Rebecca KS Ansari Profile picture
MG Author of THE MISSING PIECE OF CHARLIE O'REILLY (Walden Pond) and THE IN-BETWEEN (Jan ‘21), repped by @tinaduboisny. Recovering MD. Rangler of boys. she/her
May 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The beliefs of a minority, justified by a religion I do not follow, is now going to determine the daily realities for me, my children and all Americans. It is wrong. It is outrageous. We are broken. #RightToPrivacy #RightToChoose #AbortionIsHealthcare I am a doctor. I have seen countless cases where a very wanted pregnancy has very real complications. There is so much nuance lost in making this a political issues. Let women and their doctors make the extraordinarily difficult and personal decisions that such situations need.