Alex Hunsley Profile picture
Independent senior iOS developer. Mentor.
Mar 11, 2020 13 tweets 6 min read

80s! Thinking about INPUT Magazine and the ill-fated Cliffhanger game they published as a type-in assembly code listing.

Although I never tried typing it in, the series of articles and their illustrations really fired up my imagination and got me excited about assembly ImageImageImage I was a BBC Micro owner. Here's a tiny snippet of the reams of code you'd be given to type in on the beeb. Image
Dec 22, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
People don’t really understand how frosted glass works. This does us a dis-service.

I think it may have something to do with people intuitively understanding how apertures work. Take for example a gap in a curtain in your living room: this is an aperture.

We all pretty much understand that when you’re close to the aperture, the curtain gap, you can see lots of what is on the other side.

OTOH, people far away from the aperture, in the street, don’t see much past the gap in the curtains.
