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student. writer. finishing a book. cohost: @makcapitalism + @cabralsays creator: @radicaltheory member: @blacks4peace backup: @queersocialist
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Nov 6, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
i agree w this mostly b/c beyond how people project progressivism onto the democratic party, specifically, representatives like kamala harris because of her identity, they categorically they do not consistently distinguish themselves from the republican party. so if they are not consistently distinguishing themselves to the moral and political left of the republican party, how does it make sense to solely explain away trends as just “republican voters are evil!” but the same not applying to democratic voters? you get what i’m saying?
Jan 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
joel olson, on whiteness as power as opposed to cultural identity:

"the problem, of course, is that whiteness historically has not been an expression of culture so much as a form of standing reflecting relations of inequality, discrimination, privilege, and terror." "it is more useful to understand whiteness as a form of power rather than as a culture. after all, it is not white culture that unites a brooklyn cop, a silicon valley entrepreneur, a rural west virginian, a portland hippie, and a phoenix metal head; it is white power..."
Apr 29, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
he’s $2500 away from being entirely caught up on rent, and getting a head start for the next month while he starts a new job we were able to help him get in the city!

can you help me help him? please continue boosting and supporting!!! $80/$2500!
Mar 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
this just speaks to the larger phenomenon of viewing racial violence thru the lens of individual prerogatives as opposed to an actual existing structural institution of power. who has the power to enact racial violence w/impunity? how is orientalist racism ideologically enforced? you can’t understand contemporary instances of racial terror & violence, specifically as it targets asian people, without understanding colonial-imperialism—and even if non-white faces can/do serve as upholders of such structures—who/what are they serving?
Feb 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
i just love how you can always bet on western bourgeois gay/lesbian organizations & media publications to come in right in time—as an established wing of empire—when it is time to beat those drums for imperialist war. just incredibly consistent in their role. Image what we’re seeing here is a consequence of the ‘lesbian & gay rights movement’—which was petit-bourgeois in nature—belittling the struggle for gay liberation to “marriage equality.”
Feb 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
just read this, and… wow… these passages stood out to me 😐 ImageImageImage
Oct 11, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Sep 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
with the rise of the celebrity activist, there’s an increasing demand for every celebrity to be more “outspoken” and i just don’t think people realize just how terrible of an idea that is as most celebrities are… not v smart. and that’s okay. also,
Apr 16, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
and this is where the discourse has been stagnant for a few years now. first of all, this analysis is categorically insufficient/incorrect/anti-black.

but, this is where “privilege” & “intersectionality” (devoid of an ideology, as joy james talks about) discourse has led us, lol you have people claiming (x) group has “privilege” & “benefits” from (x) structural oppression, and what happens is instead of interrogating the fact these colonial structures of power exist & how to eradicate them; you’re having endless insufficient debates about the semantics.
Apr 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
this narrative of ‘cops as workers’ would cease, if we had a marxian analysis of class &broke away from traditional modalities of bourgeois economics which classifies people on the basis of arbitrary income & material possessions as opposed to proximity to the means of production a lot of cops—especially those in big cities—are making BANK. so even if we’re to use the whole income thing, a lot of them aren’t in the same economic strata as an average worker.
Apr 10, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
first, if we are to take cedric robinson’s work serious: there were examples of racial regimes prior to the slave trade as evident by europe’s antagonistic relationship with many, at the time seemingly “racialized” groups, who would later “become” white (irish/jews/etc). even beyond that: race was created in europe & the contemporary racial order cannot merely be belittled to being an invented tool of the ruling class to prevent “solidarity.” race was politically mobilized to justify the dehumanization/trafficking/enslavement of black africans.
Apr 10, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
“race was invented to keep working class people divided,” in discussions about the antagonisms between black/white people is reductionist, and i think it would be more fruitful to name ideological whiteness as said tool that does ultimately negates solidarity & community building the incredibly vague rhetoric of “race [dividing] working class people” implies race and its inherent constant terror & violence, is a two-way street—when it is, in fact, something that has been overwhelmingly enacted on wc/poor black people by white people of every class strata
Jan 9, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
i don’t think leftists who romanticize the fantasy of “radicalizing” fascists—whether they are poor or petite-bourgeois—understand they are often doing the very thing they hate about liberal representationists and how they treat/have co-opted & neoliberalized identity politics. treating a marginalized positionality, identity—in this case “working class” standing—as inherently moral, good natured, and progressive. despite their ideological and political alignment representing that of a class traitor. is this not what liberal identity reductionists do?
Dec 3, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
the concept of “pretty privilege” has always been so odd to me, and i wish we’d retire it from our lexicon. as if being desired by men—and the structures dominated by ‘em—is somehow liberatory, or puts one in further proximity to power instead of male terror, violence, and death oh my god. this is not saying that “undesirables” don’t face violence. when i have seen “privilege privilege” used, it’s usually in the context of one being hypervisible/desired—& i’m saying: how can that be a privilege, if hypervisibility makes one more susceptible to violence?
Dec 2, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
one of the most harmful—and most beneficial to the ruling elite—political myths, is that the pinnacle of political “success” and progress is putting more milquetoast democrats into office there is no better depiction of democrats’ historical role as demobilizers of movements than them riding (and co-opting) the wave of m4bl to getting one of the most uninspired candidates in the contemporary era elected, than betraying said demands en masse once elected.
Nov 6, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
it has never been more clear that we are on a plantation there’s no way we should be celebrating, or taking pride in “saving” a country that we are structurally subjugated by and being held hostage in. slavery.
Nov 6, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
the liberal media apparatus acting like they are above trump as if they didn’t create and ushered him in on red carpet, and profited off it, and squeezed out every bit of legitimation via pretending to be in-opposition to his politics 🤣 like this shit means nothing to me when your non-stop free coverage of him in 2015-16 helped put him in the white house to begin with, lol like don’t stop now!

Nov 3, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
my goal has never been to dissuade people from voting, but to counter reactionary liberal narratives about its structural importance in the face of fascism—specifically in the terrain of nat’l politics (where the average person has v little “influence,” on the daily happenings). the entire professional liberal apparatus—from the media, to athletes, celebrities, entertainers (many of whom who’ve been relatively apolitical their entire career), etc—has been flat-out LYING to and misleading people about the reality of our situation.
Nov 1, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
the way these people have deluded themselves into believing having no core principles makes them the adult in the room full of children who try to envision something beyond constant political violence, is actually incredibly impressive. ever notice how “acceptance of compromise and imperfection” is never in reference to liberal democrats’ relation and proximity to the actual “left”—but to their relationships to fascists on the right (who v rarely “compromise” on their violences btw). i wonder why that is.
Sep 26, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
me saying “fascism cannot be voted into office”—in countries that are colonialist and/or imperialist from their inception, such as the US and germany—means that the rise towards the inevitable fascist order began when europeans set foot on the shores of west africa... ...not whenever (x) [s]elected upholder of the fascist order was elected into office, lol. can you lot please stop being intellectually lazy and disingenuous? obviously hitler and trump were both “elected”—but clearly fascism did not begin nor end w/ either of them