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The most liquid, composable, and omnichain ETH perp. 🙌 Join us: https://t.co/9NLVMjN64t
Nov 3, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
Introducing the Long-Awaited Rage V2 Aggregator.

Are you tired of hopping through @GMX_IO, @synthetix_io, @HyperliquidX, @aevoxyz, and @dYdX to trade perps?
Now, you can trade on all at once. How?👇 Well, Rage V2 is the ultimate perp aggregator to simplify your trading experience.

- Trade across multiple perps on multiple chains with a single tap.
- Easy cross-chain trading using account abstraction, thanks to @biconomy.
Mar 7, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
(1/7) Exciting news for our Rage Trade community!

This week, we're rolling out a host of exciting updates to our platform.

Here's what you need to know 🧵: (2/7) We're thrilled to announce that the long-awaited DN Vault upgrade with trader PnL hedging is going live this Friday.

This means our current Risk-On Vault will be automatically upgraded to trader PnL hedged.
Dec 11, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ This weekend, we successfully onboarded $6m of capital into our Delta Neutral GLP vaults from early LPs.

The remaning $4m of allocation has been reserved for our community, which will be available for deposit on Monday, December 12th.

More about our white glove service 🧵👇 2/ Our white glove service is a private group where we provide personalized, 1-on-1 support to each early LP who commits a large size.

Our white glove service is designed to make the onboarding process as smooth and stress-free as possible. Esp involving large amounts of money.
Dec 9, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1/5 Our Delta Neutral GLP Vaults will be live Monday, December 12th!

2PM UTC - 4PM UTC (OG / Beacon Holders)
After 4PM UTC (Community / Public)

For those who plan to deposit during our first softcap of 10m TVL, here are some instructions 👇 2/5 In order for our Delta Neutral GLP Vaults to get started, the Risk-Off Vault needs to be filled first so that our smart contracts can use the working capital to hedge ETH BTC exposure in GLP.

We do this by systematically opening short positions on Aave.