PŪNGAO 🥩🍯🍳🌞 Profile picture
Purveyor of Raw, Natural Vitality with a PhD in all things honey. Teacher and student of building an impenetrable body and mind. Not medical advice.
☀️ Leon-Gerard Vandenberg 🇳🇱🇨🇦🇦🇺 Math+e/acc Profile picture Maleph Profile picture GG Profile picture Green Profile picture MSC Profile picture 16 subscribed
Aug 30 26 tweets 8 min read
Acne is commonplace.

“It’s part of growing up”

But it shouldn’t exist at all.

Isolated, non-westernized societies are proven to have zero acne.

This is how you can follow their lead and have perfect skin without dermatologists (and their dangerous chemicals)Thank you to Jere Mammino for the image Almost 95% of adolescents get acne, and almost half of those over 25 have acne deeper into adulthood.

But acne simply shouldn't exist. It is a product of our modern society.

And, if careful, it can be avoided.
Aug 25 24 tweets 8 min read
Humans have existed for a few hundred thousand years.

Chemicals have existed for a few decades.

Almost every single modern health issue can be traced back to our chemical usage.

Here is what you and your loved ones must do to survive and thrive in this modern chemical world🧵Image from littleleaves.org Before the Industrial Revolution, chemicals were few and far between.

Ever since the start of the revolution, we have been producing them at an unbelievable rate.

And our health is suffering.

Infertility, cancers, organ damage, birth defects, developmental disorders.
Aug 23 26 tweets 7 min read
You hurt yourself.

Sprained ankle, pulled groin, popped hamstring. Doesn’t matter.

“Grab some ice and Advil and bring the inflammation down”

Terrible advice.

Avoid ice at all costs (besides one specific situation). Here is what you should do instead 🧵 Image In 1987, Gabe Mirkin coined the term R.I.C.E., which stands for:

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

Since then, almost everyone has treated injuries exactly this way.

But it is wrong. And it has ruined countless body parts.
Aug 18 25 tweets 6 min read
Humans don’t need braces.

Industrialization, modern diet, and social shifts have killed the average person’s ability to develop a strong jaw and straight teeth.

Here is how to raise your child with a healthy jaw and perfect teeth without an orthodontist (& how to fix yours)🧵Image
If you went back before the mid-18th century and asked to see an orthodontist, people would have no idea what you were talking about.

They didn’t exist

We simply did not need them. Until the last couple hundred of years, our teeth were perfect. Naturally.

So what has changed?
Aug 16 20 tweets 5 min read
The multivitamin industry is valued at over $40 Billion/year

The largest multivitamin study ever, spanning 3 decades, was just published

I explored the data to determine how multivitamins affect the body & if anything works better

My findings flipped my view of the industry🧵Image Over half of American adults take multivitamins.

But how strong are the benefits, truly?

I have put in hours of reading studies to figure out whether you should take multivitamins, and this is what I have found:
Aug 11 25 tweets 7 min read
Lack of sun exposure is one of the most dangerous things possible for your health.

Most still think this notion is backwards and crazy.

So, I spent my weekend compiling medical research on sun exposure.

What I found is shocking, even for me, an avid sun-enthusiast… 🧵Image For millennia, human beings have worshipped the sun as the ultimate source of life on earth.

However, over time as our work has migrated indoors and we’ve been bombarded by ‘skin cancer prevention’ campaigns by gov “health” orgs, we’ve seen a massive shift in perception.
Aug 8 6 tweets 3 min read
F*ck “75 hard”…

Here’s how to really change your life in 30 days:

🧵Image Sleep/Circadian Rhythm
-No blue light/screens before bed
-Go to bed at 9pm
-8+ hours of sleep a night
-Wake with sunrise and immediately go outside and absorb morning raysImage
Aug 6 20 tweets 5 min read
1938. Teflon was created.

Our cookware has been poisoning us ever since. And Teflon isn’t the only culprit.

What is the problem with Teflon, and what should be used instead (or maybe the right question is how should it be used)?

The Non-stick problem & the best alternatives🧵Image Teflon was actually discovered by accident.

Dr. Roy Plunkett was working with gasses when a compressed, frozen, sample was checked on.

What was discovered was the slipperiest material in existence.
Aug 4 25 tweets 6 min read
You are starting to understand the way to live vitally.

Red meat, sunbathing, raw milk, grounding.

But your loved ones don’t understand how to help themselves and don’t listen to your advice.

This is the guide for everyone. Easiest changes that make the biggest difference.Image

Most people walk around with aching backs, painful hips, and poor posture.

This all starts with the foot.

We, as a society, are either wearing extremely padded sneakers or super skinny dress shoes.

Both are hurting us in a plethora of ways.Image
Aug 2 24 tweets 5 min read
Since 1960, obesity rates have nearly tripled.

Gov health orgs blame things like red meat, eggs, and butter, but humans consumed these things for centuries before our obesity problem.

Instead, there's another factor, and it’s being heavily funded by this same government… 🧵Image While seed oils, processed diets, sedentary lifestyles, and lack of time spent outdoors are all massive contributors to the rise in obesity, there’s another big, less-discussed food item that is playing a major role…
Jul 27 28 tweets 6 min read
These days, every food product has a sweetener in it

Some are superfoods. Many will harm your health. Some Will Kill You.

Here are 6 of the most common sweeteners, and whether I would go anywhere near them.

Saving the best for last!

(Save this for next time you’re shopping) Image 1. Sugar

Let’s start with the most common and, possibly, the most misunderstood of the bunch.

Sugar is confusing.

It is low in nutrients, but high in calories.

It has a few main problems.Image
Jul 26 26 tweets 7 min read
The other day a friend asked me what’s so bad about seed oils anyways?

“They’re just pressed seeds, right? How is that any different than something like olive oil or butter?”

Well, this is why... 🧵

(warning: this will make you want to throw out half your pantry) Image At this point, more and more people are learning about how bad seed oils are for us to consume and are starting to avoid them.

However, not as many have probably done the full deep dive into what they are actually doing to our bodies when ingested.
Jul 18 22 tweets 5 min read
Honey is the world’s greatest superfood.

But most people think it will give them diabetes.

The lore and history surrounding the gods’ nectar is fascinating and opens a window to why honey has been worshiped since the dawn of time.

(Sugar haters will NOT like this one)🧵Image
Honey has been known for millennia as a health food, powerful beyond belief.

But something changed. Now people think of honey as an unhealthy liquid sugar. And most modern honey might be exactly that.
Jul 15 25 tweets 6 min read
You don’t have a gluten allergy, you’re just eating sh*t grains.

Many people avoid “gut-irritating” foods like bread and pasta at all costs because they think they’re allergic to gluten.

In reality, gluten has little to do with it…


(Show this to your gluten-free friends)Image If you’ve ever traveled to Europe, you’ve probably noticed that eating foods like bread, pasta, and pizza – foods that usually give you gut irritation, bloating, and weight gain – do not have the same effect.
Jul 11 30 tweets 7 min read
“You must wear sunglasses whenever you go outside or your eyes will be damaged”

How dumb has the surgeon general become?

No one needs sunglasses, or even normal glasses, for that matter.

Here is how you should care of your eyes so they stay sharp forever.Image No one in human history needed glasses until the last millennia.

The human environment and how we interact with it has changed immensely in that time period.

So what are the changes that have caused poor eyesight, vision loss, and eye diseases, and how do we fix it?
Jul 9 18 tweets 4 min read
When I was a child, I was against hunting.

I thought it was immoral and unethical.

If you know anyone that feels that way, send them this thread.

It will completely change their mind.Image I used to think killing an animal was wrong.

I still believe this. But only if the animal is one you are not going to eat.

If you are eating what you kill, from nose to tail, killing an animal is the most ethical thing you can do.

Let’s get into it.
Jul 5 25 tweets 6 min read
Most people are unaware that the saying “drink 6-8 glasses of water a day” comes from a 1945 recommendation based on zero medical research.

In reality, proper hydration is much more complex than that.

Here’s how you actually achieve it:

(thread 🧵)Image
Unbeknownst to some, you will not become any more hydrated by simply guzzling plain water all day.

Instead, proper hydration relies on a precise formula of a few crucial ‘ingredients’:
Jun 28 12 tweets 3 min read
Your Genetics Are Not the Reason You’re Going Bald.

Men today are losing their hair far earlier in life than previous generations.

This is not a coincidence.

Here are 11 things to avoid if you want to maintain a head of thick, healthy hair – regardless of your genetics 👇Image Lack of Direct Sunlight on Scalp.

Sun exposure boosts vitamin D production, improves blood circulation to the scalp, has antimicrobial effects, and relegates sebum production.

It also produces loads of 650nm light which has been shown to have positive effects on hair growth.Image
Jun 27 22 tweets 5 min read
In Greek mythology, the gods consumed raw honey for strength and immortality.

While it may not make you immortal, raw honey gets you darn close.

Here are 19 reasons why raw honey is the world’s greatest superfood.

(Careful: you will end up consuming raw honey by the barrel)Image
1. Fights Cardiovascular Disease
By dilating arteries to allow for more blood flow and lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol, raw honey reduces our risk of cardiovascular disease, the most common cause of death worldwide.
Jun 24 20 tweets 5 min read
I always have Ginger on hand.

This stuff is magic.

A seed oil fighter, fat loss agent, anti-cancer spice, immune system booster, blood-sugar stabilizer, and so much more.

This is The Bible of Ginger🫚

Everything you could possibly want to know about this super spice below 👇Image This post will go over:

The history of ginger
Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties
Fighting seed oils
Nausea/morning sickness
Blood sugar
Immune system
How to incorporate in your diet
Jun 16 12 tweets 3 min read
Your health is an investment, not an expense.

Being in stellar mental and physical shape is a much bigger flex than wearing a designer outfit or a fancy watch.

So before you buy those, here are 21 things that are actually worth spending money on 👇Image
1. High-quality water filtration throughout your home. Reverse osmosis filter with remineralization for all drinking water + filters on shower heads.

2. Stainless steel and cast-iron pots and pans.

3. Wooden or metal cooking utensils and glass Tupperware.