Journal published an article claiming China has plans to set up a “spy base” in Cuba, to “eavesdrop” on the US and “identify potential strike targets.” Cuba’s Vice Foreign Minister Carlos de Cossío stated “All these are fallacies promoted w/the deceitful intention of justifying the unprecedented tightening of the blockade, destabilization, and aggression against Cuba and of deceiving public opinion in the US and the world.”
Jun 4, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
This June 4 marks the 34th anniversary of what is known in the U.S. as the Tiananmen “massacre.”

The mythology of this event has been exploited by the West for over 30 years to justify imperialist aggression against China. Image The “massacre” narrative is as sensationalist as it is incontestable: supposed accounts tell tales of protesters linking arms only to be run over repeatedly by military vehicles, their remains incinerated and washed down drains. Some Western reports claim 10,000 were killed.
Jun 2, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
‼️Every year PSL members participate in a National Fund Drive. We know the only way to be politically independent of the capitalist class is to be financially independent from it.

We appeal to our friends and supporters to contribute to this fund!

➡️ Below is a collage which reflects how the PSL has immersed itself in so many struggles carried out by working class and oppressed people against the capitalist system!

Help us continue and expand this work:
May 17, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Once again, the corporate media is quoting and normalizing neo-Nazi forces in Ukraine—this time interviewing a representative of Aidar, a brutal assault battalion known for their “ISIS-style” war crimes.

🧵Who is the Aidar Battalion? ImageImage The Aidar Battalion is a Ukrainian neo-Nazi battalion whose “ISIS-style” war crimes have been documented by Amnesty International as early as 2014. They’ve been the principle combatant force in Lugansk in the Donbas after the Maidan coup, known for their ruthless torture tactics. ImageImageImage
May 15, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
🇵🇸May 15, 2023 marks the 75th year of al-Nakba inflicted upon the Palestinian people in 1948. The media intentionally complicates the origin story of Israel, but the destruction of Palestinian lives and homes is indisputable fact.

Here are the facts about this day: "Nakba" means "catastrophe" in Arabic. Every year, this day is commemorated to support the ongoing resistance against Israeli apartheid. Israel and the US, meanwhile, celebrate this as Israeli “independence”—independence that emerged out of terror, massacres, and mass expulsions.
May 14, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
PSL Texas crossed the border into Mexico to speak to migrants trying to apply for asylum, waiting by the thousands in makeshift tent cities.

No matter what side of the border you were born on, we all want the same thing: a decent life where you're safe and your needs are met. ImageImageImageImage These shanty towns are the result of U.S. policies that no longer follow international law by allowing asylum seekers to turn themselves in at the border to initiate the process.

Now, they have to wait at the border. ImageImageImage
Apr 20, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy laid out yesterday the major cuts to social programs that Republicans will be seeking in return for passing legislation that would raise the “debt ceiling.”

🧵But the debt ceiling is a manufactured crisis. A law passed in 1917 established a limit to the amount of money the US government could borrow. Since 1960 it has been raised 78 times, something that for decades caused little controversy.
Apr 20, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
While "Nazis in Ukraine" is trending, here's how the US has climbed in bed with Ukrainian Nazi forces to forward its proxy war against Russia⤵️ First, the US-backed Maidan coup in 2014 relied on far-right shock troops such as the fascist organization Right Sector and the ultra-nationalist Svoboda Party to overthrow the elected government of Viktor Yanukovych.
Apr 19, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Fox News just settled a defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems, in which the latter sued the broadcasting company over false claims it had rigged the 2020 presidential election against Donald Trump.

This case pulls back the curtain on how corporate media operates. Image Behind the scenes, many at Fox believed the claims of vote-rigging to be baseless and "really crazy." Yet on air, the news broadcasters peddled the claims anyway!

📸: CNN ImageImage
Apr 18, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Today is Tax Day: a reminder that so much of our taxes goes towards institutions completely at odds with the interests of the vast majority of people in society.

🧵Here are 3 examples of this criminal misuse of our tax dollars: 1-The war machine

‼️The most glaring example of this waste is the U.S. military. War spending taken together tops $1 trillion/year. The biggest chunk of war funding goes to the Department of “Defense”, with the Pentagon receiving $817 billion in its most-recently passed budget.
Apr 18, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Fierce fighting is taking place in cities across Sudan as rival elements of the armed forces battle for control of the country, leaving over 100 people dead so far.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation stands Sudan's mass movement struggling for a more popular democracy. On one side is the regular army of the country led by Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who has been functioning as Sudan’s head of state.

On the other, Rapid Support Forces led by Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo–a paramilitary group set up by the govt in 2013 as part of its civil war.
Feb 28, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
🧵:The Supreme Court heard arguments today in two related cases threatening to overturn Biden's student debt forgiveness policy that was announced last year. They aim to force the Dept of Education to reverse course and collect $1.6 trillion in debt, affecting 43.5 million ppl. One case was brought by right wing state govts, another by notorious right wing law firm Consovoy McCarthy on behalf of two individual plaintiffs.

The Biden administration’s partial forgiveness program erases up to $10,000 in debt, climbing to $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients.
Jan 27, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
Tyre Nichols, a 29-year-old Black man, was mercilessly beaten to death earlier this month during a traffic stop by five Memphis Police Department officers. In a few hours, the video of his murder will be released to the public. Righteous outrage is already boiling across the country, and the PSL will be joining thousands in the streets tonight to demand justice. Only mass action can revive the movement against police terror, and to end that terror ultimately requires a revolution.
Jan 27, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
With video of Tyre Nichols's murder set to be released to the public, PSL branches across the country are initiating and joining protests tonight and thru the weekend. Only thru struggle can we secure justice!

Join a demonstration near you!⤵️ 🚨Friday, Jan. 27🚨

Asheville, NC
7:00 p.m.
Pack Square

Atlanta, GA
7:00 p.m.
Centennial Olympic Park (Marietta St. NW and Centennial Olympic Dr. NW)

Boston, Mass.
7:00 p.m.
Park Street Station

Chicago, Ill.
5151 N. Milwaukee Ave at 6:30 p.m.
Plaza Tenochtitlan at 7:00 p.m.