Grace 🔎 Profile picture
Muckraker, observer...#1 best seller, The Deep State Encyclopedia
We Do Not Consent to Covid NWO Profile picture @guag53 Profile picture Gordon Cash Profile picture Happy Warrior Profile picture Gina Marrone Profile picture 7 subscribed
Apr 13, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
the hold qanon has on folks…still elements of truth mixed with elements of don’t worry, this faction of government characters are the good guys *wink* just sit back and wait…btw have you gotten your booster
Nov 17, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
If only they spent less time eating Chick-fil-A lunches from pharma reps and less time in my Twitter DMs, trying to get me to delete a tweet, and more time helping and listening to their patients I had one DM me saying I’m spreading misinformation about hormonal bc, that doctors aren’t paid “that much” by pharma to prescribe it bc you can get a prescription online now (a relatively new advent).