ribka (THEY/THEM) Profile picture
revolutionary love, disabled militancy.
Feb 26 6 tweets 2 min read
I believe aaron bushnell’s actions were meant to spark a wildfire controversy among his peers in the active military, leading to mass internal revolt. though an imperial core foot soldier can never be a liberator, his uniform purposefully sent a message we should not ignore (1/2) in his own words, he KNEW he was complicit in genocide. his uniformed peers are complicit in genocide. from his short statement on extreme protest, I want to infer he did not want to be upheld as more radical or courageous than any of the 35,000 Palestinian martyrs.
Feb 6 6 tweets 2 min read
the reality most people refuse to recognize is disabled people are being forced into INDEFINITE isolation.

your choice to abandon organizing for COVID-sick pay protections, air purification in public spaces, policies to at least mandate masks in HOSPITALS means that (1/2) the amerikan left accepted a permanent, invisible (but growing) underclass of disabled people who can’t engage or step foot in public society again as an agreeable loss. society chose to stop caring and forced us to carry the burden of isolation for the rest of our lives