Max Craig Kusovitsky Profile picture
Doctor of feelings. Keen on meaning. Scientist of subjectivity. Punch-drunk on the brain and mind. Consciousness connoisseur. Poetic about perception.
Jan 18, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The seemingly unchallenged premise that “making a choice” is akin to some effortless action or easy change, is perhaps one of the most harmful narratives we subscribe to as a culture. If choosing was a free action separate from our selves, from physical principles, from our lives the world (and us) would be an entirely different place. To choose an ice cream order for some can be paralyzing. To others, their perception dictates that only one flavor is available. And to others, it FEELS like a no-brainer. Yet beneath the attachment to mint-chocolate chip
May 26, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Imagine your whole life you’ve been wearing goggles and noise-cancelling headphones. Now imagine you didn’t know it since they’ve been part of your day-to-day as far as you can remember. Now imagine for the first time you’re trying to feel these devices (1/7) On your person, on your head, in your mind, in your heart, in your sensorium, in your entire subjective experience. Then imagine you can investigate the boundaries of the gear, the lenses and the drivers. And imagine how they color, flavor, even cause your hopes and fears. (2/7)