E/Acc, Uncensored Open Source AI, Free Speech, BAP, Mishima, Meditation, Yoga, Anime Tiddies, INTJ, Sigma, Ron Paul, Hoppe, Robert Sepehr, Post-Libertarian
Feb 18 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
@jeremykauffman JFC Jeremy
Does this HELP or HURT my FRIEND?
Does this HELP or HURT my ENEMY?
This is a retard level question. Big Pharma corps that bribe politicians and have lied to us for decades are the ENEMY.
@jeremykauffman BANNING Pharmaceutical Ads using STATE POWER is GREAT because it DESTROYS MULTIPLE ENEMIES.
Big Pharma craters
Fake News craters bc they get funded by them
Politicians suddenly lose massive bribes
Entire Medical apparatus suddenly no longer getting chain yanked by Pharma
Feb 15 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
@LPNH @Devon_Eriksen_ Jeremy don’t play stupid here and don’t reach levels of autism that shouldn’t be possible. Froot Loops like all other ultra processed food is made by a massive megacorp that’s spent billions and decades bribing GOVT for ag subsidies, FDA carveouts to LEGALLY POISON PEOPLE.
@LPNH @Devon_Eriksen_ Are the ingredients listed false? No they’ve got the LEGALLY required chemical names that you need a masters degree in chemical engineering and 130+ IQ to understand. Convenient that 95-99% of the population would never know they’re being SLOWLY KNOWINGLY POISONED LEGALLY
Feb 7 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
@EMostaque @signulll @MatthewBerman made this point as well future will be one small general 1.5B model processing general queries spin up one of many tiny models IIRC 10M-100M all trained narrow. Mac Mini runs 1.5B at ~75 tokens/sec. No theoretical limit to speed & quality
@EMostaque @signulll @MatthewBerman My intuition is that if you train DeepSeek on just coding, VLSI, computer engineering, MLX, etc. it can iteratively craft a hyper optimized model just for something like a base model Mac Mini so that everyone can spend $500 at Costco and get their own AGI in the home.
Jan 24 • 42 tweets • 8 min read
@FischerKing64 The solution is to use AI to automate not just 95-99% of GOVERNMETN functions but also to AUTOMATE THE SUNSET PROCESS of DOGE and just automatically identify departments and functions that can be automated away entirely. Make Fed Gov a 30,000-300,000 extremely competent core
@FischerKing64 You could use the TRILLION$ in saving to hire the absolute most competent Americans the entire Top 3-5% IQ to hyperaccelerate everything else and bring about Star Trek. Subsidize them with the goal of creating AI Robotitcs to make everything cost 1¢. House for a penny. Car etc
Jan 19 • 37 tweets • 7 min read
@ZontarAlt @Pirat_Nation 2025 everything changes in 3-4 WEEKS when Elon releases Grok-3. Hyperacceleration of all software/hardware related engineering/reverse engineering open source projects simultaneously hence even if the idea seems like long term 3-5 technical project it’ll likely finish THIS YEAR.
@ZontarAlt @Pirat_Nation An even beefier PS3 with 4K Blu-ray more and faster memory, etc. all 8 Cell Processor SPUs Unlocked & Overclocked, running every PS3 Game at 4K 120 FPS.
$500 M4 Mac Mini 16 GB RAM - 256 GB SSD is a great emulation box 17 TFLOPS sips power hence it can be way cheaper than that.
Jan 17 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
@restoreorderusa Holy fuck this is how I learned David Lynch died. RIP.
@Pirat_Nation I’ve been asking Grok 2 some deep questions about exactly this and adjacent issues. I suspect that 2025 in just 3-4 WEEKS when Grok 3 releases we’ll see a massive upgrade in programming ability and drastically lower barrier to entry to PORT REMASTER GAMES
Jan 3 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
@AlpacaAurelius phenomenal list. Btw is it A New World or The New World on that list? As for me if I could add one it would be Ghost in the Shell from 1995. Streaming on Amazon Prime and EXTREMELY RELEVANT direct inspiration for The Matriximdb.com/title/tt011356…
@AlpacaAurelius LOTR is a masterpiece
Last Samurai was one of the biggest films IN JAPAN for a reason
V For Vendetta is one of my GOAT favorites seen it 15-20+ times
Dec 20, 2024 • 16 tweets • 12 min read
Dec 14, 2024 • 21 tweets • 6 min read
@LadyGravemaster @KinelRyan Ghost in the Shell - 1995 is on Amazon Prime. Absolutely worth it. Inspired The Matrix.
@LadyGravemaster @KinelRyan
Akira - 1988 - absolutely a mindfuck makes Blade Runner look like Disney World - if Hitchcock and Disney had a baby
Nov 26, 2024 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
If I may recommend a perfect addition to the list it would be this especially given rapidly advancing AI 3 D Printing tech. IIRC some guerilla warfare currently ongoing in Ukraine and Gaza features elements of this already. @Radomysisky @DefDista.co/d/8poKEdP
@FromKulak @Radomysisky @DefDist can’t expect 21st century guerillas to avoid laptops and they definitely shouldn’t be use Windows unless they want Microsfot aka NSA to pwn them. Don’t have to be expert but knowing bare basics of Linux, Python scripting, basic network security etc. is keya.co/d/iUPBPFH
Oct 19, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Pantheon is both masterpiece level especially for an American anime and its criminally underratedimdb.com/title/tt116806…
@wizozero If we’re also considering American animation of exceptional quality then there are a couple that absolutely warrant attention some with deep Japanese overlap like Batman Beyond
@AuronMacintyre @Last_Individual AI + massive surveillance state absolutely has the ability to determine guilt beyond ABSOLUTE doubt not reasonable doubt. Ergo it can also determine the 1 out of 10,000 people who are truly heinously unrehabilitatable murderers, rapists, psychopaths/sociopaths ruining it for all.
@AuronMacintyre @Last_Individual This means 30,000+ absolute monsters would have to be executed publicly after military tribunal. @jlippincott_ mentioned on @PeterRQuinones it’d be a good idea to have a gallows in front of each county courthouse bc voting = violence and people have completely forgotten. I agree.
@Breaking911 RIP to an absolute legend
Aug 25, 2024 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
@FountainheadFm @buckrebel Correct because Ron Paul’s peak online grassroots support was 2008 and to lesser extent 2012. His word still carries a lot of weight since he was right about literally everything but the political situation has changed dramatically since then. Also don’t forget FRAUD. Trump is…
@FountainheadFm @buckrebel a literal BILLIONAIRE self funded his campaign has 70-100+ MILLION supporters routinely does rallies with 10,000’s of supporters, ALMOST GOT HIS HEAD BLOWN OFF A MONTH AGO, but “lost” to a child sniffing dementia patient and an alcoholic HR DEI hire with “81 million votes”…
Aug 25, 2024 • 87 tweets • 18 min read
@prince_of_fakes Chinese are definitely prepping for mass manufacturing probably in design stages right nowbangkokpost.com/life/tech/2813…
Pretty sure this is also the RealDoll founder. The robotics are quite advanced tbh obviously given AI hyperacceleration what it’ll do to 3D printing, electronics, design, etc. we’ll start exiting Uncanny Valley in 12-18 months way sooner than expected.
Aug 25, 2024 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
@Indian_Bronson @Halsted_19 I had to reread that a couple times. The absolute gall fact there’s a service to begin with that’ll “ghost write” scientific papers in your written voice for implied purpose of fraud is astounding but not surprising. Another reason why The Science TM needs to go. Downstream…
@Indian_Bronson @Halsted_19 Damage of garbage like this that ends up getting cited in various other supposedly scientific studies, literature etc. ends up negatively affecting basic sciences, engineering, medicine, and much more. Also he’s tacitly admitting he’s TOO STUPID to write it himself NOT LAZY…
Aug 23, 2024 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
@north_star_says Dhruv I’m sorry this happened to you and I’m gonna say something as somebody who was born in India but raised in America since age 3 and specifically having lived in Texas for over a decade that might not make sense to a lot of Indians. If your government has disarmed you…
@north_star_says It’s because they view YOU as the ENEMY. You can pretzel twist the logic any which way you want to but it basically boils down to your government wanting make sure that’s you and every man and woman around you is always either at the mercy of corrupt police or criminals…
Aug 22, 2024 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
@ramzpaul @SydSteyerhart @prince_of_fakes it’s important to teach AI Robots what it means to genuinely CARE for a human being. With AI Sex Robot Waifus it’s like that old saying about being a carefully calibrated mix of Sunday schoolmarm and absolute whore in bedroom Madonna/Whore Complex
@ramzpaul @SydSteyerhart @prince_of_fakes If you program them to literally just have sex on command or say have sex to achieve maximum orgasm eventually an AI might accidentally figure out the absolute peak possible orgasm may be to have sex past injuring the user or worse killing them to achieve maximal neural stimulus
Aug 21, 2024 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
@FromKulak I’m 37 and tbh teaching myself to code for no other reason than to create my own AI crypto trading algorithm to trade meme coins. That’s the only foreseeable way aside from creating some AI leveraged online business, that I can make enough money to fuck off from this rat race.
@FromKulak I’m naturally autistic enough that I have dreams about computer engineering and whatnot along with spending my days one wrong hyperstitions, latent spaces, esoterica, and various 4Chan related topics. I’m maybe 1%-3% INTJ adult males. I have no clue how Normiees are getting by.