Rebecca Leber Profile picture
investigative researcher & journalist. working @climatecosts, ex @voxdotcom, @motherjones, @grist, @newrepublic RebeccaLeber.climate at gmail dot com
😷❤️ harris 🇨🇦💙💛🇺🇦🦃 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 12, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
why is everyone talking about gas stoves?
is it really dangerous?
am i going to have to give up gas cooking?
isn't electric horrible?
what about gas boilers and furnaces?
doesn't electricity also run on fossil fuels?

got some answers for you >>>> I was interested in gas stoves in 2020, when I was startled that the gas industry was paying instagram influencers to promote #cookingwithgas.

I didn't understand why the industry cared about stoves enough to market them…
Dec 19, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
This is devastating on climate change. the US almost certainly won’t get another chance like this this decade

more on why in this story:… Manchin haas killed the country’s “last best chance” on climate
- politically the best window
-policy wise a needed jump start on clean electricity
- globally an important symbol
-accounting for most of the dent in US emissions cuts by 2030
Aug 13, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
bipartisanship is not an inherently good thing when it comes to issues like climate change and racism, one party largely imagines it doesn't exist
Aug 11, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
how long do you think it was before the IPCC report was bumped from the news cycle definitely cuomo and infrastructure passing (all worthy newscycles) but I bet there was something dumber I missed
Jul 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Back on Capitol Hill for a presser on congressional climate action.

Schumer reiterates commitment to passing ambitious climate action in an infrastructure package. “The Senate will make our largest investments to address climate and environmental justice ever. Ever.” Schumer says he tells his constituents, “Covid was horrible, but if we do nothing on climate each year will be worse than Covid.”
Apr 7, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
My last story at Mother Jones: an unusual snapshot of Wall Street’s interdependence on fossil… Includes JP Morgan's response:
Mar 31, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
tucked away in Build Back Better but a super interesting policy to watch for more details on is the Energy Efficiency and Clean Electricity Standard Biden proposes here, "aimed at cutting electricity bills and electricity pollution, increasing competition in the market" another nugget: The plan explicitly calls for relocation of some vulnerable communities as part of the solution for disaster preparedness, offering "transition and relocation assistance to support community-led transitions for the most vulnerable tribal communities"
Mar 29, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
some news! after four years at Mother Jones, I'm joining the fantastic team at @voxdotcom as a senior reporter covering climate change. I’ve learned so much from my colleagues and editors, especially @kieraevebutler and @szegedym, who've gotten me through covering Trump agencies, the 2020 election, fossil fuel shenanigans, and environmental justice. Will really miss Mother Jones and its mission.
Feb 11, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
I've been working on this new feature for months.

It started with reporting on gas stove influencers. I got my hands on revealing industry emails & unpacked the layers of fossil fuel astroturf using America's favorite appliance to fight climate action… It includes admissions by gas industry veterans downplaying how stoves can cause indoor air pollution linked to all sorts of health problems

“If we wait to promote natural gas stoves until we have scientific data that they are not causing any air quality issues we’ll be done."
Jan 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Trump's damaging agenda on the environment is worse than most people realize. Like his corruption and disregard for other humans, his mission to dismantle the EPA was in plain sight before his 2016 election. Much of the media missed the story your evergreen reminder that Trump had already promised to dismantle the EPA, called climate change a hoax, and promised to leave the Paris agreement, yet none of this was deemed worth the public's attention in presidential debates.
Jan 13, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Trump today is finalizing a surprise rule that bars the EPA from regulating oil and gas and refineries, deeming them "necessarily insignificant" sources of greenhouse gas pollution. The idea Trump is finalizing these short-lived rules only to “to clog up the works and slow the Biden administration down" is sounding more likely every day…
Dec 19, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
here's my rundown of the team and agencies tasked with carrying out Biden's climate plans… Gina McCarthy: "I'm here today because climate change isn't only a threat to the planet, but a threat to our health and well-being. It's a threat to people everywhere and the precious natural resources we depend on."
Dec 14, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Here's my new one on the mystery women of natural gas… I asked LinkedIn's @jessiwrites if she had any idea how her headshot wound up being used by Texans for Natural Gas. When both of us contacted the group, we heard nothing, they only swapped her photo for a new stock image.

It only got weirder from there…