🧩@choosetothinq, @ctqcompounds, @infinitezounds
🏅Mastermind India winner
📜Alumnus of COEP, IITB. Practising student at YT and Books.
Aug 15, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Many summers ago, I had done an India quiz for @bcqc on the three real-igons of India, called Balls, Ballots, Bollywood.
Pesh-e-khidmuting some of the questions below:
In May ’08, the Adam Smith College in Fife, Great Britain, announced annual education scholarships to 10 Indian students. After whom is this scholarship named? The then PM Gordon Brown invited this person to be part of this scheme.
Jun 30, 2021 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
The last day of June is a good time to reflect on six months of my personal reflection system.
As we say at @choosetothinq, deliberate reflection is a compounding habit. These are the components of my system:
#1. The first reflection point comes each morning, after reading our shared book summary for the day. I try to think of how the book's key ideas could apply to my life and my work.
Jun 11, 2019 • 201 tweets • >60 min read
There are 700-odd districts in India (and I don't know much about most of them). Thread to read about one district each day via districts.nic.in. Starting with...
1. (A&N) Nicobar: districts.nic.in/districtsdetai…
Spans the entire Nicobar Islands. Came into being in 1974. HQ: Car Nicobar.
What's the etymology of Car, I wonder. There's a language called Car.
Jan 3, 2019 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
THREAD: For me, 2018 was a year of experimenting with micro-habits around learning and content, and making them sticky. In the preceding years, I had read up literature on habit-building and what influences behaviour. All that came into play in 2018.
Micro-habits: something small - typically taking <15 mins to complete in one go, aimed at being done daily.