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washed up economist, tips:
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Aug 25 12 tweets 5 min read
Paola Giuliano & Nathan Nunn (@DrNathanNunn) are two superstar econ professors.

Their 2021 paper in @RevEconStudies, now cited over 400 times, can't be replicated.

Image Earlier this year, a team of European researchers with @I4Replication published, ''Understanding Cultural Persistence and Change: A Replication of Giuliano and Nunn (2021)''…Image
May 29 15 tweets 7 min read
The 2024 British Columbia provincial election just took an explosive turn.

Conservative candidate @Scrase has abruptly resigned after a series of mean tweets surfaced, tweets denouncing kids being exposed to ''pup play'' fetishists at Pride parades.

Thread🧵: Image read my full article here:

Why Canadian Conservatives Lose: A Case Study…
May 22 30 tweets 13 min read
Canada's smallest province, Prince Edward Island, has become the first to push back against mass immigration.

The Indian community in PEI is not taking it very well, threatening ''hunger strikes to the death.''

THREAD 🧵 Image full article:…
May 21 20 tweets 7 min read
Earlier this month, @amconmag published an article in which I refuted @mcuban's crusade to convince the public that companies hiring board members based on ethnicity is a profitable endeavor.

Cuban responded.

Now... will he accept a debate with @realchrisrufo?

THREAD 🧵 Image This is the article Cuban is responding to:

May 21 14 tweets 8 min read
The Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the world’s largest and most prestigious science fair, took place last week.

The winner of the environmental engineering division, which came with a cash prize of $55,000, cheated.

THREAD: 🧵 Image Exclusive: Scandal at America's Top Science Fair

''Honestly ISEF is probably going to sweep this under the rug unless it comes in the news. Someone needs to send it to CNN or something.''…
May 2 14 tweets 6 min read
On April 5th, @nathancofnas was fired from Emmanuel College at @Cambridge_Uni after arguing that conservatives must accept ‘‘race realism” in order to defeat “the woke left”

Today, the most famous philosophers in the world came out in support of Cofnas' free speech

THREAD🧵: Image On February 5th, Cofnas published a Substack article arguing that in order for conservatives to defeat “the woke left” they must accept ‘‘race realism”

I would recommend not only reading it, but also reading all 200+ comments at the bottom of it.…
Apr 30 11 tweets 6 min read
Thread 🧵-- my latest for @amconmag:

McKinsey & Company—the largest management consultancy in the world, the alumni of which include Pete Buttigieg and the geniuses who advised Purdue Pharma on how to “turbocharge” opioid sales—have published four studies since 2015 (“Diversity Matters,” “Delivering Through Diversity,” “Diversity Wins,” “Diversity Matters Even More”) claiming that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives enhance company profitability.

This “proof” has been used for the past decade to advance a leftist social engineering agenda under the guise of business acumen, corporate social responsibility, and fiduciary duty. Now, independent researchers are calling it what it is: blatant fraud, or, in the most charitable interpretation, gross incompetence.Image “Our inability to [replicate] their results suggests that...[McKinsey] should not be relied on to support the view that US publicly traded firms can expect to deliver improved financial performance if they increase racial/ethnic diversity.”…
Apr 17 19 tweets 8 min read
This is Catherine Tait, the president and CEO of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (@CBC).

Her base salary is $497,100, paid by Canadian taxpayers, and she is every inch the odious shitlib that NPR's Katherine Maher is.

Thread 🧵
Image For starters, she lives in Brooklyn, New York, while being in charge of Canadian media. Image
Apr 1 5 tweets 2 min read
Over the past few years, @McKinsey has released at least 4 studies claiming a positive relationship between DEI and firm performance.

A new paper published today in @EconJWatch finds these results can't be replicated.

''Our inability to [replicate] their results suggests that ... they should not be relied on to support the view that US publicly traded firms can expect to deliver improved financial performance if they increase the racial/ethnic diversity of their executives.''Image link:…
Feb 21 7 tweets 2 min read
EXCLUSIVE: Harvard alumnae demand university ‘commit to DEI in all facets of university hiring and admission’

I have obtained an unreleased petition from the Black Alumnae of Harvard Equity Initiative that makes 5 DEI-related demands of interim President Alan Garber

Thread 🧵 DEMAND #1: Ensure that the narrative around Dr. Gay’s stepping down from the presidency is grounded in truth and that Harvard’s leadership steadfastly supports Dr. Gay going forward, defending her from any future assaults on her character, home, or person.
Feb 11, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
A judge in Nova Scotia ruled that all black criminals in the province will have their sentence automatically reduced because of their pigmentation.

Now, that ruling is going nationwide. Every black criminal in Canada will have their sentence mitigated.… If you are curious about how "pigmentation" is defined, so am I

I reached out to @ClaOntario, @cancivlib, @ACCEC_Canada, @peopleswloo, @SPProject_, @CABLNational & @ansdpad for guidance/documentation on how it is defined, but nobody would respond to me
Mar 28, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
THREAD🧵: The United States Senate is about to vote on @drlisadcook's nomination to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, which would make her in charge of regulating the banking system.

I have obtained her tenure package. Let's talk about it.

1/n… Most obviously, this leaked document shows that Cook EXPLICITLY LIED about her AER P&P paper being peer-reviewed.

This is simply not a peer-reviewed paper.

Mar 14, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
🧵THREAD: I have obtained a leaked internal report that shows a tenured Harvard political scientist (@RyanDEnos) has FABRICATED DATA, potentially on multiple occasions, in order to "prove" that white people are afraid of minorities.

Let's talk about it.

1/n First of all, here is a safe link where you can download a PDF of the leaked report for yourself:

And here is a direct link to the Substack article

Feb 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
NEW: In his latest substack post, @KirkegaardEmil examines some glaring data "issues" with @drlisadcook's most famous academic paper, and finds that the paper does not stand the test of time.… This follows a similar article from @Steve_Sailer today