Femi Fani-Kayode Profile picture
Lover of God. Fmr. Minister of Aviation. Fmr. Minister of Culture. Ayanfe Oluwa. Akanda Eniyan. Sadaukin Shinkafi. Wakilin Doka Potiskum. Otunba Joga Orile.
18 subscribers
Jan 15 6 tweets 20 min read

(FULL TEXT: femifanikayode.org/january-15th-1…)

In the early hours of the morning of January 15th 1966 a coup d’etat took place in Nigeria which resulted in the murder of a number of leading political figures & senior army officers.

This was the first coup in the history of our country and 98 per cent of the officers that planned & led it were from a particular ethnic nationality in the country.

According to Max Siollun, a notable and respected historian whose primary source of information was the Police report compiled by the Police's Special Branch after the failure of the coup, during the course of the investigation & after the mutineers had been arrested & detained, names of the leaders of the mutiny were as follows:

Major Emmanuel Arinze Ifeajuna, Major Chukwuemeka Kaduna Nzeogwu, Major Chris Anuforo, Major Tim Onwutuegwu, Major Chudi Sokei, Major Adewale Ademoyega, Major Don Okafor, Major John Obieno, Captain Ben Gbuli, Captain Emmanuel Nwobosi, Captain Chukwuka and Lt. Oguchi.

It is important to point out that I saw the Special Branch report myself and I can confirm Siollun's findings.

These were indeed the names of ALL the leaders of the January 15th 1966 mutiny & all other lists are FAKE.

The names of those that they murdered in cold blood or abducted were as follows.

Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, the Prime Minister of Nigeria (murdered),
Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Sardauna of Sokoto and the Premier of the Old Northern Region (murdered), Sir Kashim Ibrahim, the Shettima of Borno and the Governor of the Old Northern Region (abducted), Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola, the Aare Ana Kakanfo of Yorubaland and the Premier of the Old Western Region (murdered), Chief Remilekun Adetokunboh Fani-Kayode Q.C., the Balogun of Ife, the Deputy Premier of the Old Western Region and my beloved father (abducted), Chief Festus Samuel Okotie-Eboh, the Oguwa of the Itsekiris and the Minister of Finance of Nigeria (murdered), Brigadier Samuel Adesujo Ademulegun, Commander of the 1st Brigade, Nigerian Army (murdered), Brigadier Zakariya Maimalari, Commander of the 2nd Brigade, Nigerian Army (murdered), Colonel James Pam (murdered), Colonel Ralph Sodeinde (murdered), Colonel Arthur Unegbe (murdered), Colonel Kur Mohammed (murdered),
Lt. Colonel Abogo Largema (murdered),
Alhaja Hafsatu Bello, the wife of the Sardauna of Sokoto (murdered), Alhaji Zarumi, traditional bodyguard of the Sardauna of Sokoto (murdered), Mrs. Lateefat Ademulegun, the wife of Brigadier Ademulegun who was 8 months pregnant at the time (murdered), Ahmed B. Musa (murdered), Ahmed Pategi (murdered), Sgt. Daramola Oyegoke (murdered), Police Constable Yohana Garkawa (murdered), Police Constable Musa Nimzo (murdered), Police Constable Akpan Anduka (murdered) Police Constable Hagai Lai (murdered) and Police Constable Philip Lewande (murdered).

In order to reflect the callousness of the mutineers permit me to share under what circumstances some of their victims were murdered & abducted.

Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa was abducted from his home, beaten, mocked, tortured, forced to drink alcohol, humiliated and murdered after which his body was dumped in a bush along the Lagos-Abeokuta road.

Sir Ahmadu Bello was killed in the sanctity of his own home with his wife Hafsatu & his loyal security assistant Zurumi.

Zurumi drew his sword to defend his principal whilst Hafsatu threw her body over her dear husband in an attempt to protect him from the bullets.

Chief S. L. Akintola was gunned down as he stepped out of his house in the presence of his family and Chief Festus Okotie-Eboh was beaten, brutalised, abducted from his home, maimed & murdered & his body was dumped in a bush.

Brigadier Zakariya Maimalari had held a cocktail party in his home the evening before which was attended by some of the young officers that went back to his house early the following morning and murdered him.

...Brigadier Samuel Ademulegun was shot to death at home, in his bedroom & in his matrimonial bed along with his eight-month pregnant wife Lateefat.

Colonel Shodeinde was murdered in Ikoyi hotel whilst Col. Pam was abducted from his home & murdered in a bush.

Most of the individuals that were killed that morning were subjected to a degree of humiliation, shame and torture that was so horrendous that I am constrained to decline from sharing them in this contribution.

The mutineers came to our home as well which at that time was the official residence of the Deputy Premier of the Old Western Region & which remains there till today.

After storming our house and almost killing my brother, sister and me, they beat, brutalised and abducted my father Chief Remi Fani-Kayode.

What I witnessed that morning was traumatic and devastating and, of course, what the entire nation witnessed was horrific.

It was a morning of carnage, barbarity and terror.

Those events set in motion a cycle of carnage which changed our entire history and the consequences remain with us till this day.

It was a sad and terrible morning and one of blood and slaughter.

My recollection of the events in our home is as follows.

At around 2.00 a.m. my mother, Mrs. Adia Aduni Fani-Kayode, came into the bedroom which I shared with my older brother, Rotimi and my younger sister Toyin. I was six years old at the time.

The lights had been cut off by the mutineers so we were in complete darkness and all we could see and hear were the headlights from three or four large and heavy trucks with big loud engines.

The official residence of the Deputy Premier had a very long drive so it took the vehicles a while to reach us.

We saw four sets of headlights and heard the engines of four lorries drive up the drive-way.

The occupants of the lorries, who were uniformed men who carried torches, positioned themselves and prepared to storm our home whilst calling my fathers name and ordering him to come out.

My father courageously went out to meet them after he had called us together, prayed for us and explained to us that since it was him they wanted he must go out there.

He explained that he would rather go out to meet them and, if necessary, meet his death than let them come into the house to shoot or harm us all.

The minute he stepped out they brutalised him. I witnessed this. They beat him, tied him up and threw him into one of the lorries.

The first thing they said to him as he stepped out was “where are your thugs now Fani-Power?”

My father’s response was typical of him, sharp and to the point. He said, “I don’t have thugs, only gentlemen.”

I think this annoyed them and made them brutalise him even more. They tied him up, threw him in the back of the lorry and then stormed the house.

When they got into the house they ransacked every nook and cranny, shooting into the ceiling and wardrobes. They were brutal and frightful and we were terrified.

My mother was screaming and crying from the balcony because all she could do was focus on her husband who was in the back of the truck downstairs. There is little doubt that she loved him more than life itself.

“Don’t kill him, don’t kill him!!” she kept screaming at them. I can still visualise this and hear her voice pleading, screaming and crying.

I didn’t know where my brother or sister were at this point because the house was in total chaos.

I was just six years old and I was standing there in the middle of the passage upstairs in the house by my parents bedroom, surrounded by uniformed men who were ransacking the whole place and terrorising my family.

Then out of the blue something extraordinary happened. All of a sudden one of the soldiers came up to me, put his hand on my head and said: “don’t worry, we won’t kill your father, stop crying.”

He said this to me three times. After he said it the third time I looked in his eyes and I stopped crying.

Feb 18, 2024 9 tweets 28 min read


Whilst much of the world and most of America watched the superbowl the other night, the State of Israel was busy bombing and slaughtering the Christian and Muslim women and children of Rafah and its sprawling refugee camp in far away Gaza.

100 innocent and defenceless people were killed, most of whom were women and children, in the space of a few hours of relentless bombing.

Israel has expressed her intention to continue to bomb and unleash horror on Rafah despite the stern warnings and desperate pleas from the rest of the world not to do so including her two greatest allies and closest friends, the United States of America and the United Kingdom.

The Jewish state has murdered no less and probably far more than 35,000 Palestinian civilians in the last four months, 17,000 of whom are children, and injured over 100,000.

I am compelled and constrained by my faith and love for humanity to oppose and resist such a monstrous entity that is given to commiting such inhumane and genocidal crimes against my fellow human beings for WHATEVER reason and neither can I be expected to confer on it some far-fetched and illusionary notion of "the right to exist".

Surely no country, particularly one which was artificially-created and which was built on the blood, sweat, suffering, toil, tears and bones of the Palestinian people like the Zionist state, has the right to exist.

The oppressor has no right to exist if that "right" entails cheating, pillaging, plundering, enslaving, murdering at will and occupying the land of the oppressed.

The usurper, the conqueror, the pillager, the rapist, the mass- murderer, the thief, the land-grabber, the ethnic cleanser, the butcher of the elderly and the murderer of women and children may have the weapons, wealth, international support, power, wherewithal and homicidal disposition to commit and get away with his horrendous crimes against humanity but he has no "right to exist" other than the one that he forcefully and erroneously appropriated and conferred upon himself.

He exists and commits such unspeakable atrocities only because he has the power to do so and to get away with them and not because he has any right to exist.

Great nations and powerful empires come and great nations and powerful empires go.

That is the way of the world, it is inevitable and it is well reflected in history.

The Babylonian, Persian, Mongol, Ottoman, Roman, British, Spanish, Russian, Han and Greek empires collectively and respectively once ruled the civilised world and their power was deemed to be never-ending and irresistible but where are they today?

They had their time, sometimes stretching into hundreds of years, but eventually they crumbled and were compelled by the force of circumstances which were beyond their control to relinquish power, to leave the scene, to crumble and to eventually vanish into the night.

And in that crumbling their so-called "right to exist" solely for the purpose of destroying, enslaving, subjugating and tormenting others disappeared into the night with them.

So it shall be for the Zionist state if she does not repent, go back to God and change her wicked ways.

Like Juilus Caesar she came, she saw and she conquered.

From the time that she was re-established 75 long years ago she boastfully flaunted her awesome power, magnificent glory, unprecedented excellence and stupendous wealth over much of the world and particularly over the Palestinian people.

Like the Virgin Daughter of Babylon who was graphically displayed and meticulously described in Isaiah 47 of the Holy Bible she loudly and boastfully proclaimed to the world and all that cared to listen that "I AM and there is none besides me!"

(CONTINUED BELOW👇👇👇)femifanikayode.org/the-israel-of-…Image
... Yet despite her hubristic pride and vainglorious proclamations of invincibility it is self-evident to the discerning that with her blind, vengeful and savage rage, her unconciable lack of restraint and self-discipline, her inexplicable descent into madness and the abominable atrocities that she is committing in Gaza on a daily basis her cup is full and the Most High God has set His heart and the people of the world against her just as He did 2000 years ago after they murdered our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

He shall surely break her yoke, bring her to her knees, revoke her "right to exist", scatter her to the four corners of the earth, compel her to vanish into the night and ensure that her insidious and perfidious intention to establish a "Greater Israel" whose borders stretch from Egypt to Iran crumbles and is blown away with the wind.

The Zionist state's sole purpose of existence is to crush, conquer, enslave and exterminate the Palestinian people in their nefarious and sinister expansionist quest and to deny them what is rightfully theirs including their identity, their history, their heritage, their land, their dignity
and their lives.

Worse still they seek to achieve this with the full backing and blind support of a Biden-led United States of America that is simply incapable of any rational thinking or being impartial when it comes to this matter and that has wilfully shunned world opinion, given a thumbs up to genocide, supplied aid, arms, money, and material support to the ethnic cleansers, abandoned the cause of the Palestinian people and given their oppressors the right, the weaponry and the means to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Yet consider this.

No matter how powerful she deems herself to be the Jewish state has an Achilles heel and a soft and vulnerable underbelly and she will NEVER achieve these objectives.

More importantly in the fullness of time and in the process of trying she may well be totally crushed and removed from the map of the world.

This is because God alone rules in the affairs of men and He is just and true.

The Bible says He is slow to anger but irresistible in battle. His power is awesome, His majesty is irresistible and His justice is swift.

He is a man of war and as the Bible asks, "who can stand against Him?"

He contends against those who contend against us, He fights for the rights of the less privileged and the underdog and He rises in defence of the enslaved and the oppressed.

He removes mighty Kings from their thrones in the blink of an eye and He causes paupers, the rejected, the hated and the deprived to rise up in power and excel.

He is the father of the orphan and the husband of the widow.

He is the champion of the poor, the needy, the elderly and the defenceless infant and He is the avenger of our blood.

His name is the I Am That I Am, the Ancient of Days, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, the Lamb of God, the Ressurected Messiah, the Coming King and the Lord God of Hosts and at the appropriate time He will honor His word and rise up for the occupied, the cheated, the subjugated, the humiliated, the denied, the oppressed and the enslaved and strike down their strong tormentor.

Simply put there is no place or space in todays world for the worst, most brazen, most primitive and most insidious form of racism, colonialism and fascism that today's Zionist State of Israel embodies, manifests and represents.

And neither does a vicious, relentless, barbaric, cruel, heartless and blood-lusting apartheid Jewish state which is led by evil men who have lost their sense of reason, their minds and their humanity and who behave in a worse manner than the wildest of beasts have a right to exist.

They LOST that right when they embarked on violating all international norms, laws and protocols and chose to target and kill Palestinian women and children for their sport and pleasure.

Dec 24, 2023 7 tweets 18 min read

My dear Prime Minister Binyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu (@netanyahu),

I trust this open letter meets you well despite the challenges that both you and your nation are presently facing.

Let me begin by asking you to forgive me for communicating with you through this rather unorthodox medium but I have no other way of reaching you and I fear that a formal, private letter and communication to your office in Tel Aviv may never make it past your Chief of Staff or to your desk.

Such is the gravity of unfolding events in the Middle East and your nation Israel that I am constrained to ensure that you hear some home truths, no matter how bitter, and I hope that your Ambassador to our country Nigeria, His Excellency Mr. Micheal Freeman, together with the numerous operatives, informants and spooks that you have planted here will have the good sense, decency, foresight and courage to intimate you of its contents.

Now to the point.

Your Excellency, permit me to tell you that I have respect for your office but I have no respect for you.

You are the greatest disaster that has befallen your nation since its establishment in 1948 and rather than refer to you as Prime Minister of Israel I will henceforth refer to you as the butcher of our age and the child-slayer of Gaza.

Your killing spree, genocidal binge, murderous disposition, blind rage & unconscionable desire to wipe out, ethnically cleanse and totally exterminate the entire Palestinian race has resulted in the mass murder of 26,000 innocent and defenceless Palestinans (which represents over 1% of the entire population of Gaza), 97 journalists (including Samer Abu Daqqa of Al Jazeera @AJEnglish) and 3 Israeli hostages (whilst they were shirtless, begging for help and waiving a white flag) in Gaza all in just 2 months!

Of the 26,000 Palestinians that have been killed 10,000 of them were children and 6,400 of them were women whilst 20,000 of them were found above the rubble and 6,000 remain below it.

24,000 Palestinian children have lost one or both parents in Israeli attacks, 18,000 have been injured with some in critical condition and 60% of the people of Gaza are facing starvation.

300 Palestinian health workers, 134 staffers of the United Nations and a French Foreign Ministry official have been killed and 1.9 million Gazans have been displaced, hundreds of thousands of them are without food, clean water and shelter and 85% of them have been forced to leave their homes.

288 Palestinians have been killed in the neighbouring occupied West Bank and 4,570 have been detained there since October 7th.

Over 100,000 buildings have been destroyed in Gaza, thousands of refugees have been bombed and butchered in its refugee camps and a Palestinian woman and her daughter were targetted and shot dead in a Church by an Israeli sniper.

The latter is a particularly despicable and heinous crime which Pope Francis has described as an act of "terrorism".

12,000 bombs and 40,000 TONS of bombs have been dropped on Gaza and half of all its buildings have been totally destroyed whilst the Israeli Airforce says it struck at least 12,000 targets across the besieged Palestinian territory BETWEEN OCTOBER 7 TO NOVEMBER 1 ALONE (only God knows how high that number is today) making it one of the most intense bombing campaigns in recent history.

71% of Gaza's population are suffering from acute hunger, 98% are suffering from insufficient food consumption and 64% eat grass, fruit and undercooked and expired food stuffs to satisfy their hunger.

As Christmas approaches, Bethlehem, the birthplace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is under siege and you have decided to sacrifice and forsake the remaining 130 Israeli hostages that are still with Hamas.

Of a truth, it is only those who do not have children that cannot feel the pain of the Palestinian people.

(CONTINUED BELOW👇👇👇)Image ...Can you dispute the words of Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, a former Minister of Information in Palestine & a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, when he said:

"no human being in Palestine has any value to Israel, whether Muslim or Christian. The whole world now knows how it treats Palestinians & why it is killing journalists that are reporting the truth".

All we see in Gaza is death, blood, body fluids & innards spilt, pasted & spread all over the streets & buildings, human limbs that have been shattered, scattered & torn apart, tears, mayhem, carnage, barbarity, cold-blooded mass murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, crimes against humanity, unadulterated cruelty, unrelenting callousness, undiluted perfidy & the most graphic & extreme form of wickedness that has been unleashed against a defenceless and innocent civilian population which comprises primarily of women & children.

You told the civilians to flee from Northern Gaza to Southern Gaza where you said they would be safe.

After over one million of them took you at your word & did so you started bombing Southern Gaza as well killing thousands of them in the process.

You have killed more civilians in Gaza in two months than the Americans killed civilians in their twenty years of occupation & waging war against the Taliban in Afghanistan!

Even the mortuarys & cemeteries were not spared & the bodies of the dead were not allowed to rest in peace. Instead they were bombed, blown apart, strewn all over the floor & burial grounds & desecrated.

Under your leadership Israel has become what the American commentator & presidential candidate, Mr. Cent Uygar, has rightly described as a "mass assasination factory".

Tell me Bibi, with all this, how do you sleep at night?

What horrors do you see & what nightmares do you experience when you close your eyes?

How do you look at your wife & children first thing in the morning & pray to your God with so much innocent blood on your hands?

When will your chronic madness & psychotic, insatiable desire for the shedding of Palestinan blood be cured?

When will your psychopathic obsession for vengeance & the crushing, subjugation, enslavement and elimination of the Palestinian people be abated?

I choose to say the bitter truth that few dare to voice & that truth is that you have lost touch with reality & you are not a leader but rather a bloodthirsty, bloodlusting, vengeful, hateful, venal, vicious, relentless, wicked, uncompromising & barbaric meglomaniac who is satanically-inspired & controlled by the demons of hell & the forces of darkness.

That is why many call you "Netanyahu" to your face & "Satanyahu" behind your back.

You have failed in all your military objectives in Gaza & other than slaughtering thousands of innocent women & children & destroying its infrastructures you have achieved nothing & only confirmed your fascistic disposition & insane cruelty to the world.

You refuse to see the advantage, the importance & the strategic & moral imperative of a lasting ceasefire & you have rejected the laudable concept, noble vision & equitable objective of a two-state solution.

Your heart's desire is to totally & completely eliminate & exterminate the Palestinian people, throw them into the dustbin of history, erase all memory of them, drive them into the desert, drown them in the sea, scatter them all over the nations of the earth & engender and facilitate their total & complete extinction all in a futile attempt to establish an ancient biblical Zionist state which shares a border with Egypt in the South & Iran in the North, which considers the Jews to be the master race & the chosen people, which views others, including Muslims, Christians, Arabs, Africans & Asians as sub-human monkeys that have no rights & that must be treated as nothing but field hands, canon fodder, slaves, servants, cheap labour, hewers of the wood & drawers of the water.

Aug 26, 2023 4 tweets 11 min read

A dear and respected friend of mine who was once our Ambassador to a European country, who has relatives and strong links in and with Niger Republic and who is well versed in security and intelligence matters told me that up to 40 babies are dying each day in Niger as a consequence of our cutting off electricty supplies to them.

According to him these babies die in hospitals and incubators across the country as a consequence of the fact that there is no electricty supply and there is no fuel to power their generators.

This was confirmed by one Dr. Abdoul Djibou, a Nigerien medical practitioner, in an interview with .

They wrote,

"According to a source in Niger Republic, Dr. Abdoul Djibou, there has been reports from Dosso Regional Hospital and Cominak Hospital about the recent spike in infant mortality. According to him, over 40 babies die daily in Niger since the Nigerian government cutoff Electricity supply to Niger and also closed its borders. It has affected hospital badly as they’re unable to power their incubators and other life supporting equipment to assist these babies. He also mentioned that the closed borders has made it nearly impossible for hospitals to access petroleum products especially Diesel and Petrol to power their plants and generators.
This is aside the untold hardships that the general populace are grasping with in Niger. He has made a passionate appeal for the Nigerian government to reconsider its decision even though backed by the ECOWAS. He stressed the need for the Nigerian government to remember that the people of Niger are more like an extension of northern Nigeria. In his opinion, he believed strongly that the ongoing negotiations with the Junta leaders will yield results and stressed the need for the negotiations to be intensified instead of beating the drums of war and upholding the current stiff sanctions that has now crippled the economy and the health sector especially" (: Coup Sanctions On Niger Republic Causes Untold Hardship/Starvation/Death).

I cannot possibly confirm the veracity or accuracy of these assertions and reports but if they are anywhere near the truth it is enough to prick anyone's conscience.

Furthermore I doubt that our President, being a humane, rational and reasonable leader, would have allowed this to happen if he was aware of the harsh and cruel consequences of the "cut off all electricity to Niger" policy and that is precisely why it is important to bring it to his attention in this article.

Quite apart from that, according to UNICEF, "more than two million children have been affected by the crisis and are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance" and millions of dollars worth of vaccines for polio and other dangerous diseses cannot be safely preserved or stored due to power outages.

On its own part reports that "The U.N. is spending over 20 times more money than usual on fuel for generators to keep millions of vaccines in Niger from spoiling due to incessant power cuts. The outages are the result of severe economic and travel sanctions imposed by regional countries after mutinous soldiers toppled the country's president last month Country representative for the United Nations Children´s Fund in Niger, Stefano Savi, said it has spent $200,000 powering generators to keep vaccines, including for polio and rotavirus, across the country cold during the first three weeks of August. That's up from approximately $10,000 a month previously and might soon run out of money, he said. Niger relies on neighboring Nigeria for up to 90% of its power, but after soldiers ousted democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum in July, Nigeria cut off part of its electricity supply as part of sanctions imposed by the West African regional bloc, ECOWAS.

(Continued 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾)

... The sanctions are taking a toll on the population with the price of goods rising, residents unable to easily access cash, and people living in the dark. Now there are mounting concerns it will gravely impact the health system, particularly the ability to keep some 28 million vaccine doses in the country cold. Although there were power cuts before the sanctions, they usually lasted a few hours, but now the cuts are much longer - sometimes up to 18 hours a day, said Savi. UNICEF only has enough money until the end of August and is appealing to donors for emergency funds, he said."

How can we as a nation inflict such damage and unleash such wickedness and misfortune on innocent people who live just across the border from us and who are essentially our people too?

This is unacceptable and especially so given the fact that we are not at war with Niger and the overwhelming majority of our people regard them as our brothers.

This begs the question: is this the way to treat our African neighbours and brothers even whilst we lay claim to seeking and preferring a diplomatic solution to the crisis? Methinks not!

If our claim and intention is to better the life of these people by insisting that they must have a democratically-elected Government and by resisting a military one is our purpose truly served by killing the children of the very same people that we claim we want to help?

Again does this murky and murderous course serve our national and security interests and does it enhance better relations with other African countries?

Does imposing sanctions and policies like cutting off electrical supplies and that, albeit inadvertently, lead directly to the death of innocent babies and defenceless children help our cause, bring glory to our name or give credence or credibility to our so-called fight and quest for democracy?

I doubt it very much.

I call on our leader and President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, who is currently the Chairman of ECOWAS, to review and reverse this policy and allow us to continue to supply electricity to Niger.


This is all the more so given the fact that cutting off electricity to that nation is bringing death, suffering and hardship more to the women and children than to their Government officials and members of the newly-installed military junta.

Surely Niger's suspension from both ECOWAS and the African Union coupled with the imposition of a series of strong economic sanctions including the closing of borders and the imposition of a no fly zone, are enough punishment.

We must never forget that there is a distinction between the Government of a nation and it's people.

Punishing the people for the sins of their leaders and Government is not only unjust and unkind but also counter-productive.

Outside of that It is interesting to note that our French allies and partners, who are amongst those western powers that want us to bring the Nigeriens to their knees and even attack them, recently described Russia's targetting of power grids in Ukraine and denying the Ukrainians gas to power their electricity supply as a "war crime" and "crime against humanity" yet they are encouraging Nigeria to do the same to Niger.

When will the application of these double standards by our French friends stop?

Just in case anyone is in any doubt about the high handedness and excesses of the French in Africa permit me to conclude with the strong words and powerful admonition served to French President Emmanuel Macron by Giorgia Meloni, the courageous, passionate and stunningly beautiful Italian Prime Minister.

In a blistering and thunderous speech she exclaimed the following words with orgasmic passion,

"Macron, your France undermined and destroyed the good relationship we had with Gaddafi, destroyed Libya, unleashed a wave of refugees and immigrants into Europe and appropriated the resources of African countries and plundered their wealth.

(Continued 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾)

Mar 7, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I make no apology for saying the following. Lagos is NOT no-man's land. It belongs to the Yoruba. Other than winning the Presidency,the most imp. thing for the Yoruba to do is to ensure that @jidesanwoolu is re-elected as Gov. of Lagos.Outside of that we are finished as a race.1/ .. The Labour Party candidate, Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivour, whose mother and wife are Igbo and who is running a patently anti-Yoruba and pro-Igbo campaign, is one of those that burnt properties and buses during the Endsars riots. 2/
Mar 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Poor PDP. I almost feel sorry for you. Not only were you hopelessly trounced in the presidential election but today you only have 29 Senators in a 109-member chamber. Is this the almighty PDP that was once mighty and awesome & that was led by great men like OBJ, UMYA & GEJ? 1/ ..How are the mighty fallen! You fielded a shady man with dubious credentials, a questionable history, bad luck & a bad spirit for the 2019 & 2023 elections who contracted a cheap, sleazy, lying, cheating businessman as his chief strategist & an ugly gorrila as his spokesman. 2/
Mar 6, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I have respect for the Rhodes-Vivour family, one of the oldest and most distinguished indegenous families of Lagos state, but what their son Gbadebo, the Labour Party Governorship candidate for Lagos state, has turned into is embarrassing... 1/ ...How can such a well brought up & distinguished young man be one of those that joined the mob to burn buses during the Endsars riots? How can he be one of those that turns his back on his own Yoruba people, hero worship secessionists like Ojukwu & conspire to hand over...2/
Feb 13, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read

3 days ago, on the day that I tweeted about newspaper reports alleging that Atiku was secretly meeting with Army Generals,I got a text message from someone who claimed to be DSS asking me to report to them on a matter of national security.1/ ..I dismissed the invitation because it was vague and I was not sure whether it really came from the DSS. In any case I had no intention of going anywhere unless I was formally invited. To my surprise I received a formal letter from them to report to their office without..2/
Feb 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
We go into battle with strength and power.

No fear.

No turning back.

No matter how thick the conspiracy against us is, we SHALL stand firm, hold the line, keep the flag flying and prove that we are men.

Jagaban is the BEST candidate.

It is indeed HIS turn and OUR time. 1/ ..We stand and fight with our conviction, our commitment, our strength, our passion, our integrity, our purity of heart and our VOTES.

We stand and fight to win and not to loose.

60 years ago Awolowo was robbed and lost it.

30 years ago Abiola was robbed and lost it..2/
Feb 12, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Glad that the Army has cleared the air & denied reports about a meeting between officers & @Atiku. Happy that the newspaper report I referred to has proved to be FALSE. As I said, "if true", it would have been troubling. I commend the Military for their commitment to democracy.1/ ..The fact that they can respond so quickly when we raise concerns is encouraging and proves that they are not only responsive and responsible but that we are also on the same page when it comes to civic duties, the rule of law, civilian rule, an open society and democracy. 2/
Nov 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
BAT was neither indicted nor convicted of drug trafficking or anything else in the USA. This is a FACT & it's the BOTTOM LINE. Those that have labelled him a drug baron due to an out of court settlement& repatriation of funds in the U.S. 30 years ago are ignorant& misinformed.1/ ..They have no idea of how the American justice system works and I would urge them to go and find out.

If Asiwaju was a drug baron and if he was wanted in America I doubt the U.S. Ambassador would have visited his campaign office a few weeks ago to wish him well. 2/
Nov 9, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
Can a barely educated & ill-bred peasant like Dino Melaye ever rise above a well educated & enlightened Prince like me? It is like comparing a lion & a mongrel. It is like comparing a well-bred & well-trained racehorse with pure bloodlines to a farmhouse donkey. 1/ ..If not for politics where would this creature and I meet? Even if the peasant becomes President or has all the money in the world this can never be so. He can never be on top. He will always be below. I will always be the Head and he will always be the tail. 2/
Oct 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Many people missed this part of Atiku's speech on that day. Nobody has talked about it.

First he classified the south as only South West and South East and then in a condescending manner dismissed their agitation as "whatever nation they call themselves".
...1 Then he said the South West has only one ethnic group (Yoruba) and the South East has only one ethnic group (Igbo).

He arrogantly didn't mention the South South, which is made of ethnic groups like the Ijaws, Ikwerres, Efiks, Ibibios, Urhobos,
Sep 27, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Really even by Peter Obi's standards this is low.
How insensitive, wicked and irresponsible can you be?
Are you so desperate for power?
I wonder how your running mate, who is a Muslim, feels about this?
I wonder how your Muslim supporters feel about it?
...1 Is it only Christians that have been killed by terrorists and that are affected by the ASUU strike?
Why do you thrive on deceit and division?
Can't you just grow up and stop trying to set Nigeria on fire?
Yes Christians have suffered but Muslims have too.
Jun 24, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
This was a truly sureal and historical moment.

For the first time in two years, totally unexpectadly and out of the blue and after she took our sons Aragorn, Ragnar, Aiden and Liam out for yet another beautiful outing, Mama Aragorn came to the house to visit with us. 1/ ..For two years she and I had not seen or spoken to one another but on Saturday afternoon we spent no less than four hours together in which we talked, laughed and shared some beautiful moments. It was touching to see members of my household and staff receive her and, led by..2/
Jun 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
It is unacceptable & a crime under British law for a man to take a child into the U.K. for the purpose of removing it's organs FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S USE. Under the law a child CANNOT give its consent for such a course of action & neither can the parents give consent for such an..1/ Image ..abominable act on behalf of their wards. Children have rights. They are not slaves or chattel that can be bought or sold for their body parts. Their parents do NOT have the right to sell them off for this purpose or for any other purpose& neither does anyone have the right..2/ Image
Jun 16, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
For those who believe that I should not support Jagaban today simply because of what I said about him in the past I say grow up & hear the following.
No matter what transpired before, BAT is now the democratically-elected & legitimate candidate of the party to which I belong..1/ Do you really expect me to turn my back on my party simply because he is our flag bearer? Do u expect me to fold my hands, remain silent & say nothing whilst u try to take him & our party to the cleaners & stop us from winning power at the center? Is that how politics works? 2/
Jun 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Pastor Tunde Bakare is a force to be reckoned with. He is a strong and respected voice in the Pentecostal movement (to which I proudly belong), the Body of Christ and our nation. He is also the conscience of the APC and a formidable force within the party... 1/ ...His moral authority is unassailable and that is why his voice carries so much weight and many fear him. He is a blessing to the political landscape and I am glad that, unlike many who just talk from the sidelines, he had the courage, faith and strength to throw his hat in..2/
Jun 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This is the last bus stop. You EITHER vote for a man who can take Nigeria out of the dark ages & transform her into a functional, modern & medium-power nation state with a strong virile & prosperous economy as he & his associates have done in Lagos over the last 22 years...1/ ImageImage ..or you vote for one who spends most of his time holidaying & living like an Arab Sheik in Dubai, who has neglected his native Adamawa state & left it in degradation & abject poverty over the last 22 years, whose nationality is questionable, who was born & bred not in our...2/ Image
May 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
For those who do not fully appreciate the reality of US imperialism and power. Listen to this... (2)
Feb 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Poland & the other European nations that border the Ukraine are allowing fleeing Ukrainians, Indians, Arabs & other nationals to cross their border and take refuge in their country. The only people they are barring are black Africans & right now there are hundreds of African..1/ ..students stranded on the Polish border. Worst of all is the fact that the Ukrainians themselves are not allowing Africans to board the free trains that they have provided for Ukrainians and other nationals to leave the Ukraine and flee to Europe...2/