Quinn Norton Profile picture
Writer. Migrant. Trying to forget more about the internet than you'll ever know. Everything succumbs to entropy here. FYI I can't spell.
Nov 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
What Covid taught me about climate change is that we are willing to suffer and kill and die just so long as we're not being bugged about it all. People couldn't be bothered to wear masks in shared spaces. It was nothing, the smallest ask. Ask them to give up fossil fuels and nitrogen/potassium run off and intensive meat agriculture and fast fashion and it turns out they'd rather murder their own children.
Nov 21, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The attribute that both technology and currency share is that they rely on their culture. The problem with cryptocurrencies isn't that they're currencies, we invent and play with currencies all the time. It's that as currencies, blockchain technology cultures are fucked. Never forget the cultural creation of proof-of-work: as an anti-spam technology. The idea of it was to make it too expensive to send mass emails. And honestly it would have probably worked, but spammers (read marketers in there) killed it.
Nov 18, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
A short tweet story especially for the people saying 75% of the staff is gone and Twitter is fine, so who needs them, just the "hardcore" people will be fine. You know, like @elonmusk. It's a common misunderstanding, even in tech management that should know better that, to mistake what the code does with what the people do. Code executes all the little bits that make an application or a site work, and moves other data to and from storage.
Jun 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Then there's the elite racism/classism problem, where they think, maybe two billion people is about right. So they can just let that happen because of social media/war/inequality and climate change, and that's a problem that just fixes itself. Two billion is my ballpark for what they think. The point is, if you're a rich elitist white supremacist with "old school" values, 21st century gigadeaths is a feature, not a bug. Exxon et al is making it better for you by killing off the brown rabble over the next 50 years.
May 5, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
My baby's at her first real protest on her own, for CCSF in San Francisco, and I'm so proud. 😁 And she's keeping an eye on police locations and gear as well as egress points, just like she was taught.
May 5, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
It's not even a herd immunity strategy anymore, it's just straight up eugenics at this point. I want to say something about eugenics... apart from anything moral, it's just a bad idea. We don't know what traits, genetic, epigenetic, or cultural, we're going to need in the future. All that information is stored right now in diverse people.
May 4, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I've been told many times I don't understand the law and the political systems in America, that I'm immature, hysterical, ignorant, and the real problem.

Welp. Here's my next stupid, hysterical idea: Now that they've killed Roe, they know it's going to get a lot of people out to the polls. But they've been planning for that for years. They're going to pour everything into voter selection, and counting.
Apr 3, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
It's useful when you're actually deficient. But I have no idea what the rest of y'all are thinking. Back in the 2000s I ended up with trouble walking, constant pain, exhaustion, mental disturbance, etc... we tried for months to find something wrong with me, and found nothing, eventually landing on on a dx I call "Fibromyalgia maybe?"
Mar 27, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
People love to say "Don't look away!" then show you horror scenes of human suffering. As something of an expert on this sort of thing, let me tell you:

Look away.

The implicit story that we somehow respond to traumatic images/events with heroic action is just plain nonsense. And of course whether it's police violence, human rights abuses, or a literal war going on right now, people on social media think the most important thing they can do is watch or make other people watch horrible things on digital devices, and then feel things.
Mar 18, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
You don't solve "America's speech problem" without solving America's fucking dire education problem and you solve that with funding, standards, and showing up, and the only ones showing up right now are Nazi Lite types. One of the things I've done in my life is asked a lot of people who disagree with their parents how they came to not hold the same views. The vast majority of the time the answer was they learned better in school.
Mar 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This thread really hits all the high points. It's the migration and policy hypocrisy, stupid. I just want to add that if we didn't do this, and the analogous same shit in the US around south of the border migration, we'd *all* be much better off. Europe and America shoot themselves in the foot in hopes of injuring the people they want to imagine as inferior.
Feb 27, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
A lot of people are bringing up the fact that a lot of places are in conflict as bad as Ukraine, and no one is talking about them because, you know, toxic whiteness. I see the point, but also, we were talking about most of them, but they're not new and shiny anymore. If Ukraine drags on and doesn't blow up into a larger conflict, we'll all forget about them as much as we have Syria (remember when you were all about Freeing Syria?). That's what we do. It's not pretty, but it's true of humans. A truth we should be ashamed of.
Feb 25, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
I don't know if it deserves the title of first internet war, but I'm beginning to think the Russian-Ukrainian war might be one of the first wars were internet media might be decisive? Maybe I just hope so, but the next days and weeks will tell. Zelensky speaking directly to the Russian people that way, knowing they'd see it, that's new. Also he did in the most sharable and highest impact 7-11 minute range, followed by basically heart warming and brave tiktoks.

This century is going to be so weird.
Feb 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
People are pointing out that everyone's else government didn't go after the US with opposition and sanctions and so on when it also had a horrific and stupid invasion in Iraq ABOUT THAT, YEAH, THE SUPPORT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE THANKS. Though I suppose giving Saddam more weapons would have probably not been a good idea, thinking about it. Still, y'all could have refused to sell us car parts or champagne or something.
Feb 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
So you're going to hear a lot about ransomware and hacking in the coming weeks. And you may also be at a school or hospital or some other vulnerable bit of infrastructure... And reasonably it's all concerning. At home, or work, there are three most important concepts: 1. Is your computer patched, all your software up to date? 2. Do you have back ups, and know how to restore your system from them, and 3... 3 is *paramount!* Are you very careful about attachments and links in emails?