Imran Qureshi Profile picture
Father, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Associate Medical Director, Consultant in Infection. All views are my own
Jun 19, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Hopefully some useful tips about infections and antibiotics (general pointers)

1. You need to give most antibiotics at least 48 hours to have an effect. Escalating empirical therapy prior to that is unlikely to be helpful 2. Always look at the trends of fevers of a patient. Patients may continue to spike fevers but if you see an overall downward trend - this suggests antibiotic therapy is working - consider holding off on escalation
Jan 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
One of my F1s phoned me on a Friday evening wanting to talk. They sounded very sad and I asked what’s up. They said that they had done two things today for which they had been told off in a way which had really shattered their confidence. I listened to what they had done and you could see that things could have been handled differently, but I reminded them that there is not a healthcare professional that has ever lived that has not at some point done something which was not quite right and that these moments are an opportunity for growth. This also
Mar 18, 2021 14 tweets 23 min read
I continue to be appalled by the culture in the NHS when it comes to bullying and undermining. There has not been a moment in my career when someone that I knew wasn’t experiencing the absolute horror that it is. I have sat and listened to too many of my colleagues and witnessed too many moments. I don’t get it when juniors are bullied, I mean how dare you shout at someone else, how dare you belittle them, how dare you absolutely destroy their confidence, what on earth gives you the right to do it? Because you are a ‘senior’...let’s just breakdown
Jun 29, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
I wonder what would happen to Healthcare if it’s staff were allowed to work a four-day week. If we were given the opportunity to take unpaid leave when needed. If we could move seamlessly from one job to another without having to take leave to do checks which we did last year. If we were offered jobs which were close to where we live, without having to move to and become bereft of support. If we didn’t have to be geographically separated from our spouses, partners and children. If we were given the space & opportunity to do mandatory training in a day.