Dr. Raz πŸ‰ Animal Mechanic Profile picture
Raz β—† She/They β—† 30 β—† NB Panromantic Asexual β—† Ace Advocate β—† Veterinarian β—† Writer β—† Chronic Migraineur β—† ENG/ESP β—† 16+ pls β—† Tip me: https://t.co/DuGdeQNz0K
Jun 22, 2019 β€’ 14 tweets β€’ 3 min read
It’s amazing how done with Overwatch I am. It’s kind of the same shock I had with WoW. You can say it’s only a game but in the 3 years I played OW it heavily affected my life. From meeting my partner (who now lives with me) to getting closer with other friends bonding over it. 1/ I poured over 1800 hours into this game. Blood sweat and tears. I hyped over the game & was very into the lore at the beginning. Overwatch saw me play through extreme excitement, severe depression, and learning how to cope after feeling hopeless life could get any better. 2/