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Jul 31 14 tweets 3 min read
Today @daylightenergy_ is announcing their $9M Series A led by a16z

Even more excitingly they are finally sharing more about the next gen distributed energy platform they've been building for the last two years

1/ Some more on our thesis and why we're so excited 2/ Testnet of the Daylight protocol is now live - you can start earning rewards by connecting a distributed energy device to their mobile app
Jul 12 26 tweets 5 min read
Leaving cold, rainy Brussels for sunnier shores

Vibe check from ETH CC was decently positive - there are plenty of pockets of optimism (s/o @megaeth_labs)

But there is definitely still plenty of uncertainty (and maybe boredom)

1/ Some takeaways over waffles/lambics/fries 2/ IMO most valuable part of crypto conferences is getting a vibe check

Are people excited? If so, about what?

People can say they ignore crypto prices all they want, but in my experience vibes tend to have a strong positive correlation with price!
Jun 28 16 tweets 4 min read
This cycle's focus on points has helped fuel the current lame pvp vibe - 🤞🏼 Blast TGE is the end of it

There are so many exciting $1B+ opportunities in expanding crypto's TAM - let's work on these!

1/ Here's why we should move on - and where the exciting opportunities are 2/ People have debated why this cycle feels cooked, pvp, unexciting

Building GTM strategies around points is circular - teams chase the same 10k mercenary users

That focus is way better spent on truly novel crypto use cases. Build those and the users will come
Jun 6 32 tweets 6 min read
Crypto is back. Crypto vc funds are hiring again

Have gotten pinged last few weeks asking for advice on getting these roles

Can't give succinct advice but I can write 30 tweet threads

1/ Here's rough story of Lattice and the mistakes and lessons along the way 2/ Journey starts in 2016, moved to SF to work on venture team at AngelList

Had been working in tech in NYC and had spent prior 6 months failing to try to start a company

So I needed $ + a job + thought of learning more about vc was appealing after 75+ vc's had turned me down
May 10 24 tweets 8 min read
We just had top ETF launch ever, BTC emissions halved, Trump's gone full degen, and you're bearish??

Investors are projecting their own misery, not doing objective analysis

1/ Let's crack a cold beer on this sunny Friday, relish how far we've come, and how far we have to go 2/ Every bull market has had months of chop

This one is no different

There are two ways to look at this current moment

(A) Reversion to quality
(B) All infra VC tokens are fucked

A is right. Choose rich [ shoutout @chooserich ]
May 3 20 tweets 6 min read
Why is this cycle cooked? Why is everyone miserable?

We can distill all of our problems down to the fact that retail can no longer make real money in the current market structure

1/ Some jumbled thoughts on returning to our roots and unfucking the current cycle 2/ The answer to why retail isn't here this cycle is so utterly simple

It's because there are no more 500x's in 'trad' crypto markets like infra tokens

And there is now a more fun casino, with better memes, right around the corner

Apr 25 26 tweets 7 min read
The biggest winners of this cycle will be apps that vertically integrate and build on-chain biz models

As web3 infra becomes increasingly commoditized, distribution is THE thing that matters

1/ Here is how consumer apps are quietly eating infrastructure 2/ Apps will finally have their day by commoditizing the crypto infra stack and vertically integrating

Attention, Distribution, Brand

These are what matters in this industry and the leading apps have it in spades
Apr 19 49 tweets 10 min read
The current structure of token launches is feeding a 'down only' paradigm where prices will get rekt

Tokens launch at a high FDV, slowly bleed out as airdrop recipients sell, and then collapse as VC's unlock

1/ Some jumbled thoughts on how to unfuck the current paradigm 2/ @MikeZajko always describes worst case scenario for a teams token trajectory as the ICP chart

If your token price looks like this, you are fucked long term Image
Apr 12 23 tweets 5 min read
I spent the week talking to founders, VC's, and family offices in Hong Kong

It was my first time in Asia in a crypto context and utterly fascinating

1/ Here's what I learned over many dim sum meals 2/ My conversations generally focused on three categories:

-Crypto adoption in Asia
-How Asian allocators are approaching crypto
-Macro backdrop/where we are in the cycle
Apr 5 23 tweets 5 min read
Spent a few days this week skiing with some crypto VC's and folks who allocate to crypto venture

There are some common themes on everyone's mind

1/ This is what crypto vc's are chatting about over $11 coors lights 2/ The industry meta ATM is to what extent 'useful projects' are currently being built

And whether it matters at all

No one has captured this better than Travis:

Mar 25 39 tweets 8 min read
One of the easiest ways to get rekt in crypto is making the right directional bet but placing the wrong wager

You can get rekt by introducing embedded risks

You can get rekt by trying to minimize downside

1/ Some jumbled thoughts on how to properly express market views 2/ One of the most frustrating mistakes we've made is making the right directional bet but placing the wrong wager to capture the upside

You need to make sure that your bets express your market views as purely as possible
Mar 18 40 tweets 9 min read
It is widely accepted that the way to make money in VC is to be contrarian and right

This is absolutely false in crypto venture - all that matters is your ability to front run the narrative

1/ Some jumbled thoughts on the bizarre memetic economy we call home 2/ In VC the common logic is that being right is not enough - if many other investors share the same outlook, it will be priced in

This more or less applies the efficient market hypothesis to private markets

Mar 12 36 tweets 8 min read
Will applications finally have their day?

Will cash flows every matter in crypto?

How many times can we run back the infra play?

1/ Some jumbled thoughts on where opportunities lie in this cycle... 2/ Historically the way VC's framed opportunities in the crypto market was around applications vs protocols

In the modern internet era, applications (Google) had captured much more value than protocols (HTTP)

Apps are where VC's had made money - Ebay, Facebook, Google
Mar 5 46 tweets 8 min read
ETH Denver is in the rearview mirror

All the VC's got in a weekend of skiing right after

We can now focus on where the markets go from here

1/ Some jumbled thoughts on public mania and how to play its spillover into the private markets 2/ As an aside, can confirm that Snowbasin was absolutely firing this weekend

But let's get back to business Image
Feb 22 42 tweets 8 min read
Where are we in the market cycle?

Why are crypto VC’s embracing meme coins?

Will any of this stuff ever do anything?

1/ Some jumbled thoughts about the middle of the curve 2/ Crypto venture as a weird hybrid of classic venture investing (is this founder exceptional?) with penny stock tracking (can a retail audience get excited about the 92nd L2?)
May 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
There's lots of talk about where we are in the cycle - I think we're in Q1 2019

Apathy is setting in, unclear horizon for short term catalysts, and clear headwinds for capital inflows

Looking back at the last cycle provides the clearest indication of where we go from here

2/ Full thoughts here:…