Rachael Tatman Profile picture
Language technology educator. Making NLP boring. Linguistics PhD. Tweets my own & CC-BY-SA. She/her. You can support me via ko-fi: https://t.co/ndpBQdSp5q
May 31, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
Alright, fine: it's getting enough traction that I think I need to address this paper as a certified Grumpy Linguist in NLP.

(I generally try to avoid peer reviewing students in public but at this point it's definitely *already* very public, so 🤷‍♀️.)

A couple points first:

1. This is a *pre*-pre-print (not even on Arxiv yet) and I think the authors found something they thought was exciting and wanted to avoid getting scooped.
2. The authors' research is on generative models (like GANs) not NLP