puppie96 Profile picture
Alert: I block bots, ads, & GQP traitors. Dogs are angels, privatizing Medicare is a scam, hopeful for M4A. Stacey Abrams shares birthday. ❤️. #resist #LockUp45
Oct 23, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
@jason_kint I’m going to say some of the silent part out loud. tRump’s stated goal of deporting millions includes holding them in vast camps until they are deported. Beyond that, the logistics will become staggering & there will be a bottleneck. Not all nations will accept their citizens. 1/ @jason_kint Arranging international transport for millions by air would be a nightmare, & costly. What would Hitler do? I believe we all know, but whether we admit it to ourselves is a different story. I have no problem imagining the likes of Steven Miller, or tRump, in this situation. /2
Oct 23, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I’m going to say some of the silent part out loud. tRump’s stated goal of deporting millions includes holding them in vast camps until they are deported. Beyond that, the logistics will become staggering & there will be a bottleneck. Not all nations will accept their citizens. 1/ Arranging international transport for millions by air would be a nightmare, & costly. What would Hitler do? I believe we all know, but whether we admit it to ourselves is a different story. I have no problem imagining the likes of Steven Miller, or tRump, in this situation. /2
Apr 3, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
@farley3470 @MaryLTrump I was ready to damn her as well. But her style is pretty awesome—she’s a gentle soul & she sandbags them. I saw her do it with Pence. MTG was obviously unraveling at the end & Les got the last word. @farley3470 @MaryLTrump It’s the way she just stops & hits them with that quietly intense eye contact. She turned on MTG’s inner werewolf, & it was a delight to observe.
Mar 26, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
@MaplewoodMOPD I was robbed at the Quik Trip at BB & Manchester yesterday. While I fueled my car, somebody got the passenger door open, removed a small backpack, & closed the door. I can narrow the time frame to between 3:01 & 3:09 PM. I noticed immediately it was missing. … 2) After frantically calling Brody’s where I had been last, & returning there to search the area where I parked, & calling my husband, I got a call from him that 2 women had shown up at our house with my wallet still containing (to my knowledge) all of my ID & credit cards. …
Mar 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
@MaplewoodMOPD @kmov @ksdk @stltoday The store manager asked if I’d made a police report so that they could view the tapes of the incident. He said that “sometimes” they do. I made a police report, though there was no form to fill out or anything else. The guy took a piece of paper & wrote down my name & phone #.
Oct 1, 2022 10 tweets 11 min read
@Shawn94763918 @FrognLily @SaritaBdeG @mmpadellan Really? I think that the failure here is that you appear to believe that the male bears zero responsibility for her & the fetuses needs for health/prenatal care from whatever point she is forced yo carry to term—conception or whenever. It’s doubly sickening that the #MAGATs@Shawn94763918 @FrognLily @SaritaBdeG @mmpadellan 2/ who are so ready to impose compulsory pregnancy are the same ones who are adamantly opposed to our having universal health care like every other civilized nation. Maybe if the compulsory pregnancies hit them in THEIR pocketbooks as well, they might figure out that maybe …
Jan 7, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
@alexdocz @tmlentzdesign @RBReich Worse than that, he started a plan to privatize Medicare without our knowledge or consent, without approval of Congress, with no oversight. By 2030, if not stopped, this initiative will turn traditional Medicare over to for-profit companies. They will be able to … @alexdocz @tmlentzdesign @RBReich 2/ profit by up to 40% of the Medicare money they are given. There is NO OPT OUT provision for seniors, who will be shunted into these plans without their knowledge or consent. These companies will, of course, set up impediments to care to squeeze their profit out of …
Nov 1, 2020 10 tweets 11 min read
@masg66 @ryanjreilly @MarkKlapper Here’s some more names for .@FBI to look for. #MAGAts that made happy comments on her post are also potential domestic terrorists, and some even say so. Here they come: @masg66 @ryanjreilly @MarkKlapper @FBI
Aug 2, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
.@Verizon @VZWSupport @VerizonBusiness @VerizonSupport “BEYOND UNLIMITED” data is a lie! I have been paying for “BEYOND UNLIMITED” service for months while my data usage is minimal. Now I’m traveling in a camper to remote areas & campgrounds with no or terrible WIFI. (Thread) 2/. Two days ago they started sending me threatening texts asserting that my MIFI hotspot modem was about to exhaust its monthly data allowance! WHAT? I only travel a couple weeks a year and when I do I NEED THE DATA! I’m paying OVER $ 200 a month for 2 phones & this modem!
Apr 2, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
@AuthorKimberley @ponytail122 1/ In November 1969, there was a “march against death” in Washington DC in protest of the Vietnam war. 40,000 participants carried a placard with the name of a soldier killed in the war, marched past the WH, & deposited the placards in coffins in front of the capitol. @AuthorKimberley @ponytail122 2/ It started on Thursday night & continued through the night & the next day. If & when we can safely demonstrate without undue risk of the virus, we should do this, with the names of everyone killed by #PresidentDeath & his minions. In their face, in front of the WH.
Feb 9, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
@atrupar Isn’t that special. They are rolling in so much cash (obtained from Russia &/or stolen from the public till) that they can afford to self-stimulate with this middle school level garbage. Publicized by the govt propaganda network, yet. While the serfs keep working... @atrupar the room will be full of these rip-roaring, 12 year old mentality fat dudes with their coats in their laps to cover what their little hands are up to. The idea of an actual female to provide this service will really send them into handjob heaven...
Jul 13, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
@SouthwestAir .@SouthwestAir Now that I know your “free checking” is worth less than I paid for it, I will join the ranks of the overhead bin piggies that I used to hate. @SouthwestAir Why don’t you give me a few thousand points for each time you lost my bag even though I was at the airport early, and a few more for getting ripped off by your “partner” car rental companies? How about giving back the money to buy a space in the first section?
Jun 18, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
@RoyBlunt That’s bullshit! Just ask those of us who are on Medicare! Believe me when I tell you, it’s the best thing about turning 65. The disgusting thing is that YOU KNOW THIS & YOU JUST LIE. @RoyBlunt As far as “waits” go, the only reason there might be waits at first would be the fact that more people can get health care, WHICH SHOULD BE A BASIC RIGHT! Once there are more patients, rural hospitals can stay open & there will be more incentives for people to become doctors.
May 28, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
@EnglishTeach07 #TrickyNicky wants to bill himself as “pro-life,” but he is deceiving you. His case would be more convincing if he supported a companion bill, the Male Responsibility Act. Since #YouCouldHaveUsedACondom. We have DNA testing to definitively determine paternity, so: @EnglishTeach07 1) Male whose sperm caused the pregnancy will be responsible for child care expenses sufficient to allow the mother to complete her education and/or work;
Apr 9, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
@RoyBlunt Here’s a new theory: since it is simply impossible that an honest, Christian midwestern gentleman like yourself would support a president who openly directs agents to violate the law & ignore judicial orders, it must be that you & others are simply playing along... @RoyBlunt ...keeping your heads down, smiling & nodding as if in agreement, while meeting after hours to formulate your plot to take down this dangerous tyrant & the administration he’s using as his personal army to destroy our government & the rule of law. That MUST be the case...
Mar 19, 2019 13 tweets 14 min read
@wrap02 For once @RoyBlunt is doing something right. There were less border arrests in FY2018 than the average for the prior 10 years. There were not quite 400K. Do the math. If the 8 billion for a “wall” resulted in 8000 more arrests, that would be at a cost of a million for each one. @wrap02 @RoyBlunt If there were 80K more arrests, each one would cost 100K. Is there any evidence to support the idea that this structure would result in an increase in arrests that would justify the expense? Is there evidence it would be superior to using high tech means of detecting crossings?
Mar 18, 2019 15 tweets 22 min read
@meyers_andi @georgeshik @steph93065 @realDonaldTrump For anybody out there that thinks that tRump’s Wall is a good idea, why do you think that? Have you read studies that I have missed? For instance, how many illegal immigrants is it estimated that a wall would stop, since illegal immigration is at a multi-year low. @meyers_andi @georgeshik @steph93065 @realDonaldTrump He’s now asking for over 8 billion, which is just getting it started & nowhere near completing it. What do we get for 8 billion? If it deters just a few thousand illegal immigrants, the average cost to stop just ONE could be millions of dollars! Is that worth it?