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Building the FritoLay of Real Food at @ancientcrunch. Get seed oils out of your pantry ➡️ @masa_chips tortilla chips and @vandy_crisps ➡️ potato chips
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Nov 15, 2024 8 tweets 23 min read
I don't think people even realize how much power @RobertKennedyJr will have in this position

As CEO of the fastest growing healthy snack brand ever, we've bumped up against dozens of annoying federal regs

Here is a megathread of how he can MAHA with a stroke of his pen: 🧵

(Organized by department-- there are a lot of them in HHS!)

USDA part 1 (farming)

End the federal farm subsidies.
Unhealthy processed food may appear cheap, but you’re still paying for it. That’s because you, the taxpayer, via the USDA, subsidize mega-farmers to grow low quality, pesticide intensive food, like GMO corn and soy. The law that started this system was passed during WWII to ensure a consistent food supply, but it’s no longer necessary. If we’re going to subsidize anyone, it should be small farmers who grow quality, nutrient dense food. Not large farms (who don’t need the money anyway) using toxic chemicals to grow nutrient-void crops.

End the crop insurance scam.
One of the many reasons why farmers prefer to grow pesticide-ridden mono crops is because they are easy to insure. So long as the farmer planted the correct Monsanto seeds and sprayed the right Monsanto pesticides at the right time; should the crops fail, they will be covered. Insurance is complex, and the more standardized the insured system is, the easier it is to insure. There are many cases where farmers will make more money from a failed crop than a successful one because of this payout. It’s not immediately clear how to solve this. But any incentives that encourage farmers to grow less quantity or quality of food are inherently harmful to the country and disrespectful of our land, and should be fixed.

Legalize raw milk.
The main reason we even have pasteurization is because refrigeration wasn’t widespread when these laws were written. But now we have it. Not only does the raw milk ban deprive Americans of an entire category of nutrient dense foods, it also increases the centralization of the industry and makes costs higher. Instead of selling to a dairy processor that then resells it to the stores, the removal of the processing middlemen would increase the localization and decrease costs of dairy products. @RepThomasMassie can do this on day 1

Revamp organic standards.
USDA Organic is a valuable certification of quality, but it has been greenwashed by large food producers who find loopholes (often involving imported foods) or violate the spirit of the law. These should be reevaluated and eliminated, the standards made more stringent, and USDA subsidies should be available to any farm that would like to be certified but is unable to afford the certification process.

Stop paying for fallow land.
The USDA pays farmers outright to leave millions of acres fallow every year. While there can be important conservation reasons for leaving land un-utilized, in recent years this program has been wielded politically in order to control the quantity and quality of the food supply. If land can be ecologically farmed/grazed, and we know from Allan Savory’s work that proper farming techniques are actually beneficial to the land, then it should be. There’s no good reason for us to spend taxpayer dollars to produce less food, as it only increases the prices of food for American consumers and leaves us strategically vulnerable to potential shortages.

Allow responsible grazing on federal lands.
The work of the @AllanRSavory and the @SavoryInstitute clearly shows that the best way to maintain wild grasslands and reverse desertification of marginal lands is to promote ruminant animal grazing. The US government owns untold acres of such land in the American west, and in lieu of natural grazing animal populations (such as bison), responsible ranchers should be allowed and encouraged to graze their animals on this land and manage the health of these vital ecosystems.

Require ingredient labels on produce.
Pure produce was never required to display ingredient labels, because until very recently, there were no other ingredients than what you can see with your own two eyes. Sadly, that has changed. Many fruits and vegetables are coated with synthetic waxes or other substances designed to preserve freshness or improve appearance. If these substances are used, the produce should be clearly labeled so consumers can choose whether or not they want to buy produce with those additives.

Food stamps for farms.
Food stamps are basically a government subsidy for Coca Cola. The vast majority of food stamps are spent on cheap processed food that makes their purchasers more unhealthy, increasing the costs of their (also government subsidized) healthcare. Preventing food stamps from being used on crappy food, or at least applying a multiplier when used on quality food/at farmers markets, would help our poorest citizens buy better food and help dismantle the food deserts that plague poor areas.

The Food Pyramid.
Everyone’s dietary needs are different, so the task of creating a food pyramid that perfectly applies to everyone is nigh impossible. However, there are certain things that no one should be eating in any amounts. Either come up with something that works, or stop even trying. Just tell people what poisons to avoid instead. USDA part 2 (meat)

Reduce import restrictions on traditional foods.
Much of the great food in Europe, particularly dairy and meat, is not allowed to be imported to the US. Young raw cheese and pretty much any salami or cured ground meats are largely ineligible.

Reduce charcuterie restrictions.
In lieu of the above, we could also make excellent charcuterie domestically. However, the USDA makes this nearly impossible. They have a complete phobia of bacteria, and since natural salamis etc require fermentation, they make it so difficult that it’s not financially viable for anyone to do successfully.

Reduce or subsidize slaughterhouse compliance.
All meat for retail sale must be processed in USDA inspected facilities. The cost to operate them up to spec and remain compliant is enormous, which is why so many small slaughterhouses have closed in recent decades. This makes it harder for small ranchers to get access to slaughtering. The USDA can either ease these restrictions, or subsidize the cost of compliance, allowing small ranchers to flourish. This isn’t a quality issue— we buy “illegal” meat from small Amish operations all the time. It’s just the unnecessary stuff that the feds make you do that adds cost for no reason.

Slaughterhouse exemptions for small meat producers.
For small animals like chickens, turkeys, etc., farmers can process a limited quantity on-site— no slaughterhouse needed. Increase the cap to make it possible for farmers to avoid slaughterhouses entirely when quality is not at risk.

Close the imported meat “product of the USA” loophole.
Today, meat from animals raised in another country can make its way onto shelves as “product of the USA”, so long some processing (including mere repackaging) occurs in the in the US. No more. Unless it was born and raised until slaughter in the US, the company should not be allowed to mark it as “product of the USA”. This current loophole makes it harder for consumers to know what they’re buying, and makes it easier for big companies to trick consumers into paying more for cheap international meat. If you're going to pay more, get it from a local producer cc @beefinitiative

Allow the sale of hunted meat.
It is surprising to many that hunted meat is generally not able to be sold for consumption in the US (yes, that venison you buy at the store is farm raised). This not only deprives the public of quality food sources, it disincentivizes hunters and trappers from harvesting animals where it would actually be helpful to ecosystems (e.g. the wild hogs in Texas). Meat should remain safe, and many wild hunted animals can harbor parasites, but the regulations should be revised to enable the safe production of wild hunted meat.

Fewer restrictions on farm infrastructure.
While farms are inspected at the state level, they typically implement guidelines given by the USDA and FSIS. @JoelSalatin has written extensively on the burdensome infrastructure requirements that small farmers face, which may be helpful for large operations but are unnecessary or even counterproductive for smaller ones. These restrictions favor large scale, low quality farmers and prevent Americans from finding abundant locally produced food from small farms.

End the cattle age requirements.
American cattle are required to be slaughtered before they are ~3 years old, which is due to concerns about mad cow disease. However, we know from the writings of Joel Salatin that such concerns are a byproduct of unhealthfully raised cattle, and not merely cattle age. The main problem with the age requirement is that it does not give ranchers who exclusively feed their cows grass enough time to fatten them up to an appropriate weight. This discourages ranchers from raising their cattle on pasture, and instead encourages the soy- and corn-based feedlot system which can fatten cows younger, but at the expense of animal quality and health. In Europe, you can find steak from 5+ year old cattle, and it is delicious and more nutrient dense. There’s no reason we can’t have that here.

Feed cattle proper food.
Chickens and pigs can eat pretty much anything, but cattle are strict vegetarians. It was the feeding of “chicken pellets”— a mixture of chicken poop and other chicken farming byproducts— to cattle that caused the initial outbreak of mad cow disease in the 1990s, which led to a whole host of cattle farming restrictions (including the age rule above). Notably, they did not (you guessed it) bane chicken pellets as cattle feed. This practice is still allowed in some cases, so firm requirements that cattle are to be fed exclusively with plant materials should be implemented.

Let us eat organs.
There are several organs that you are not allowed to buy. If the USDA catches wind of you even giving them to a neighbor, they will crack down on you. Examples include beef brains and pork thyroid. While not appealing to most, some have claimed that these organs have incredible health benefits. Regardless of their potential health properties, there is no reason why intelligent adults should not be allowed to buy and eat any part of any livestock animal that they desire. (Don't make @paulsaladinomd need to move to Costa Rica just to eat some beef thyroid)

Rethink food inspection and destruction.
There are many examples from history of harmful disease outbreaks that originated with farm animals. However, our method of dealing with them at present is barbaric: when an animal tests positive for a disease, often times every animal on the farm will be slaughtered and their bodies destroyed. Sometimes, even neighboring farms’ animals will be impounded and destroyed. Of course, the USDA does not adequately reimburse the farmer(s) for the loss (e.g. Millers Bio Farm). This creates a disastrous moral hazard where the livelihood of an entire family could be held in the hands of an overzealous inspector, or risked by a neighboring mega-farm that raises unhealthy animals and can afford the loss. It’s not immediately clear what a better response would look like, but at the very least, we could consider more discriminating testing and quarantine of infected individual animals, and the possibility of constructive use or sale of the animals to consumers who are aware of the situation and risks.

Remove animal vaccination requirements.
If farmers want to treat their animals with medicines and vaccines, then they should be able to do so. If they don’t, then there should be no requirement. Animal medicine is tricky because not only do we need to know that the animal itself remains healthy after treatment, we need to be sure that the person who eats it will not experience ill effects either. Given the ethical and logistical difficulties of conducting formal studies that could answer such questions, farmers should be able to make their own choices, and consumers should be aware of those choices through required labeling of any vaccinations the farmers administered.

No internal dyes in animal feed.
Farmed salmon are fed astaxanthin to dye their otherwise gray innards pink. Chicken farmers will supplement their feed with additives to make the yolks appear darker. This misleads consumers into thinking the animals were raised in a higher quality environment, and tricks them into paying more for no reason. This practice should be examined and the appropriate restrictions put in place so that if a food has the appearance of quality, it’s because it actually is high quality.
May 18, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
There's no such thing as "junk" food - just junky ways of preparing it.

Here's how to make your favorite "junk foods" at home in just a few minutes, 100% healthy, without sacrificing taste: Image 1. Burgers

Why do we associate burgers with being unhealthy?

Because massive food corporations have hijacked this otherwise healthy food...

And filled it with factory-slaughtered beef, plastic cheese, and soybean oil

It doesn't have to be this way... Image
May 11, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
The food industry is killing you:

> Seed oils are poisonous
> The US food system is toxic
> 6 in 10 Americans live with chronic disease

Here are my 9 top health and lifestyle principles to keep you healthy and strong in the modern world: Image 1. You are what you eat

It sounds cliché...

But every single cell that makes up your body comes from your food.

If you allow your body to be built by chemical food corporations...what will you turn into?

Natural, traditional foods are the key to health.
Apr 17, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
Bread is not your enemy.

The problem is most of the bread you see in stores is fake trash.

Here are the 6 rules for quality bread that will let you eat all the bread you want, without sacrificing your health: Image Modern bread is in crisis.

It's either a soybean-oil cocktail of trash ingredients (i.e., wonder bread)...

Or a gluten-free flax and pumpkin seed monstrosity.

Both are fake versions...
Apr 11, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
You've been eating fish wrong your entire life

Ever wondered why some fish tastes fresh & delicious, while others taste, well, fishy?

The secret is Ikejime, a Japanese technique that enhances the flavor, texture, and quality of the fish

To never eat bad fish again, read this: First, what is Ikejime?

It's a 300+ year-old Japanese method of humanely killing fish and seafood

It's specifically designed to maintain superior texture and taste of the meat

How does it work?
Mar 30, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
People are 3x more overweight now than they were in the 1970s...

But the weird thing? Sugar consumption is DOWN 25%.

Sugar-free is a psy-op.

Here is why you SHOULD eat more sugar: Image Now, we know correlation != causation...

But causation REQUIRES correlation (contrapositive, anyone?)

And there is NO correlation between sugar intake and obesity.

Thus, sugar can't have caused the rise in obesity.

The less sugar we eat, the fatter we become.

Mar 28, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
If you've bought MASA chips, read this: 8 months ago, we made our first bag of MASA chips.

It didn't happen by accident.

I prototyped MASA at home and found a recipe I knew would change the face of the snacking industry.

But as we started talking with food manufacturers, I realized:
Mar 27, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Are you tired of being burnt to a crisp when you're in the sun?

I've tried every tanning technique so you don't have to.

Here are 3 natural ways to get a killer tan guaranteed (even if you have pasty, tan-resistant skin): 1. Early morning sun maxxing

Getting sunlight early in the day primes your body for the more intense UV exposure later in the day.

Red and near-infrared light (the same as in red light therapy) makes your skin more resilient to these damaging late-day wavelengths.

You CAN...
Mar 20, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
I spent years researching what the healthiest cultures ate throughout history.

Trust me... You can still eat the most nutrient dense foods without sacrificing taste or lifestyle.

Here's a master list of everything you SHOULD eat (and it's delicious): 99% of the grocery store is toxic garbage.

And yes, it's hurting your body.

The problem?

If you try to figure out WHAT to eat, you'll hear all sorts of mixed messages:
Mar 16, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
If you want to be fit, beautiful, and healthy...

Carbs are NOT your enemy. You just need to know WHICH ones to eat.

Here's how to carbmaxx the RIGHT way (and why low-carb and keto could kill your health): Anyone paying attention the last 10 years knows:

Carbs are the fashionable mainstream "boogeyman" right now.

They're making you fat and tired, and you should go keto.

(And yet, everyone keeps gaining weight)

Turns out, carbs are just misunderstood.

Here's why:
Mar 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In five words or less, why is 99% of food today full of synthetic, toxic ingredients? Good answers so far ... let's get a little more specific

Who's fault is it that food is full of toxic, cheap ingredients?
Mar 14, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
5 reasons why I DON'T wash my hands (and neither should you): Remember flu season when you were a kid?

You'd hear it a million times on TV and in school:

"Wash your hands! Wash them with soap! Sing the happy birthday song!"

Here's the thing: THIS IS WRONG

I know what you're thinking...

"Gross, dude. Wash your damn hands."

Mar 12, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Why you should hate seed oils if you're a man: 1. Seed oils are estrogenic

They decrease your testosterone load and they increase your production of estrogen (bc cells are under stress).

If you want to maximize your testosterone, cutting seed oils is low hanging fruit that will make you leaner and higher energy (higher T).
Mar 10, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
You've seen the memes:

"Avoid seed oils"
"Use butter instead"
"Seed oils can kill you"

But what makes seed oils dangerous?

Here's the full breakdown with 7 science-backed reasons why seed oils are destroying your health: Image I know you've seen it...

Tons of people out there posting about how seed oils can't be THAT bad...

But they're ignoring a ton of scientific evidence.

(Plus, seed oils are demonic and will destroy your soul.)

Don't believe me? Let's dive deep...
Mar 9, 2023 24 tweets 9 min read
"Looks aren't everything".


Turns out that being beautiful is a key indicator of good health.

Here's why physical beauty means you're more likely to live a healthier, longer, more fruitful life: Image "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

"Beauty is more than skin deep"

"Don't judge a book by it's cover"

Not only are these wrong...

They're outright dangerous for your health and well-being.

Let me explain: Image
Mar 8, 2023 21 tweets 8 min read
Do deep-fried foods give you cancer?

And not because of the seed oils, but because of *acrylamide*-- a potentially toxic substance found in some foods?

What is acrylamide? Is it harmful? Can you avoid it?

Here's the full breakdown: Image The story begins in 2002, when acrylamide was first discovered.

This potentially carcinogenic substance was found in dry-cooked foods--e.g., foods that are fried, roasted, grilled, or baked

Toxic in high doses, it's probably a good idea to minimize your exposure.

Mar 1, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
Your beloved avocado toast is funding Mexican DRUG CARTELS

So if you disrespect seed oils, I have news for you:

Avocado oil is also garbage.

Here's why: Image Avocado oil gaining popularity just goes to show how far we've come.

More and more, people recognize seed oils are bad.

And that's good. But there's a problem:

Most avocado oil is complete trash. And that's not just a figure of speech...
Feb 28, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
*STOP taking fish oil (bookmark this thread)*

The American Heart Association has spent 20 years recommending Omega-3s for heart health.

Well, I went down a rabbit hole and it turns out....

This is horribly wrong.

Here's why Omega-3s are even worse than seed oils: Image Seed oils are bad. That's clear by now.

But we've all heard the Omega-3 hype:

"Eat more salmon!"
"Take fish oil!"
"Eat flax seeds!"

Big surprise: modern food and medicine got it wrong...again. As did "alternative health"

To understand why, we need to start with seed oils:
Feb 23, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Can you guess which food is terrifying to look at...

But will give you beautiful skin, healthy joints, and amazing hair?

The best part? You don't have to eat them.

Here's how to turn one of the ugliest (and cheapest) foods into bone broth, AKA the Magical Elixir of Youth: They may not be nice to look at, but chicken feet are a true "superfood", loaded with:

- collagen (hair, skin, and nails)
- glucosamine and chondroitin (joint health)
- hyaluronic acid (heal wounds and prevent scarring)

Here's how to turn these gnarly talons into a health food:
Feb 16, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Vitamin E is an ANTI-oxidant. It is found inside seeds.

In fact, it is considered the primary *fat-soluble* anti-oxidant.

So, seed oils spontaneously oxidize, but the Vitamin E packaged along for the ride counteracts oxidation, stabilizing the PUFAs in the seeds. Because industrial seed oils have all of the PUFA but little of the vitamin E, the balance is thrown off

That's why they give us cancer and obesity while seeds can grow into healthy plants.

So what do we do?
Feb 16, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Seed oils cause brain damage, make you fat, and turn into cellulite.

Even worse, they stick around in your body for over 7 years, even if you stop eating them today.

But if you want to speed up the process? Read (and bookmark) this secret tip: Image If you've studied seed oils enough to know they're bad for you, that's great. But there's bad news...

Seed oils have a half-life of up to 2 years.

This means...7 years for a 90% purge?!

That's too long. You want to be healthy NOW.

So here's the miracle solution: