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Aug 24 4 tweets 2 min read
"Death of the author" does not apply, because Reddit doesn't read texts, but inserts media objects into robot cloaca. Reddit is an organ for concretizing the feces of booklice. No "reading" ever happens, they are only excreting the egg born of algorithmic gooning.
If this was about subjective experience, you'd see a variety of retarded takes instead of just one. Wherever in the world we find precise, uniform production, machinic process is assumed. For the lefty redditoid, their platform provides a lattice for coping protocols. Image
Dec 3, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
Not a single ICBM with a live warhead has ever been tested.

The ICBM is, substantially, a hoax. Scientifically unproven, a semi-imaginary technology. Image Warheads have been tested, and ICBMs with warheads removed have been tested, but never together.

Imagine only ever testing a gun with powder and casing, but no projectile.
Nov 28, 2023 62 tweets 24 min read
The Hindenburg represented the finest in air travel, it also represented the finest in Nazi propaganda. It was a national symbol paraded at sporting events, rallies, and other events where the Nazis wanted to show off their prowess. Image By the end of 1936, Hindenburg had crossed the Atlantic 34 times, carrying over 3,500 passengers and the ship’s highly successful 1936 season seemed to indicate that regular transatlantic air service had arrived. Image
Jul 9, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
I have definitively proven that at every step of the way, the doctors and scientists that popularized hallucinogenic drugs in the 1950s were all CIA-MKULTRA or Army contractors, and knew that the drugs they were shilling were psychotogenic substances…
Image 1958: In the Los Angeles Times, a presentation titled “Hallucinatory Drugs Defended by Doctor,” by Gordon A. Alles, the pharmacologist credited with developing the amphetamine Benzedrine.

The doctor is quoted:“Life can be beautiful with mescaline drugs, a City of Hope medical……
Jun 7, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
I am interested in any anecdotes about game devs that were introduced to D&D or video games by Air Force or Navy personnel. I already have several. As anon myself, I respect anonymity.

This is Tim Cain, creator of Fallout, one of the most influential game devs in history. bookmark lurkers, retweet or I will delete
Jun 3, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
Time is the great Devourer. "One by one the fallacies of life fall beneath the reaping scythe of Time, and are garnered into the capacious bin of oblivion."

But in its turn, time is eaten. Lo we come now to the age of the time eaters. Image At the end of the cycle, space avenges itself on time. The mass man, the golem, the NPC, these concrescences are the mechanisms by which matter consumes Time.

All probabilities, all possible action, deleted by their deterministic decision trees. Image
Apr 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
If you can remember that the media basically invented transgenderism as a social issue in 2014, you are insane.

Every anti-woke "centrist" on social media thinks you are insane for being able to remember 2014.

Imagine believing you live in a serious reality, with real people. Image Over the last decade, a new type of culture was created to destroy lunatics that can remember 2014. Last time this happened, they put everyone that could remember "the time before" in gothic palaces and tortured them.

This is what "cancel culture" looked like in 1870. Image
Apr 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The Maze puts a lot of energy into generating background characters, and it does not like you treating them like shabby props. This is why it throws an "NPC Plus" at you now and then, it's like an AI that has been trained on your data. Bio-AI is an emergent phenomenon in the Maze. The NPC+ exists to trip up your heuristics, make you take the sensorium more seriously, they are autonomous heat-sinks for your attention.

A spooky experience, certainly, but it is *expensive* for the Maze.
Mar 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
the metacosmos is made of parafictions, paratexts, hoaxes. it is a collective superorganism, or semiocreature, tamed by the wizards and the machinists.

it devours the state of enchantment and renders a state of amazement— it abducts the child from a state of sublime enchantment and delivers him into bewilderment, stunned at the "great works" of the wizards and machinists, abandoning him in an alternate, disenchanted timeline.
Mar 18, 2023 42 tweets 18 min read
Henry Karel “Andrija” Puharich was born on February 19, 1918, in Chicago to impoverished Yugoslavian immigrants. As a young milk delivery boy in the Chicago slums, Andrija experienced his first brush with ESP when he managed to calm a vicious guard dog through his thoughts alone.

While in medical school, Puharich explored the biological processes behind human thought, with a focus on electromagnetic processes of the nervous system and the brain. He became determined to understand the nature of human consciousness, which became his life's mission.
Feb 17, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Time for a GATE thread. Schwab is investigating GATE and has already found more than every 8chan thread combined. We still need your real human anecdotes.

Reply with your GATE experience. Here is the list and some lore. I am especially interested in those of you that have had NDEs and/or gotten away with things that are highly improbable.
Feb 6, 2023 26 tweets 13 min read
Zork, the 1977 text-based adventure by Infocom, was cybernetic modeling spyware; it was capable of mining natural language and cognitive heuristics.

"Zork" literally means "unfinished product", the final component was the user's brain. ImageImage The DARPA-funded cyberneticists masquerading as game developers taunt gamers in their advertising. The exoteric meaning was that your imagination provided the simulation.

This is true in more ways than one. ImageImage