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Guardian columnist, leader writer, podcaster Book: Politics, A Survivor's Guide Out now! https://t.co/vbGnscg88r
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May 25, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Leadsom going reminds me of a time we met that began with one of the downright weirdest conversations I have ever had with an MP. It started with her saying she almost cancelled because I had once misquoted her, she described the incident in question ... 1/ Short version: wasn't me. She had confused me with some reporter. Mistaken identity. I explained this. She wasn't happy. Still wanted an apology ...
Apr 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Truss govt failing was, for libertarian Brexit ultras, like dawn breaking for a doomsday cult the morning after the night when the Rapture/alien rescue was supposed to happen. A refutation of their worldview so complete it was too existentially terrifying to meet its gaze. When that happens, some cult hangers-on slink off to nurse disappointment, but the hardcore confect a whole new mythology to explain why, despite all evidence to contrary, they were right all along.
Aug 31, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Frosty makes much more sense as a tragicomic character in a Chekhov short story.

Maybe a frustrated middle-ranking clerk in Tsarist bureaucracy. Feels undervalued. Thwarted in life.

Even after he gets a title, an imperial order of some kind that he wears even in the bath .. He is so fed up being overlooked that he picks a pointless quarrel with a caddish officer. He gets drunk, although doesn't drink often and challenges the officer to a duel.
Jun 13, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
One reason Johnson has taken this action is that he thinks (wrongly) the drastic measure will jolt EU out of 'bureaucratic' negotiation and into high-level political horse-trading ... 1/ He believes this because he also believes his own mythology about 2019 - how the threat of no-deal, the madman strategy, proving willingness to burn everything, is what got results where May had failed ... 2/
Apr 13, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
The war in Ukraine is a crisis that another PM could handle, and a law-abiding one might even handle better. When Tory MPs use it as reason for Johnson to stay, they really mean he should carry on being PM simply because he is already PM and they haven't decided on a successor.
Apr 27, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
UK gov seems strongly influenced in current Brexit talks by belief that brinksmanship - looking reckless enough to do no deal; burning boats to more aligned destinations - delivered better deal for Johnson than was on offer for May; that Boris won a game of chicken in 2019... Can see why PM and others want that to be true (and it contains a grain of truth, to extent that EU allowed more uncertainty into deal than was previously comfortable with), but dominant dynamic was that Johnson's posturing covered a retreat ...
Oct 21, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
I understand why Lab MPs want to satisfy their constituents' demands that a Brexit deal be 'done', but surprised any would think there is some consolation victory later available in the small print ...1/ Lending votes to Johnson gives his deal momentum; deposits political capital with anti-EU hardliners. There is no reward in policy or political respite available for an opposition MP enabling this project ... 2/
Sep 6, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
I know this stuff doesn't cut through in domestic politics much, but worth noting that EU leaders can see Johnson lying about 'progress' in talks - he has point blank lied in public and in private about commitment to a deal ... 1/2 It is normal for leaders to customise different messages for domestic audience and foreign partners. But such clear cut, flagrant, blatant dishonesty at the start of an important diplomatic relationship is pretty rare.
May 24, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Well, I would like to express my gratitude to the PM for making her announcement today (not during half term) and in the morning (not 20 minutes before print edition has to go). As for her legacy, enough takes around, so being as succinct as I can ...super-short thread coming. She was beaten by the intractability of Brexit but refusal to confront her party and the public with the cruel calculus of risk and cost was her choice. /1
Nov 16, 2017 4 tweets 1 min read
Leavers: we can have benefits of single market outside EU.
EU: No you can't.
Leavers: [aside] They're just saying that. We'll get a special deal.
EU: We can hear you, and no, you won't.
Leavers: OK [aside] Just wait until ... ... German industry lobbies Merkel. We'll get special deal.
German industry: No, you won't.
Leavers: Yeah, but, sector-by-sector.
EU: Nope.
Leavers: OK, not actual single market, but still *special* deal
EU: No theguardian.com/politics/2017/…