Perry Toone Profile picture
I make art and write code for @CuriousPenguins and @thexyz
May 6, 2023 19 tweets 16 min read
A wonderful day for a mayoral debate at the beach with @Hydraulist @CuriousPenguins @thexyz @ONPlace4All @BorpCloud Image @Hydraulist @CuriousPenguins @thexyz @ONPlace4All @BorpCloud We also saw @JoshMatlow play the hydraulophone

#SwimOP Image
Mar 17, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
ChatGPT 4 is very powerful. Here's an example of what happens when you ask it to create a javascript snake game.

Play it here:

@CuriousPenguins @CuriousPenguins Here it is hard at work, writing the javascript with only minor modifications needed to add a sound and dark mode.