Software developer #Scala #Haskell #FP Also love games and learning languages.
Apr 5, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
There's one project at work that I wrote in Clojure years ago. I touch it maybe once or twice a year, and I always feel uneasy doing so.
I really, really don't like making changes to it. I thought I'd update some of the dependencies and it was a nightmare.
It's like what am I doing with my time? Why am I spending so much time tracking down why the app blows up because some function went from variadic keyword arguments to a vector or some such. It's just a change in shape. Types + a compiler would make dealing with this trivial.
Dec 8, 2019 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
Finally finished converting a 220k LOC codebase at work to ZIO. It was a ton of work but totally worth it in my opinion. I learned a lot in the process too. Thanks for the awesome library @jdegoes and all the #zio contributors. @adamfraser too for being so helpful on Discord.
@jdegoes@adamfraser Technically you can introduce ZIO gradually into your project, and I have done that successfully before, but I went all-in because I wanted to leverage all of ZIO's capabilities in the project and not just in certain "islands" of code. Removing some 2.12 deps was a plus too.