VarunReddy2002 Profile picture
School is Prison
Feb 17, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Pakistan's hidden crime.
So rampant that it is seen as normal.
Oct 16, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
1971 surrender.
The guy signing from the Indian side is JS aurora.
Heavily publicised as some kind of a hero who won India the war.
Actual people who did the planning and those who did most of the work on ground like IV Corps Commander Sagat Singh just stood by watching. He was just given responsibility to coordinate with Mukti Bahini and Sam Manekshaw regularly bypassed him to talk straight with the Chief of Staff.
Oct 7, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
"Misguided boys,Babri made them into terrorists,Army insulted him......"

"Indira Gandhi was the reason for Bhindranwale"

Same arguments.
Ignoring original reason.
Abandoning of Op Vajraban to start Op Bluestar has a reason.
To stop mass killings of Hs planned by Khalistanis. Planning for that and its multiple,independent evidence.

1. Amarjit Kaur
2. Blood,Sweat and Tears(Shekhar Gupta)
3. Intelligence reports
Jun 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
How can RW worship Vajpayee while abusing Nehru?

Nehru allowed Partition.
Vajpayee went to Pak and said that Pak is a nation and that it needs nobody's endorsement thereby legitimising Pak.

Nehru abandoned Tibet,lost a war.
Vajpayee legitimised the occupation of Tibet by China. Nehru took an internal problem to UN.
Vajpayee repeatedly talked about his Kashmiriyat g*ndugiri even after terrorism.

Nehru unilaterally damaged India's position in first Indo-Pak war.
Vajpayee forced Ind Army not to cross the LoC thereby wasting a great opportunity.