Razom for Ukraine 🇺🇦 Profile picture
A non-profit supporting Ukrainian people in their pursuit of democracy with dignity, justice, and human rights. Account managed by Razom's Advocacy Team.
Jul 18 5 tweets 2 min read
We'd be delighted to hear what @RichardHaass thinks is "core Ukraine."

Perhaps he means the borders of Ukraine in 1919?

Here's a few other bogus talking points that don't hold up to scrutiny 🧵
Image Haas says Ukraine will never liberate its territory from Russian occupation: "Not gonna happen!"

In reality, Ukraine has liberated over 50% of the territory captured by Russia. Just yesterday, Ukraine forced Russia's last patrol ship to abandon Crimea. kyivindependent.com/last-russian-p…
Jun 19 9 tweets 4 min read
Razom for Ukraine is proud to join Americans around the country to commemorate #Juneteenth. This Juneteenth, we remember the friendship between Ira Aldridge, an African American free man and Ukraine’s poet laureate Taras Shevchenko, born a serf. 🧵 Image Aldridge was born in NYC and dreamed of becoming a Shakespearean actor. He moved to the UK, where his casting in Othello was met with racist derision. But he was not the type to quit. He embarked on a tour of Europe and his performances started drawing crowds and awards. Image
Apr 18 7 tweets 2 min read
The REPO Act would use frozen Russian state assets to help Ukraine. It's only right to #MakePutinPay. But some members of Congress, such as Sen. @JDVance1, are instead trying to convince their colleagues protect Putin's billions.

Here are the facts on REPO 🧵 Claim: This would set a dangerous precedent.

Reality: This would set a precedent that countries grievously violating international law, waging genocidal wars, and trying to conquer their neighbors, will face meaningful consequences. This deters future aggression.
Dec 20, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America @UkrCongComAm, Joint Baltic American National Committee @JBANCchatter, & Razom @razomforukraine issued the following statement in response to the proposal by the Biden Admin to introduce legislation designating Russia an "Aggressor State": The Biden Administration’s newly proposed “Aggressor State” designation for Russia is a damaging concept that undermines current congressional efforts to support Ukraine.
Dec 20, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
🚨 Razom Emergency Response Update 🚨
In only 2.5 mnths, 9000+ of you made a donation to Razom to make it possible for us to help get 🇺🇦 closer to victory. These days it's meant delivering humanitarian aid that can save lives during a cold winter & constant electricity outages We have already supplied the majority of first responder units on the frontlines, at least once
Btwn now & October, we have delivered
400 wood burning portable stoves,
7,500 freeze dried meals
2,500+ pieces of warm tactical clothing to our Ukrainian defenders & first responders
Nov 3, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
⚡️ We often hear a lot of quick-fire misconceptions when skeptics are justifying why we haven't yet designated Russia a #StateSponsorOfTerrorism.

🧵 Read our thread on some common SST-related myths and how best to respond to them with facts:

#RussiaIsATerroristState 1/10 🇷🇺 routinely uses violence against civilian populations to achieve political goals. While 🇷🇺 actions certainly exceed what we might imagine to be "sponsoring," #SST designation triggers important legal ramifications specifically for states engaging *directly* in terrorism. 2/10