RPD Profile picture
Just a dude and a dad who swallowed to pill; documenting my personal journey in pick-up, game, women, and life.
Mar 12, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
1) Age & attractiveness 🧵:
Men are attracted to women who are FERTILE. If you strip away the number & only judged women by attractiveness, men would choose women who appear to be fertile--strongly correlated w/ youth--ask any OBGYN: after 35, it's risky/difficult to have kids. 2) Proof: take 10 women from ages 18-30, put them in a lineup dressed similarly, & people would NOT be able to accurately guess their age or put them in chronological order w/ accuracy. Ask any bartender or server who is constantly IDing people: numerical age is hard to judge!
Mar 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1) I don't use OF, or porn--I have a GF & we have amazing sex, so I'm good.
2) Hilarious you use the "why are you so angry" trope--I'll add that to my posts on how women use social communication to manipulate people. TY 🙏
3) Where is her agency? Doesn't she have a choice? Again: are women adults who can make their own decisions & live w/ the consequences, or not? My exp w/ women tells me they are, but I constantly see messaging from "feminists" & MSM that seem to contradict the idea the women are intelligent beings who can make adult decisions.
Oct 15, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Seems it's being forgotten, so let's go through some very basic premises of Game (aka PUA):

1) Assume the attraction. Assume the girl likes you & wants to fuck. Maybe she doesn't, but you'll figure that out when you talk to her. 2) When in doubt, qualify. Why is she doing what she's doing. Why is she interesting/cool/fun? Ask her questions that force her into your frame.