@readywriting on all the socials ALL OF THEM Profile picture
Assistant Director for Digital Learning @cndls. Writer. I put the E in ENFP. It’s not grit, it’s hope. Proudly size XL. Co-host of All The Things #ADHD podcast
Jun 10, 2020 24 tweets 5 min read
Which students? The demand for online courses has only gone up. And those examples of "online learning" are the worst possible and worst designed ones. Sure, students don't want THAT online learning, but they also don't want shitty large lectures either insidehighered.com/digital-learni… I am so tired of this BS: "Some of the best courses I have taken during my time in college have been the ones that are small, and where the professor and students develop a sense of trust with one another. This trust can only be attained by person-to-person contact."
Mar 8, 2020 19 tweets 4 min read
So I’m seeing a lot of “oh so now online learning is where it’s at?” tweets (some of which I’ve rt’ed). Look, I get it, it’s frustrating. But what if, and hear me out, this is our chance? The people on the ground who are trying to help faculty deal with this uncertainty and change are really good at their jobs, but also now completely overwhelmed. What was once optional is now required.
Feb 18, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Faculty "discovering" staff is my new least-favorite genre of academic think-pieces. Sigh. Part of the problem is that faculty discovering staff and then collaborating with them is that the power dynamics are still heavily skewed towards faculty. They have the protections of academic freedom, as well as a clearly-defined rewards system.