Kṛṣṇa Singh(Pushpendra)⚜️ Profile picture
ॐ ࿗ Dharma/righteousness, I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath parody @IndoMaleFlora
May 25, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
Hinduism 🕉️ & science 🧑🏻‍🔬
The custom of sprinkling turmeric mixed water around the house before prayers and after. Its known that turmeric has antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities.1/4 Image Havan purifies air & keep environment healthy.
Havan things:-cow dung cakes, kalawa reel, holy gangajal, havan kund for homa, mixed havan samagri, loban, dhoop, guggal, camphor, havan spoons for ahuti, mango wood, chandan lakdi, and more. 2/4 Image
May 9, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Arjuna's fighting under Krishna and the J!h@d!s' fighting for their g0d, are they same?

Recently, a politician commented on the Gita saying that "Lord Krishna taught j!h@d lessons to Arjun" But is it so? Lets clear this misconception! Image There are two major differences between the Kshatriyas of Vedic times and modern days Terr0rists. Let us look at them one by one-

1) Their conception of war -

The Khastriya w@r code generally is that you fight against a warrior who is your equal, who is equipped and alert.