Ky Schevers Profile picture
Humyn-born-humyn/cyborg passing as a transmasc butch/dudedyke Former detrans radfem @HealthLibNow
Jun 6, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
As a former detrans radfem/TERF, anyone interested in “afab-only housing” sounds like a prime candidate for being recruited by TERFs. It could even be a crypto-TERF dogwhistle because a lot of them do like to hang out in radical queer/trans scenes. It's fucking gross in any case. Also I don’t know where people get this idea that only transmasc people who don’t pass are allowed in “afab-only spaces” because I’ve been to plenty of “female-only” gatherings with passable trans men & detrans women. No, they just don’t want trans women & other transfems.
Feb 23, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
This was my initial message to @Vimeo about reporting Affirmation Generation & the response I got. I had multiple people check to see if the flag was there, no one saw one. It appears that it was supposed to be there & whoever responded was worried about potential legal action. Hey there, I found a video that violates your community guidI appreciate that you created guidelines to stop the spread  Darshan B. (Vimeo Trust & Safety)  Feb 22, 2023, 1:31 AM ESFinally, please note that, if you feel threatened, harassed And now the video has been reinstated & the flag button is still missing. Reinstating anti-trans propaganda is bad enough but making it harder to report is even worse. How can I trust @Vimeo when they appear to be giving preferential treatment to activists attacking trans people?
Feb 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Today Affirmation Generation, an anti-trans “documentary” full of conspiracy theorists, conversion therapists, transphobic detrans people & other anti-trans activists is being released on Vimeo. Vimeo has pulled other anti-trans content so lets get this bullshit taken down! Crossed out movie poster re... Among the transphobes featured in the film are Jennifer Bilek, a trans-eliminationist antisemitic ecofascist conspiracy theorist, Joey Brite, an anti-trans activist responsible for organizing protests across the US harassing clinics & medical providers who help trans kids...
Feb 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Members of Our Duty, an anti-trans group largely made up of transphobic parents of trans kids, protested outside of Marci Bowers’ office today, calling Bowers a “butcher”. Our Duty seeks “100% desistance”of trans youth & the destruction of trans healthcare. Instragram post from RevFoxx USA reads revfoxxusa “Marci BAnti-trans activists standing in a line, protesting outside One of Our Duty’s leaders Erin Friday was present & helped lead the crowd in chanting anti-trans slogans. They chanted about preventing both trans youth & autistic adults from transitioning, once again demonstrating the link between transphobia & ableism.
Jan 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I would love to see an in-depth story in the media about how some liberal & progressive parents of trans youth get “radicalized” through transphobia & end up believing conspiracy theories & working with right-wing Christians & even fascists. Where’s that story? For more on the TAnon-style conspiracy theories that many of these anti-trans parent groups believe check out my partner Lee's work from our project @HealthLibNow.…
Jan 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Remember this TERF calling for the elimination of trans women? Her name is Amy Kreit, her son is trans & she was recently in an anti-trans film where she's framed as a “victim” because her kid transitioned. This is the kind of parent the NYT is defending. Tweet by Brandon M Showalter reads Who are the families that Quite a few people who showed up to Kellie-Jay Keen’s anti-trans rallies during her US tour were transphobic parents of trans youth & many talked about how they were “liberals” now feeling like they had no where to turn except to conservatives. And fascists apparently.
Jan 19, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
So the Atlantic article on detransition uses my interview with Slate as an example of “trans rights advocates” attacking detrans people. The thing is I faced retaliation for speaking out in that interview about how my old detrans group hurt people. I did that interview not only to talk about how my detransition was a form of harmful conversion practices but also to take accountability for my own harmful past behavior spreading anti-trans propaganda & recruiting people into a cultish detrans group.
Dec 22, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Oh cool, another article on detransition that doesn't talk about how some detrans groups recruit vulnerable trans people & convince them to engage in conversion practices while also platforming members from such groups & leaving out their anti-trans views/political activism. If we're going to talk about/research detransition, what about experiences like mine? I don't know of research into detransition as a form of anti-trans conversion practice or ideological detrans/ex-trans groups. That's a huge omission if you want to understand what's going on.
Aug 17, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
While Genspect claims that young adults can't make medical decisions for themselves, Genspect member Lynn Meagher is happy to join in a harassment campaign targeting an 18 year old trans woman in Port Townsend, WA. She spoke at a rally in support of the TERF inciting the attacks. Quote Tweet by Genspect reads 18-25 yr olds shouldn't be makScreenshot of a YouTube video of a anti-trans rally in Port Meagher spoke at a rally called by TERFs & right-wingers to defend a woman who verbally attacked a trans girl working at the YMCA in Port Townsend. The woman was banned from the YMCA for her bigoted behavior & most of the community supports the trans girl.…
Aug 15, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Stella O’Malley wrote a response to @thatweirdolee’s article about her in which she defends her statements, including that it’s perfectly reasonable to diagnose trans girls with “autogynephilia” & claim that trans healthcare has been highjacked by “trans activists”. I can’t read her words or think about the leaked audio without being concerned for her trans girl patients. You can’t diagnose someone w/ “autogynephilia” without asking questions about their sex life. I’m disturbed imagining what “therapy” w/ Stella must be like for trans girls.
Aug 14, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
So sometimes ex-trans/detrans people say weird-sounding shit about HRT being like drugs or how the trans community is a cult that brainwashed them, shit that (rightly) sounds very off to most trans people or cis people familiar with the trans community. Based on my experience... ...I think at least some of them are talking like that because they're trying to convince themselves of whatever it is that they're saying. They need to find a way to explain to themselves why being on HRT felt so good or why their past trans identity felt so real.
Jul 30, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
It's both frustrating & amusing seeing GCs & transphobic detrans people get mad about detrans pride flags but defend their lizard symbol when the lizard symbol came from the first detrans pride flag that ever existed! It literally would not exist without a pride flag! Apparently many transphobic detrans people don't even know the history of the symbol that they're using. Like if they think pride flags are bad maybe don't use a symbol that came from a pride flag then?
Jul 30, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I don't see what's radical or feminist about denying people's gender identities or however else they understand their inner sense of self. Denying or suppressing people's inner life is reactionary & authoritarian. What radical fears people's ability to know & name themselves? Telling trans people that our inner sense of gender is unreal & defective & that our bodies/assigned sex are what we really are & that we should work to identify with that is conversion therapy, not feminist liberation. It's psychological abuse, not radical analysis or practice.
Jul 29, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
I wish more cis people would stop freaking out about the potential risks of transitioning & actually give a shit about trans kids being subjected to conversion practices. There are parent groups w/ thousands of members that exist to trade tips on how to make trans kids "desist". Parents are abusing their trans kids to try to change who they are. Why are cis people so worried about trans kids making choices about their own bodies but not adults trying to forcibly change their minds, their very sense of self? Why isn't that horrifying? Where's the outrage?
Jul 28, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The detrans lizard symbol originally came from a pride flag created by a detrans TERF. And it was only supposed to be for detrans women. Anti-trans detrans activists don't even know the history of the symbol they're using or how they're distorting its original meaning. Quote tweet by Tullip/Ritchie reads Nope, no flags. Lizard eTumblr post reads Female Detransition Pride Flag Red: female I'm pretty sure the original lizard is supposed to be a whiptail, one of the species of lizard that are all female & reproduce asexually. Whiptail lizards were popular among lesbian TERFs on tumblr for a while because they saw them as "lesbian separatist" lizards.
Jul 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Jennifer Bilek came up with the whole "synthetic sex identity" thing because she thinks calling trans people trans "promotes gender ideology" but being called a "synthetic sex" just makes me feel like a character in cyberpunk story & kinda badass just for existing. Like you might as well call us "replicants" or "skinjobs". It makes me think of fucking Bladerunner. It's validating in a bizarre way. I've been into trans cyborgs since I was a teen. Seriously, I wrote a paper about trans cyborgs & cyberpunk years ago when I was in college.
Jul 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
The thing that really stands out to me about this bullshit graph is how no women/girls are as masculine as the most masculine of men & vice versa for men/boys & femininity. Aside from being extremely transphobic, it also puts limits on gender nonconformity. Many transphobes can’t deal with the idea of trans women or cis men being as feminine as cis women or trans men or cis women being as masculine as cis men. They think “real” masculinity belongs to cis men & “real” femininity belongs to cis women.
Jul 21, 2022 23 tweets 5 min read
I wouldn't be surprised if ideological detrans/ex-trans groups have a harder time keeping people long-term compared to other parts of the anti-trans movement because trying not to be trans leads to profound psychological distress & dysphoria never actually goes away. I was rereading journals I kept when I was ex-trans & I was suffering the entire time. My dysphoria never went away, instead it increased over time. Interestingly, the time I was most "womyn-identified" & deep into TERF ideology was the time when I was most distressed & suicidal.
Jul 4, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Can confirm that one of the leaders of several online detrans TERF spaces would ask some people to see their birth certificates to prove that they were "really female". She acted like she did this for everyone but really only some people had to show their birth certificates. This typically was only asked of people who "looked male" to this detrans TERF leader who was screening people. She believed that cis men & trans women (but mostly the latter) might try to infiltrate those spaces. Once again transmisogyny leads to gender policing.
Jul 3, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Transphobic detrans activists lie all the damn time & I know this because I used to be one of them! We'd tone down our anti-trans views to get our propaganda in liberal media, influence people working in trans healthcare, try to get presentations at trans health conferences, etc. Tweet by Buck Angel reads So insane how some trans people ju We justified our lies by telling ourselves that the media, healthcare, liberal/leftist society, etc had been "captured" by "trans ideology", tried to frame ourselves as "victims" who were "forced" to be deceptive to avoid being "canceled". Typical reactionary bullshit excuses.
Jun 17, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
Too many cis people are "concerned" about whether there are "too many" young people coming out as trans & transitioning instead of dealing with how young trans people are being harmed by conversion practices. There's a growing network of anti-trans conversion therapy groups. For years transphobic parent groups, conversion therapists & ex-trans/detrans people have been working to restrict access to transition & promote conversion practices instead. They've been trying to influence trans healthcare including groups like WPATH & it's working.