Rebecca Ballhaus Profile picture
@WSJ investigative reporter. Previously covered the White House and money in politics.
Apr 22, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
NEW: On Jan. 29, HHS Secretary Alex Azar told Trump the coronavirus epidemic was under control. The U.S., he said, had never mounted a better interagency response or created a faster test. Inside Azar's early missteps, w/@stepharmour1:… @StephArmour1 When White House advisers in February criticized Azar for the delays caused by the recall of CDC tests, he lashed out at Redfield, the CDC director, accusing him of misleading him on the timing of the fix. "Did you lie to me?" he yelled.…
Oct 22, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
NEW: Weeks before the Trump-Zelensky call, Kurt Volker told Zelensky at a meeting in Toronto that he needed to convince Trump he was willing to investigate corruption & alleged Ukrainian election interference. w/@dnvolz @ByronTau… @dnvolz @ByronTau Kurt Volker told Zelensky that doing so would help Zelensky overcome the stream of negative information about Ukraine Trump was hearing from Rudy Giuliani. “We have a problem here,” he told Zelensky, according to congressional testimony.…