peter! πŸ₯· Profile picture
Member of Technical Staff, ex swe @amazon
William Hogg Profile picture Shen Yang Profile picture 🩷Rohit.007 Profile picture 3 subscribed
Sep 28, 2023 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
yo wtf, Microsoft's newly released AutoGen is fk'in dope..

- allows for multiple agents that align to one goal
- human input allowed

πŸ€– I created 5 agents to help me plan a 30-day iternary in Bangkok

(results below ↓) Image 5 agents:

πŸ₯³ Fun Manager - maximizes fun
πŸŽ† Executive Assistant - makes sure work gets done
πŸ’ͺ Gym Trainer - makes sure training gets done
✈️ Planner - Suggests plan
πŸ‘„ Critic - Double check plan, claims, code from other agents and provide feedback Image
Aug 6, 2023 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 3 min read
How I Negotiated Multiple 250k+ Software Engineer Offers

No course needed, I'll teach you for free

(Use these lessons to negotiate anything..) Image A bunch of people DM'd after my previous viral thread

So here it is. A quick guide on how to actually negotiate.

1-3 emails can be the difference between you adding 20-75k to your inital offer

Jul 29, 2023 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
πŸͺ„ INTRODUCING: NotionWizard (Chat-to-Notion)

(Showcasing power of @OpenAI Functions)

1) Type in Prompt in @streamlit πŸ’¬
3) πŸ“– Get back url to new @NotionHQ page (w/ the help of OpenAI functions)

Demo, Code explained & Github Link↓ Image πŸ‘€ Live Demo:
Jul 22, 2023 β€’ 15 tweets β€’ 6 min read
How I Made $72,000+ Profit Slinging T-Shirts on the Side

Fun Facts:
- Started in the business in 2017 (my first business!)
- 6000+ uploaded t-shirt designs (I pay $.5 per design)
- <1% of the designs make 80% of the revenue
- $1000-$1500/month (pure profit)

🍿 The entire story: Image More proof of earnings: Image
Jun 30, 2023 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 4 min read
In Jan 2022, I wasted 3 months no-life grinding @LeetCode and ended up with 3 decent offers (all software eng):

- $250k+ from @Uber
- $270k+ from @Affirm
- $260k+ from @gopuff

and then a bunch more 200k+ offers.

5 lessons i learned: before we start..

no, I don't I have a leetcode course to sell you, i'm cheap af and used YT to interview prep (you can too!)

why am i writing this? my ego is heavily tied to follower # on this bird app, so click that lil' follow button @pwang_szn
Jun 19, 2023 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 4 min read
"How I 100% Automated Generating Subtitles for module videos"

1. Setup a @zapier to trigger when new video is added
2. Setup automation in @Dropbox to convert .mp4 to .wav
3. Use @DeepgramAI to generate transcript, convert to .srt format on Django server Image Goal:

πŸ’¬ Generate 95%+ accurate transcription for all the videos w/o paying some other service for overpriced human transcription that can cost >$1.5 per minute

Technical choice:
>> πŸ€– Using Zapier bcuz I don't want to maintain webhooks on my server
Jun 9, 2023 β€’ 14 tweets β€’ 5 min read
"The Complete Bozos Guide to Document Loaders in @LangChainAI"

β€’ Document Loader basics
β€’ When to use Document Loader
β€’ Import data from Text & CSV
β€’ Loading data from Discord, Notion, Telegram

Save This ↓ Image What's the problem?

β†’ We want to pass our personal data when chatting with the LLM.

⭐ We need a way to load the data to our LLM. To do that, use Document Loaders.
Jun 1, 2023 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 3 min read
"The Complete Bozos Guide to Fine-tuning"

β€’ What is Fine-tuning?
β€’ How to Fine-tune a custom LLM.
β€’ When should we use fine-tuning?
β€’ When NOT use use fine-tuning?

Save This ↓ Image Basic info on Fine-Tuning: Image
May 29, 2023 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Retrievers in @LangChainAI are surprisingly powerful.

β€’ Basic info on Retrievers
β€’ Index vs Retriever
β€’ When do you need a Retriever?
β€’ Retriever examples

(All you need to know in under 6 tweets.)

Save This ↓ Image What is a Retriever: Image
May 25, 2023 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Vector databases may be the next "big thing"

β€’ Vector databases explained
β€’ What is Unstructured data?
β€’ When to use vector databases
β€’ Embeddings.
β€’ Use-cases

All you need to know in under 10 tweets.

Save This ↓ Image Why do we even need a database?

β†’ We have data that we want to store.

Relational databases (like Postgres) or No-SQL databases (AWS DynamoDB) can store structured data but there is one inherent problem.

β†’ Unstructured data is hard to store in relational databases. Image
May 22, 2023 β€’ 16 tweets β€’ 5 min read
✨ Here's all you need to know about Chains in @LangChainAI

(In less than 3 minutes of reading..)

β€’ Basic Information about Chains
β€’ LLM Chain Explained
β€’ Sequential Chain
β€’ Four types of Chains

Save This ↓ Image Basic Information about Chains: Image
May 19, 2023 β€’ 14 tweets β€’ 5 min read
"How to Create Your Own Personal Chatbot (without ripping your hair out)"

I've broken it down into bite-size chunks.

Save this ↓ Image Here's a high level of what we're doing: Image
May 17, 2023 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Everything you need to know about Prompts in @LangChainAI :

β€’ Basic Information
β€’ Example Prompts
β€’ Output Parser

Save This ↓ Image Basic Information Image
May 15, 2023 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 3 min read
All you need to know about LLMs:

β€’ Overview
β€’ Using LLMs in @LangChainAI
β€’ Using open-sourced LLMs
β€’ Chat Model
β€’ How do we embed text?

Save this ↓ Image LLMs explained: Image
May 13, 2023 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Everyone's been asking for it.

Here it is. I've broken it down @LangChainAI Agents into bite-size chunks.

β€’ Agents Basics
β€’ Tools
β€’ Agent Executor
β€’ AutoGPT
β€’ BabyAGI

Save this ↓ Image Agents explained: Image
May 11, 2023 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Memory in @LangChainAI is a big deal.

It was a lot to go through, but I broke it into bite-size chunks.

β€’ 4 Memory Types Explained
β€’ How to use Memory in a Chain
β€’ How to add Memory to an Agent

Save this ↓ Image ConversationBufferMemory:

β€’ Memory allows for storing of messages
β€’ Extracts the messages in a variable.

Pro: Basic to understand/pickup Image
May 10, 2023 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 5 min read
INTRODUCING: JarvisBase, a Jarvis for your Knowledge Base.

1) πŸ€–Scrape & store data (Scraped @huggingface docs, stored in @activeloopai)
2) Ask question about the data w/ @LangChainAI & @streamlit
3) Gives an answer w/ audio voice-over. πŸ”Š

Demo, Code explained and GitHub Link↓ Image Live Demo:
May 7, 2023 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Indexes in @LangChainAI are confusing.

But I've broken it down into bite-size chunks.

β€’ Basic Information
β€’ Document Loaders
β€’ Retrievers
β€’ Vector Stores
β€’ Text Splitters

Save this ↓ Image The basic information about Indexes πŸ§™ Image
May 5, 2023 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 4 min read
INTRODUCING: Story Storm, an A.I Storyteller πŸ“šπŸŒ©οΈ

1) πŸ’‘Type in prompt
2) Generates story w/ AI @OpenAI & @LangChainAI
3) Create audio voice-over w/ @elevenlabsio. πŸ”Š
3) 🎨 Create story-cover w/ Stable Diffusion @replicatehq.

(<69 lines)

Demo, Code explained and GitHub Link ↓ Image 1/ Live demo: 🎀

(Peep the 30+ Langchain tabs open πŸ’€ )
May 2, 2023 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 4 min read
πŸ₯ INTRODUCING: Drake Bling Bakery, an AI meme generator

1) πŸ’¬ Type in any topic
2) Generate custom Drake meme w/ AI with the help of: @imgflip, @OpenAI @streamlit 🎨

(The memes in the demo about @levelsio and @vercel are 🀣)

Demo, Code explained & Github Link↓ The entire code:

(It's not too bad, <72 lines of code) Image
Apr 29, 2023 β€’ 15 tweets β€’ 6 min read
πŸͺ„ INTRODUCING: Figma Chat Wizard

1) πŸ€– Import design from @figma (with the help of @LangChainAI Loader)
2) Chat with the design in @streamlit πŸ’¬ and @OpenAI.
3) 🎨 Design and code is returned

Demo, Code explained & Github Link↓ Image 1/ Live Demo: