Richard Caldwell Profile picture
Disciple of Christ, husband to Jacque, father to four, grandfather to 6, M.Div SWBTS, D.Min The Masters Seminary, and thankful to serve @FoundersBaptist
Dec 24, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
I have often been grieved by seeing what one of our people (or former people) is reading or quoting from. Some of it more mildly bothersome than others, but none of it (when grievous) good for their soul, and all of it taken from the “evangelical” smorgasbord. And how often 1/7 have I watched the predictable drift or continued defection that follows. Yet, in many cases, they will not be helped because their eyes and ears are intentionally following where their heart has already traveled. It is compromise looking for confirmation. Oh for faithful 2/7
Nov 4, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
1. Long before Election Day, LONG before, the president is being asked if he will concede if he loses. 2. Hillary, prior to the election, states that under no circumstances should Biden concede, because once all votes are counted he will prevail. 3. The VIRUS is given as a reason, NOT only to allow absentee voting, but to mail out UNREQUESTED ballots, and there are endless tales of people receiving ballots that they could not legally cast. There was a flood of ballots, ripe for harvesting, all over the country. 4. You have vote counts STOP in the
Jan 20, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Every time I see a “discernment” social media guy, I have a question. What’s your history with healthy local churches? Many of these folks have hopped from place to place, and have started their own thing more than once. No one measures up (for long) except them, and their circle They claim it’s all about the Bible, but in truth it’s often about them. It often involves taking the worst possible angle on their opponent’s words or decisions. They often exalt themselves by straw man characterizations of others.... Are there real problems and...