Daniel Vidal Profile picture
Eccentric, driven, wiseass, obstinate, awkward. Fortune favors the bold 🦕 @Dino_Busters 🦖
Apr 20, 2020 30 tweets 19 min read
Is the key to #sauropod neck position and high browsing capabilities in their butts (actually, their sacra)? Today, we publish @SciReports how sacra may be key in sauropod evolution. #Paleoart: #Spinophorosaurus and indet. #theropod by Diego Cobo. #thread #science #paleo 1/n First, I must say this was the first paper I wrote out of my last 3, and it was the first submitted as well. So I am very glad to see it seeing light after almost 2 years since I wrote the first draft. Here's the link rdcu.be/b3FpJ 2/n
Mar 31, 2020 22 tweets 17 min read
Just out of the oven, our latest #research: a review about the scientific utility of #sauropod skeletal mounts through the years. If you can't access it, DM me.
link.springer.com/article/10.100… #thread I'll try to summarize it in a quick #thread Here we go! 1/n As @Bhmllr will tell you much better than I could (in his highly recommended blog), skeletal mounts have been a slightly divisive subject among scientists ever since the first mounts were erected: do they hold scientific value? The answer, is not a simple yes or no 2/n
Jan 14, 2020 14 tweets 28 min read
Our paper "Ontogenetic similarities between giraffe and sauropod neck osteological mobility"compares the range of motion and neutral pose of the necks of juveniles and adults of extant #giraffes and Spinophorosaurus (Middle #Jurassic #Niger).


journals.plos.org/plosone/articl… @frco_ortega @PD_Mocho @PLOSONE @mupe_elche @SrParamo @biouned @UNED 2/15 The goal was to test whether there exist ontogenetic-related differences in the range of motion (ROM) and posture of #sauropods. Given there have been many doubts casted on virtual ROM analyses, extant giraffes were used as comparison.