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#WomenWontWheest - It's how oor mammies made us
Feb 28 14 tweets 3 min read

I've watched the whole thing now.

Zelensky, in front of all those press guys and cameras tried to slap down Diplomacy.

He tried to pull off sitting in the WH and telling them, politely, to ram it. Vance and Trump put their feet down.

We all know the US Govt creates havoc around the world. And we all know the US govt is not the same as ordinary Americans.
Feb 16 26 tweets 3 min read
Every time a teacher says "I didn't say anything because I was scared somebody would call me names", they failed the Safeguarding test. Every time a police officers says "I didn't say anything because I was scared somebody would call me names", they failed the Safeguarding test.
Aug 16, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
It wasn't a single strategy that Posie Parker decided on to pull the curtains back.

The strategy she used to draw out the quasi-religious cult and expose them to everybody in this supposed democracy was the billboard. "Look what is happening? Did anybody vote for it? Did you even KNOW it is being imposed from behind the scenes?"

There was another strategic decision that Posie Parker made, that was every bit as important as the first one.
Aug 7, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I needed my fridge moved. I can push it around and that's fine.

But there is a hurdle and I cannae manage it.

So I asked ma neighbour tae help me "Nae bother hen. I'll shift it the noo."

"I've done this and I've done that and I've moved that"

"Well, ye shoulda left that fur me. Jist you haud the door and I'll sort the rest"
Aug 20, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Dae ye all see what is going on now?

Ye all starting to recognise wtaf the professional management class are fucking up to? Suits tellin nurses they have to wheel Wanking Wilma *BACK* into the women's ward because Wanking Wilma said Magic Words.

Because Suits know more about human biology and evolution than the medical staff
Jul 25, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
The other week, my neighbour dropped his phone.

It bounced. Right into the road. And a taxi drove o'er it.

Worse, he was on his way home, no well and needing tae make an appointment tae see the GP Nae phone noo

So he went intae the GP's tae make an appointment.

He was telt he COULD NOT MAKE AN APPOINTMENT unless he did so by phone.

So NHS in Scotland is now only for those who can afford a fucking phone (or replace a smashed phone)
May 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This is Scottish politics

Ye don't need Westmidden tae play rule and divide.

Anybody interested in politics does it, like they breathe "Folk getting shafted.... first, divvie em up intae groups, then pick a favourite group. SAVE them fae being shafted. Toss a'body else under the bus.

Stand proudly awaiting the guaranteed applause fae the proud Moral People of Scotland
May 7, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Listening tae Through a Scottish Prism.

Eva mentioned my thread about poverty, Humza's wee convention and the folk aboot me suffering poverty

Eva got a wee bit mixed up, being recorded live, and thinking on her feet Ma neighbour disnae hiv 1 hour heating a day.

He's had one hour o'er the WHOLE WINTER

His daughter wis bringing her new born baby tae meet granda.

He didnae want the wean getting no well wi the cauld a' his hoose. So he swallied his pride and came tae ma door
May 5, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Why are so many *shocked* at the NUJ refusing to defend journalists who stick to facts, biological facts?

Journalists are at the forefront, and have been at the forefront for years, of the push to not only reject biological facts, but to kick those who won't. The NUJ is a middle class institution, the union for a sector jammed tae burstin wi middle class folk

The NUJ *IS* protecting the interests of the middle classes by refusing to defend anyone who refuses to reject reality
May 5, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
This blog aboot an anti-poverty speech appeared in ma timeline last night


The replies to the tweet were all applause and praise for one of the speakers I suppose folk wid think I'm overjoyed at the speech.

The desperate poverty of single adults across Scotland was mentioned. That acknowledgement is nearly as rare as hen's fucking teeth.

Apr 28, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read

Been roon tae the GP wi Mawe tae get some tests done

Think she might hiv an infection

Mawe is fine
Cannae say enough good things about the GP and the care the NHS is providing ma Mawe.

Love the NHS. Priceless But imagine whit wid be happening tae ma Mawe o'er the next few days if it wis CHARITIES providing ma Mawe's care.
Feb 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Kate Forbes is entitled to her religious views.

Can we move on now?

Whit, if anything, did Forbes hiv tae dae wi selling aff oor renewables fur the price of a dainty?

Whit, if anything, does Forbes hiv tae dae wi Freeports? Whit, if anything, has Forbes had tae say about all the govt money being funded into Quasi religious cults to fund indoctrination of employees and school weans across Scotland?
Feb 21, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read

So Mawe is a nightmare in the kitchen.

Needed tae find away of getting her oot the kitchen and keeping her oot when she's Mrs Anxiety.
Feb 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Here's where folk have to calculate.

A leader who will send rapists into the women's estate, Wanking Wilma's into women's hospital wards.... irrepairable damage

Or a leader who will not support gay marriage in a society where plenty folk shack up wi nae big wedding... Choose one.

Will you tell yer Ma she jist his tae be sexually assaulted cos ye think gay folk cannae wait tae be married tae a new leader comes along?

Or tell yer gay brother, marriage is nice blah blah blah... but no worth yer Mawe getting raped in a hossie bed
Feb 20, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
This is Compromise Fanaticism Ye can be a wee bit dead. Cos a compromise was reached by Oor Betters
Jan 28, 2023 435 tweets >60 min read
So they want to put the most dangerous prisoner in Scotland in the women's estate cos wee soul says Magic Words

The GRR has not had Royal Ascent yet, so remember that

And remember, Sturgeon said not every Magic Word chanter of a man should be excluded from the women's estate But Sturgeon is no the only person in Scottish politics who voted for a bill that will mean MEN, any man convicted wi a crime and sent to jail who chants Magic Words should be held in the women's estate

They're all daft?
They're all feart?
They don't understand?
Jan 28, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
So Talcum X wants to abolish women's prisons?

Well, a helluva lot of feminists have been insisting that's what happens for years But the vile feminists who bletherin and on about abolishing prisons make it very clear they jist don't want MOTHERS in jail because well MOTHERS must never be treated equally in law to those dreadful infertile women; women like me

Jail Myra Hindley but no Rose West

Jan 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read


"I have heard people, politicians, claiming to be defenders of women's rights who I'd never heard defend women's rights in the past" So if you didn't appear before The Chief Priest of the New Church of the Holy High Heels to make it clear what rights you'd defend o'er last 40 years....
Jan 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
"Jist a piece of administration" elected SNP politicians said

It was one of Hunter's favourite lines

Not one of them said it would require women female students to strip off before some fucking rapist and be spray painted by him in a college

Cannae think how no! Not one of them said it would be a bit more than fucking paperwork

Not one of them said it would mean sending nutjob men, convicted of crimes, any crimes, including violent crimes like rape to the women's prison *IF* those men said the Magic Words

Not fucking one of em
Jan 27, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
If a bunch of plebs fae Easterhoose decided they would just set about making sure rapists who Chant Magic Words get sent tae the wumin's estate: 1. Ye'd a' be raging despite the deep contempt for anyone who rages at anything
Jan 27, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
It isn't just Nicola Sturgeon who didn't bother their shirt listening to us 'orrible people, Us, Them, Other, The Public

It was every single fucking MP who voted through the Gender Reform Bill - or who didn't show up for work that day

Every fucking one of them
No jist Nicola *MSP